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'I ' J!!:::;/c.jli. 1 i.1. ,; I ~I ~... v.½ ~ :,,. / ) ' m-,1 C!J~ ..;J ,u,.-.ri:'r J c,i,,,, j ~f Mvle.L tl,_,;,, f--,;e--.1-- . • /j/Jil/vi-. . \\ Citizens of Hodel Cities m·e now rightly p2l'ticipatini in activities ·nhich aim to do j_r:m1edintely what ~ be done ir.1medintely--~-uhile planning fo1' the future. They are tired of b8in 6 the passive subject of surveys and pl~ns th at bring no . immediate benefits-But as they move fo r·wa::cd by self determine d pract ical steps--~as citizens of the State of Georgia, tlv:::y rrill expec'c, to t ake advantage of c111 the new syste;;JS e.nd devices th at moder n technology can cor.ie up uith to meet their needci .nd requirements-and to benefit fro:-11 tha State's investment in Technological Research and Education. Jill hm-1~ ~ lrrio~ern technology"iD no1;1 oriented to oth8:r~ tbin;f~--"to fue middle class .~. "incentive" values of suburb.sn affluent living---a.'1d the "sccurity11 veh,es of making yP,.~ ..c Her. It is r,ot yet oric!ltec1 :.o the needs ~nd requirements of 11 l1odcl Cities"--- nnd has no on-going progr:im , in this urea, that cnn now come up with spectacular advances at shor t inl.erval s---such as occur in the other area s. . . • M(l,<M-\ ~h.:.e..;r-tte • h_,._ C4\,\,, .,;:_ ·1 Natio;ial l{odel Ci ties and similar programs are jio..-1 ~r s o vast and cri tical to t be tfatlon , tho.t t ~cbnology is noH oblit::ed to b ecome oriented to them-- -. and ready to S8rve the Citizens ·1.ho live there . Atlanta'c i-focbl Cities progrc:.m ha s th e opportunlt,y ,3nd thows the promise of leading the nation-- a.nd Georgia Tech w:i.shes to do its part in this by providing .the t echnolc~~cally-~a~ed education and in~ovative researc h that is needed to do this job. Such new purpose and dire ction can act as a great incentive to help raise our levels of acade~1ic achi~vemcnt-- and. our students will be better citizens b~cause of their ir.volvement in it. One thi ng in particular has to be ~aid about .this~-:·· We should not ever imagine Georgia Tech!s store of technological experti~e to be like the wealth of some rich family, readj --to nrnke charitable gifts to poor . . ' relations. 0 The shoe may well be on the other foot. Tech very much needs new challenges

that are commensurate with its r es ources-- and the challenge of the 'Hodel Cities' program~ in this sense something of a gift to Georgia Tech$ Our association with Hodel Cities- canoe much more fruitful to us thnn simiiar association with Urban Renewal has been in the past. ·•Hodel Cities ' has the built~in capac:tty to succeed where previous programs pr oved a~ortive. This is because of its bnsic principle of Citizen participation and its total integration of Social economic and physical i mprovement measures. What this architecture class is attempting, is n relatively small project, to oH~ �I- be explored ~nd developed at a high speed-- as these -things Go---- but it is import ant ·to us at Georgia 'i'ech, because it c an prepare the r1ay for ckcp0r studies. Our immediate assets he,.'e are: 1) Students, ms;nbers of the AIA National Student Organizv.tion1--t,iho have asked to be gi-.ren this kind of J<.ask in their ·classes--- They are nlready motivated. 2) Curr ent clirr.2.te cf oi;;inion that sees improved educational values in this kind. of project~--- rihen prop.2;rly organized. 3) People who know the difficulties uo face in attempting this--c1rc ,'::q'.!.:i.J 1p ~d ~;20. r e t!dy to giv0 us all the help t, hey c an and p The students ;rill prorlnce rcpo:rtG and graphic displays coverinf; survey a.nd ~ , . -.s,::::=::=.,~ . . , - ; , - ~_:.:,- = r . ~ - =z,,;;.:;w---=:=r.z~~;;-..._i ~--::::X::~-::;.~ ' ~ ~ ~~ . . _..:..=:--:-:.::A.. -C:Sal!.~'-:t"___;. - ~ ~alysis oi the he alth :3.3rvice ne eds D.nd ·posGi'vilit:i.ca .for moeting the se riith ~~-~ servic~s

=:c :r . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . : a - ~c::,,..,. . . - : ~ o : u ~ ~ : : : r r c r e : : n , ~, u ~·c=-:,-' -a""~""'1;~iTi ties . '!'he study will also, of course, includ~ projt;cted designs ~ ~ r---:r::::a =r:::t

for msjor h82l th service '.>uil(1ngs, with emph a.d!: on th~ "t;Se of ~ec-2!2_,t~ de~e-JQ.1?_0~

-- - --- - - - 1,e-chn1.ques.. likely to -15e- -r-:."o st appropiate ·in -this ·situation, a8 well as of i ruaginative • ~ I but basically practical ir:novc!tionE: . . ~ The presentation prcducts eiilerr,ing froJ1 th•3 study will ba as .follows : brochl,_re. S8 rics of synchronized audio ta p'3 Ll;Jld sli1.bs for audi tcrium · presentation. -=-=-=,==,, 3) A .. Utilizat,io~ of these products will be c1s follows : a ) Fdi.:cational U 3 e -f,_q.r_fut ur<:..-S.l~ ~~s, not only to c c;!lmunic~te valuable knm-1lcdge of this area of public ne ed, but also as a stimnlus and guide for those Trlaking sirnila:!" studies in .other .,. . . areas of n eed • · b) For pr3,,9J,.i,.9J. Jl~...E:.£!!,~_fil...g9._.~s in architecture, city_planning, er.gineering, TGedicina and heal t h services------ to promote and facilitate better understanding of the needs and possibilities for effective acticn, including inte1·discipl:i.nary colaboration ( such as mutally

··· --a dvantcigeous •.:<fa.pt. aticnof VJ.rious asr,ect solutions I to allow for

their consol.idc1.tion in a unified total assembly) . ··- ·:.-·cf·F or lo cal leaders and ·citizens - - as a n aid to democr atic de cision- mak.. __._ing,inan on- going process of co!TI!lluni ty impr ovement. " �