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lJ WilILILilAM (G~ANT 1rlE]R{]R{1f A§§OCilA TIE§ ._,i lau<'fleJJ1Pnl 1foJ1,'>ffllr1J1/J SUITE 425 STANDA RD FEDERAL BUILDING • ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 • 44 BROAD STREET, N .W. A / C-4 04 577- 6063 December 15, 19 69 Mr. Johnny Johnson, Director Mode l Ci tie s 673 Capito l Avenue, S OW. At lanta , Ge o rgia 30315 Dear Mr. Johns~n: After s evera l meetings with members of you r staff, we have develope d the a t ta ched pr o posal in response to your request . The scope of the work to be performed is much broader than that which we discus s ed o n my initial vi sit to your office. This is a ttributable to the concerns expressed by both Col. O. D. Fulp a nd Mr. Samuel Russel l. It wou ld a ppear that there are u rgent n e eds which go be yond the devel opment o f the "prototype personnel administration program " wh ic h we had earlier discussed . Members of our staff will be delighted to me et with you if you should ca re to have fu r ther di scuss ions prior to letting this c on t ra c t. Ple ase keep in min d that we wi ll require thi rty before we can begin th is project. (30) d ay's notice Tha nk you for a ll owing us this opportun it y. Respectfully submitted , WILLIAM G ., TERRY Pre s i dent WGT/ kd At tachment CCJ?Walt~ SER V I C ES • O R G A N IZ AT I ONAL ST UDI E S MANAG E MENT D EVEL O PME N T • P AY A ND CLA SSI F I CAT I ON COM MUNICA TI ON PR O ~R AM S • • • S UP E RV I SORY TR AIN ING • LA B O R RELATION S PSYCHOLOGI C AL TE S TING • AT T ITUD E SU R VEYS ACCIDENT PR E VENTI O N �