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., • ,f' 0 \ TCE OF c1n -CLF.RK ----- - --- · --- r. CITY HALL A\ .MITA., CEDRGIA.. A RESOLUTION BY PLAN r--JIN G AND DEVt . ':> PMENT COMM ITTE E WHEREAS , pu rsu~· t to a re solution a dop ted by the Boord of Aldermen on Morc'i 6, 1967 , th e City of \ Ionto has subm itte d on opp l ic.o t io n to the Federa l • Deportment of Housing a nd Urba, 1evelopme nt for a ~ode i Cities pla nning grant under Title I of the Demonstrat i on ·. i• ie s a nd M etropo l i tan Ot>velopme nt Act of 1966 and, WHER EAS, the an noun_e · 11t of those cities .,.,h:c h ho ve bee n chosen ' to re,:ei v., ~vc'i grants was made Nove ·_- '6, 1?67 anrl WrlEREAS, Atl anta i.-. an ,A stortec ri~REAS, it is impo , to • f.!d 1otely ~ince th1; pl,,-,,, Jr•;• H,J, r1 o:,6


th, F 1 --., i te j t I ~ , !l ~,/',; , ·, t~ ,. In on E.l(e 1.- '1·. e Boo rd com p:::>,;e 1i •r ' 1 1\t ... I },*"1Qd t•.J · 'a •f,a J C:' A;! O'l l u of this p1og rom be ·v, and, the auth o rity n~mbers of th e Boord .,, (li a1 rman of th ~ Fu l ton Cou;-;ty (._ ..,, to ssiu ,. ) ll' member tor.,.

pp::1··t .j,

' e rn or; an d th ree members I repre:,e ;' he private sector of the (Ommur ,ity, en .. :•o - .,e g en e ra l pub lic , one from c.•o'·g the City ' s Negro 1-?adtrship a ·,d Are11 re~iaf:' r,Jr, •I-, .,. Mode l N e ighbor hood 1•s. "~aw , THEREFORE, Alde rme:-- rhut th e ~ode I I BE Ir RESO LI· Nej gh92 ho.:>d E..<ec e!lrpose of adminis tering the pl unde r Title ,-p Jt:. r · c 30<.• ~ 1,:-:1or and Board of 1$ iereby c re a ted fo r the n n ing phase of sJct !' ,~ yr ... hi.c h is conduc ted of the Demonstra t ion Ci t ies a nd Me tr0pu' 1ta11 Develo pm ent A ct o f 1966 , common ly known as the Model Citie s Program , and for wh ich fe de ra l financial ass istance js cc:se ixerl THAT the Model Neighborhood Execut ive Boord shol I be composed of the Ma yo r of th e City of Atlanta, who shall serve a s Cha irma n; two members of the t I �~· , ... .• ... · - .. ~ .. .i ...... ~ l' t • -2.. ' Boord of Aldermen, to be se l c ted by the me mbersh ip of that body, one of which .. . shall be from among those mem\ rs representing th e first and fourth wards; the President of the Atlanta School \1oard; the Chairman of th e Fulton County Commissicn; . one member to be appo inted by the Governor; and th ree me mbe rs to represe nt th e private sector of th e communi ty , ,,e to be appointed by the Mayor from th e .genera l public, one to be appointee. by the Mayor fro'm among the City•s Ne gro leadership, and one to be selected b> and from the mem be rshi p of a committee to be forme d repr esenting the citizens of the Model Neighborhood Area (Model Neighborhood Area Cou nc i I) . THAT the Model Ne ig hb9rh ood Exec u tiv e Boord sh all have th e authori~ and responsi b jlity for admin is tering the planning phase o f th e Cityts Model by the project staff a nd th e re conc i I inu f c on fl ictiqg plans, goals , progrgijl s, priorities and ti me schedu le s oft the re spo nsjbi l ity for recommendin g to the Board o f Aldermen the gJ location of crggt ~ s recei ved for th is program from the Fe de ra l Gove rnmen t . THAT the Mayor is re quested to ma ke such , ppoi ntments as he is a u thor ized to make under th e above provisions and is furthe r requested to contact th e Fu lton County Commission, the Atlanta Board of Educa ti on and the Governor of Georgia, and to request that they make appointments to the Model Neighborhood Execu t ive Boord in conformance with the above prov is ions. ADOPTED BY BOARD OF ALDERHEN NOVDiBER 20, 1967 APPROVED ~OVF.MBER 20, 1967

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