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MI NUTE ~ S- MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD EXECUTIVE BOA..~D Wednesday, May 14, 1969 10:30 a~rn. The monthly meeting o.f the Model Neighborhood Executive Board was held on Wednesday, May 14, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. in Com..~ittee Room #2, City Hall. The following membars were present: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman Mrs. Mattie Ansley Mr. Clarence Coleman Alderman E. Gregory Griggs Mr • John Hood Alderman G. Everett Millican Mr. J. D. Newberry Deacon Lewis Peters Dr. c. Miles Smith Mr. Bill c. wainwright Mrs. Martha Weems Mr. J. c. Whitley Absent: Mr. Sam Caldwell Mr. Walter Mitchell Other City Department Heads; representatives from Arthur Andersen and Company, Eric Hill Associates and the Atlanta Housing Authority; representatives from neighborhood organization; the general public and the press were also present. Vice Chairman Everett Millican called the meeting to order. He then entertained a motion for the adoption of the April 15 Minutes. It was so moved and unanimously approved without correction. The Chairman, Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., then proceeded with the meeting. REPORT OF THE MASS CONVENTION STEERING COMMITTEE Deacon Peters stated that he had no report of the Mass Convention Steering Committee because of the postponement of the regular meeting of the convention. �Page Two NEW BUSINESS The Mayor read the letter received from Floyd H. Hyde, Assistant Secretary for Model cities, which stated that "the city of Atlanta comprehensive city demonstration program has been approved and that a grant agreement in the amount of $7,175,000 has been authorized for carrying out the first year action program." The Mayor congratulated Mr. Johnson and the Model Cities Staff for making Atlanta one of the first three cities in the nation to receive funds for implementation of its Model Cities Program. He th~n moved that the Aldermatic Board be asked for a resolution accepting the grant agreement. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. REPORT FROM MAYOR ON REVIEW COMMITTEE PROCEDURE FOR EXECUTION OF DELEGATE AGENCY CONTRACTS The Mayor reported that the Review Committee that was authorized at the last meeting has met three times to review the projects contained in the program. The members of the committee are: Dr. C. Miles Smith, Mrs . Martha Weems, Alderman Everett Millican, Mr. Walter Mitchell and the Mayor. The committee has reviewed over fifty percent of the projects and will continue to have review sessions in the coming weeks. Mr. Johnson had previously suggested that since the staf f must review each project f or f inal action before implementation that the s taff be allowed to make recommendations to the Review Committee for actbn. Mr. Wainwright moved that this procedure be appr oved. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved without discussion . REPORT FROM FINANCE COMMITTEE ON DESI GNATI ON OF BANK FOR GRANT FUNDS Ma yor Alle n reported for t h e Fina nce Commi tte e on the designation of t h e bank to receive the letter o f credit for t he $7, 175, 000. It was the recommendation of the Committee that t h e Citizen ' s Trust Company be the designated bank. Alderman Griggs moved that the Board accept the recommendation of the committee. The motion was seconded and unanimou sly approved. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT AGREEMENT Mr. Johnson explained that it would be necessary to draw up a new resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with the Federal Government because of some changes by the Nixon Administration in the handling of the fundso The money allocated under the �r Page Three grant agreement was allotted by components rather than projects and this called for some changes in the wording of the resolution. Mr. Wainwright moved that a new resolution be adopted to be in keeping with the requirements of HUD. Mr. Coleman asked if line items were transferable. J:vlr. Johnson answered that line items were transferable by 10% or $100,000, whichever is less. Mr. Coleman then asked who was authorized to make adj.u stments or transfers. It was concluded from the discussion that followed that the Staff and the Executive Board could make recommendations to the Board of Aldermen for any adjustments in a line item. The previous motion by Mr. Wainwright was then seconded and approved unanimously by the Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Johnson presented two groups to give reports to the Board. Mrs. Roslyn Walker, Evaluation Analyst-Model Cities Staff and Mr. Dave Houser of Arthur Andersen & Company presented a report on the Evaluation and Management Information Systems. Mrs. Walker outlined the staff activitie s to date with i t s latest work being the preparation of an evaluation framework for the Model Cities Program projects. Mr. Houser explained the management information and control system. He presented a sl ide presentation o f the actual print -out from the computer of the fi nancial and evaluation reports of the projects in the program. Mr. Louis Dismuke s and Mr . Paul Muldawer presented the report on the housing study, "Lowering the Cost of Housing", which was compiled by Eric Hil l Associates . The study was a research study to provide background information on the problem of housing in the Model Neighborhood Area. Mr. Dismukes listed the procedure followed in conducting the study and the conclusions drawn from the study. Some of the conclusions were: ( 1 ) there are no easy answers (2) the cost of housing can be reduced about 30 or 40 percent by (a) inducing new technologies, (b) removing local constraint~ (c) programming housing production to the needs of individualized families and (d) using maximum housing assistance programs. Mr. Muldawer discussed various housingpatternsthat could be applicable to certain neighborhoods in the Model Neighborhood Area. A discussion followed after the presentation which resulted in Mr. Hood suggesting that the Physical Planning Committee of the Board work with the consultants and review the proposals in the study and bring a report back to the Board. Mr. Coleman then moved that the report be accepted as information and be referred to the Physical Planning Committee for consideration . The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. �Page Four Mr. Coleman also moved that the City Attorney be asked to give a ruling on who has the authority to ma1<e adjustments in line item contained in the budget. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Griggs said that he had been contacted by Mr. Clarence Ezzard concerning Southside Day Care Center, which is located in the Model Neighborhood Area. He stated that the Board should give some statement as to whether Mr. Ezzard's center will be included in the program. Mr. Johnson stated that it was the recom.rnendation of the Model Cities Staff to proceed with the Day Care Program as it is outlined in the comprehensive plan, which excludes Mr. Ezzard's program. Southsid e Day care Center is funded already by EOA and it is expected that they will maintain their effort. Mr. Coleman moved that the Executive Board meet with the Board of Trustee of Southside and make some decision at t he next meeting. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Mr. Millican sugge sted that in the future consultant reports be given at meetings separate from general business meetings so as to conserve time. Mr. John son introduc ed the latest addition to the Model Cities Staff who is Mr. Frc11k Keller, Physical Planner . The meeting was adjourned at 1 2:2 0 p .m . APPROVED: Johnny-- ,C. John"Son, Director Mode l cities -Program · Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman Mode l Neighborhood Executive Board �