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July 23 , 1969 822 Grant Street, S. E. Atl t , G orgi Mr . Ben Bl ckburn House of Repr sent tiv Washington, J). C. D ar Mr . Bl ckburn: I ending thi l tt r to your c tur offic sine I under tand letter concerning th probl with th Mod 1 Citi e her in Atl t ref rred to your loc 1 office for h ndling. yr cent has been I ppr iate your reply r ceived on July 22 indicting th t thi• tt r h been turned over o the Offic of Houain and Urban D velop ent for action. Sine writin t you previously, we hav continued to try to sell the prop rty through individuals and r al atat comp nies who h ve running d int wap pr adv rtiaing for rent 1 and inv stment ~roperty. We h ve b advia d by two different real at te r pres nt tiv e that thy h v ch eked 1th per on l conuct t City 11 and ere advised that it would be i os ible ior th to re-e 11th prop rty if they buy it bee u City Inap ctore have be n advi1 not to approv any prop rty in the r for y type YA loan d th t •11th b nka io the city hav an agre t not to finance any purcbaa in the ar a. 1.'haa two r al stat ag nt, did ot give u• the n I of their cont cte at City Hall sine th y • id the infortion w sivau to th atrictly off the record . 'lll clodn date on our n w home 1a fut approach ins d at thia p int the only 1olution •• to be for ~del Citi a to purch 1• th property to ua as t orary hou1ing for peopl who r being dialocat din clearance •••· ince as I ind1cat din y previous 1 tter one individual who inquired t the City Planni g office 1 City Hall about purchasin the properl y wa1 infor d not to purchate becau1 th y "had plan• for the property it voul be my opinion th t they plan to ev ntually purchaa the property for ao purp<>e. Un r the1e circ 1tance1 I b liev• you will agree that it would b co ical for th to purcbaae property 1uch as our• to ua as t houaing th~::~~ pureh••• bile typ t porary oueing or at l aat nt the mobile type. 'lbia ould al o l believ solve our robl •• w 11 •• othera who re preaently or y at a futur d te find t aalvea tranaferr out of the a,: a. �Again, I will state that 1 do not believe we are making an unre sonable reque t, and 1 believe you will gree that with a long range plan such a this some provision hould h ve been made initi lly to cover such situations. Thy apparently er not and as a re ult we find our elves in situation of . being unable to dispose of property in th are b cause thy hiv it t up where no on is intere ted in the property for rent 1, investm nt, or ho , and y t when you try tot lk to anyone in th ir office h re they just keep ref rring you from one pr on to anoth r until you ar b ck talking with the fir t person you spok with and the circl b gin all over gain • .y111 be expecting to hear from someone within incer ly, (Mr . ) L z 11 Kirkl nd (Cli d E. Kirkl d) 822 Grant Str et, s. E. Atlant, Georgia 30315 Telephone - 622-9074 or 688-8036 cc: Mayor Ivan Allen cc: Mr . Johny Johnson· Model Cities Offic cc: Mrs. ona Cl yton• Hodel Citi s Offic few d y . �