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May 21. 1969 Mr . Mason L. Wyatt Deputy Dirvctol' Model Cities Department City of Lawton 1202 Lee Boulevatd Lawton , Oklahom 73501 De r Mr . Wyatt: Mayor Allen h s sked me to answer your letter of May 14 ; requesting information on Atlanta 's city government organization. I m afr id that any information we might try to compile would be 0£ limited b nefit to you in pl nning yollr Model Cities program. However, the U . S. Dep rtment of Houslng and Urban Development has recently r 1 as d history and analysis oi the planning pl'Oc s in 3 M od l Clti s. Th y wer th fir t 3 cities sel cted - Atl nt , Se ttle; and Dayton. This study contain i.nforma.tion on th City of Atl nta's governm nt org niz tlon and the process we w nt th.rough in putting togeth ?' th Mod l Citi s program. I beU v thls will b of much more v lu to you than anything 1 might be bl to upply. If you do not hav a copy, you may obtain on by writing HUD or to the Superintendent of Documents . U. S. Gov ,:nm nt Printing Offlc • Washington, D . C. 20402 (Gov rnm nt Prillting Office # 0 .. 39 .... 676). Sincer ly yours. Dan Swe t DS:fy �