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7 JUN 18 BEC'O Tcli'plwni': (-10-/ J r, 88 -8 7 78 ational ) So11th£'m N egio 1111I q(fice Cl;.ircnce D. Colcm a11, Diri!c/Or I 36 /l·fariell a S tri'e l . N. W. A 1/11111,1, Geo r g ia ] 0303 June 17, 1969 Mr. JohnPy Johnson Director Hodel Cities Prog::run 673 Capitol Avenue, S. W, Atlanta, Georgia 30315 Dear Mr. Johnson: As a follow-up of our recent Executive Board meeting of Model Cities, I am in the process of developing a statement which I hope to discuss with the committee which was established at the last meeting concerning the pe . ·s onnel pra ctices of the Model Cities Board and Sub-Contractors of the Model Cities Program. It will be helpful if you would shar e with me at your earliest convenience a comple te roster of the Mod el Cities staff which indicates the race, sex, salary, job title, and other related information. Also, I would appreciate it if you would indicate which of the present employees were residents of the Model Cities area at the time of employment. I would need the same information with regard to the staff of the Sub-Contracting agencies of the Model Cities project tha t would help the committee to determine to what ex tent Sub- Contractors at pt to employ Model Cities residents. Cla ence D. Coleman Sou hern Regional Director ) CDC/all Boarcl of Trust ees Pre!>iclenr Treasurer JAM E S A. LI NEN !\·! o rris B. Abra m 1rs. M a x Asrn li Assistan t Treasu rer William M. Batte n L F.S L!E N . SHAW Vivi~.n J. De:.i.mon Mrs. Ha ley Bell Ed gar M . Bronfm a n Ex,·c11ti1•e Direc to r WHITNEY M. YOUNG, JR. Chesie r Burger Barbara Bunon Kenncih W. Clemen! D a niel A. Collins Mil ton K. Cummin gs S enio r Vice- President RAMON S. SCRLGGS Vice- Fresh/en ts JOII N 1-1 . J Ol-1 :--JSON LO U IS E . MAR f'I N MARTIN E. SEGAL Secretary £RSA II. POSTON IV AN C . M c LEOD Wendell G. Frecla.nt! A . G . G as io n. Sr. J o hn A. Grono us ki Ch a rl es H am ilto n Pa.ul Ji.:nnin ~s

\l a r1in D . Jenkin s

T a lm at!~e Kenly '-'1rs. nhur H. Krim Ro bert Laza rus. Jr. ln abcl R. Lind sa y Henr y A. Loeb St a nley Ma rc us \ ·! rs . O . Cl ay M ax well . Sr. Floyd J. McCrce D o nalt! H. ~lcG a nn o n Iv a n C. ~kL cot! \ •!rs. Le M . .\l er\' iS G. Willi a m :\!til er James F. Oates, Jr. FrcJcrid.: (J'Ncal Henry G . P:;rks . Jr. Bis ho p Ha ro ld IC Perry, S .V.D. Contributions to th e Natio nal Urban L eague a; ·e tax cleduc tible Sa muel D . P rono r Clay!o n R. Yates Fran cis S. Quillan \I r, .. nrucc Zenk e! Henr y J. Richard son. Jr. D wigil t II.. Zr>o k Lesli e N . Sh a w As h by G. Sm it h. Sr. H (>11orury Tru :;tce< David Sulli ,·a n \\' 11.L! A~l H . H.\ LO\\'l:S: \!rs. Ar1hur Ochs SLil Lht.: rl,!c r ROBEK 'I W. Dt,WL!:S.G Willi a m J. Tren t. jr. LLOYD K . G RRI SO:-S Edward ~1. Tuft TH EO DO R E W. K II EEL Kalie E. Whick ha m LINDSLE Y F . K l ~lU ,\LL Leonard W oodcock H E ' I,\' STEEGER �