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July 8,. 1969 Honorable Gr gory Griggs Boa~d of Ald rman City of /1.tlant Post Office Box 9757 Atlanta, Georgia 30319 l)e Mr . Griggs: W regtet th confu ion which h s c used the defertnent of EO ' Model Cities pl n . Th· re i nothing projected which should be c us for muciety on anyon ' s part. A you know, EOA ha.·. large h vily populated target ·r a within the Model Cities bound ia , nd w hav be n ctive theri ith in• ufficient r source sine 1965 . Ith a leo b en difficult to ad quately s rv s0tne parts of the low-incom community b caus of r id nti 1 p tt rna . ��