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June 2-. 1969 D r . Richar d Wilson S chool of Arc hitecture Georgi a 1n titute of Technol ogy Atlanta, Georgia 30332 De r Dr . Wilson: The work b ing don by your tudent s in the new Model Citi s " involvement" pi-oj ct is of great interest to those of u ln gover.nm nt involved in the Model Cities P1·0gra.m. F o r eom tim.e, it hae be n my feel ing ihat our cad mic iJl titutions could s t"ve the community n d th b tudents much more effectively if endemic curricul could b contempb r ry probl m s nd projects. ge red to Th r sults of s uch ork ehou.ld be m d v ll bl to inter ted overnment o~ coxnmunlty 1 ders so that the ln.novations of the youthful l'nind c,,f th coll g tud nt can b sh red by tho responelbl for bwJ.clin pro rams for he good of the total .eo~unity. l wieh for your s \Id nt success in their unde~ lng and I hop it h ju t th b 1lnnlng of many othe proj cts in which the City can s r • Slnc r ly yo\U" , Dan Sw at DS•fy �