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FEB 7 196!f 2/h/69 .. •.·

RESOLUTION WHEREAS, l-~. J. C. Johnson, Director Atlnnta Hodel Cities Prograi:1, has requested the Atlanta Housing Authority to enter into a lease agree.i""llent for certain propsrties within Project GA. R-10, Rawson-Washington Project (identi- . tied on attached map); and

HER.EAS, the property is to be used for the location of

the Kodel Cities Offices, which is a civic and social c~deavor serving the needs of p~ople in the Urban Renewal Areas imr:mdiately adjacent; NCJ:l, THEREFGRE, BE IT RE.SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CO~·!:.-!ISSIONERS OF THE HOUSil;G AUT:--IORITY OF THE CITY OF .ATLPJ--iTA, GSOrlGIA, that the Executive Director, after co:-...currence by the Renewal Assistance Administration and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta, is authorized to execute a L9ase .Agreer.:,:mt u...--ider th~ preva.ilL,g provisions of tha lrrt Handbook. I �