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.. ., ,.. OitFICE ·oF CITY ·CLEifJ( _____ . CITY HI\LL ATLANTA, GEORGIA - -· ·---- - - - - - --- -- ---·- --· .. . . ·--· - ·- ·- - ·--- -···--· ·· ·- ·-·- ··- - - -· - . A RESOLUTI or BY PLAN !'~ !~ G ·. ND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHER i. ,\S, pursuant to a resolution adopted by tl: e Boord of Alde rmen on March 6, 1967, ; 1e City of Atlanta has submitted on application to the Federal I Departm e nt of Housir' _\ and Urban Development for a ~ode I _ Cities planning grant uncle( Title I of the De,·. onstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 and, WHEREAS, tt 1° announcement of those cities which have be~ ,1 chosen to receive such grants was , ·:::ide November 16, 1967 and, · WHEREAS, Atl c ,~a is among thos~ cii ;es c i··;-~e . · and, WHEREAS, it is ir-, pc, rtant that the plc nro ing ph a~ of this program be started immediately since this ( -. -:ise ;, limited to a cn e year ~riod and, WHEREAS, in its opf. !icotion the City pr c;.:,0s~d ~fiat the o u tb.,osl.!Y in an Ex ecut ive Board composed ::,f the fv',::J /Or of Atlant ,. ~ t-....,:, memben .::,f the Board ~,:,:.~ of Alde rm en. the Pres ident of th,; Atlanta Sc hool Soc rd, County Com m issio n; one membe r to be oppr.·;n te d b:, tr-,, ,.. C~o irm ,rn of ~he Fulton Nern,::, r; and three members to represe nt the private sec tor of the c omm uni ty; o n e f rcn, + e generci pub li c, one from am o ng th e City•s Negrc le a dership end one fr v r : -,e Model !'fo ighbo rhood Area resid ents. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL V ED t.: 1 ;; , ':! t .~o yor and Soa rd of under Tit le I of the D e monstra tion Cities and Merro.t..---· o0 ! :ic::·, o~._"~l o;:;,m;:.• -, r _A. c t o f .__.._____..._ _ _ __ .._,..,,_,_


--- _ _ _commo ____


_ _ _a_ _ __ _ __ -« · - a r.d fo r whi c h -- -~ ~ "c " ial ""' 1966, n ly nown s_ th e_M ode l Citie s Program, fo-J ~r.JI firon -- assistanc e i.u:e..--e i,),le.d . THAT th e M cx:.le l N e i ghborhocd Ex ecutiv e ecc .- 3 shall b e c om?Os:-! d of th e M ayor of the "City of Atlanta, who shall serve as Choi rmo n; t,.vo m em~'·~rs o f th e ·, _) �,, -: ·.-1, --·· --.. , ,">-'- ·

.,,., ,.

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, ,_ '· ·": \-·, ~--. ..--~~r-.. i ·~/;~!·_ ,r:i : Boar d of A! df:rrn e n, to be selected by the member ), shall b::,c /, one of which be fr om am ong those members representing t~ e f; : :::·.d fo,;rth words; the t!11: Presid ent of the Atlanta School Board; the Choirmori Fulron County Commissic-n; l one member to be appointed by the Governor; c:··,• ·, ,:-- :-1, '-• ,11\.:.,~ rs to represent the private sec to~ of the commu_n ity, one to be opp<., : ' , ,.,! • .. ge ne ral p .J b !;c , one to be appointed 1 .i ~'/ •h,- Mayor from the C· ,l


by the .~.,k 1 , '.rorr, C ' )!c:f'. 9 the City's Negro leodershi i-,. and one to be se lected by a nd fr c rr i; ,_. T«.'"lLt · ~!, ,p c,f a committee to

,~ , , i ··. tme·; t s

be as he is Fulton C c !; ' ry Comrn;ss ion , the At !.; _· 1 -:J . Boord __r

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m d_J_he G overnor

of G eers · .: . .ind to request th c t the ;, ,,a!..:e op p-:-- -, t,.,_,. ~ ~: ~'-- e .V .,)de I Neighbo rhood -I - ·· -., ADOPTED BY BOARD CF .:,lt Ef..~J:\' r-.-CYE.'<BF.R 20, 1967 -¼/'· ·~.true APPROVED ~OVEHBER 20, 1967 - , ,/ '· ..:, .- it . ,: ,. ' -t f~· J. e:/" · ·- - . ,.',. ·.-' ···- - -- --- ----- - -- �