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M _I N U T E S MODEI CITIES EXECU'l1 IVE BOARD MEE'I' ING Tuesday, January 20, 1970 1 0 :00 a on . The Model Cities Execut .'..ve Board hel d i ts fir s t meeting o f the new year on Janua··y 20, 1 9 70 in City Hall, Committee Room #2 . fo l .lowing members wer e present : The Mayor Sam Massell, Chairman Alderman Ira Jackson Alderman Hugh Pierce commissioner James Alredge Mr.Clarenc e D. Col eman Dr. c . Miles Smith .Mr Howard Phillip s D Mr. J. C. W';.'1.itley lVl.:c s. Mar t1 a Weems Mrs. Lil1.ie Tl1ompson Mr. l-:roh..n Hood Mrs. Mattie Ansley Absent: Dr. Benjami n E.. Mays Other City off· cia.ls , representatives fr o m ne ighborhood organizations, the general public and the press were also present. The Cbairman, Mayor Sam Massell called the meeting .to order and introduced all of the new memLers of the Board. The Mayor then enterta ined a motion for the adoption of t he Decembe·P 16 Minutes. It was so mo ved and unanimously approved \"1ithout corre~tio l . flEPC1RT .-)p 'l'HE MASS CONVENTION STEERING COMJ.'VlIT11 EE Sin-:::e Deacon Lewis Peters i s no longer an elected member of the Exe.cutiv•a Board, Mr. Lyall Scott, Director of the Model Cities Mass Ccnv,·,nt · on, In.-:., re. ported for the Mass convention Steering Committee. He s tate d that the Mass Convention met on Sunday, Januar :i 18 and ·r.hat the att.endan -~s record of 500 represented all of the nE: ighborhoods in the Model Cities Area. He furth er sta.ted that the annua l elections wGre held f or the officers of the Convent.ion. �2 Mrs. Ansley point ed out t.1at since t here is a n e ed f o r tne rero rt of the M21s s Convent i on th a t the Chair man of the Ma ss Con vent ion be ma de a member o f t h e Ex e c utive Boc;trd. P.. r . Johnsoi1 stated t hat th i.1::: v.t0 ul d ha ve to b e de cided by the Boa.rd of Aldermen s i n ce they de t er min, t he composition of the Bo a rd. The :M.a yor then sta.t e d t ha t fo r n ow tl:.e chairman o f the Ma s s Conve n t i o n s h o u ld b e p er ona lly i nv ited tG a '--tend s ..1 1 of the Tlee tings t o m<:1 ke t.he r ~port. DIRECTOR' S REPORT Mr. ,John s on a s k ed £or a ppro v a1. -co e nt er inco c ontr a c t wi t h Arth ur Ande rsen & c ompany in t he amount o t $4 ,000 to d eve l o p a n Op\;;! ratin g Po l icy and Procedures Manual f or the Mode l Ci t i ,=-s Pr o gr am . Afte r discussin g t h e fe a sibil i t 1 o f hav ing the man ual pr epa r e d , Dr. Smith moved tha t the CDA h e gi ven au-1:horit.y to e n t e r into con tr act w-Lth Art hur Ande r s"'n & Compe.ny. The mo t io n was seccn d ed and appr oved . The Mayor t hen stet t ed t··i<1t ltr.thur An d erser. _ho uld i nco rpor ate the role ,of t he Ma yor I s Offi ce and the Board of Aldermen in t h e i r man,.1al . So u t her n Raj_l i.--;~.Y. Jl.:"O grievance s _ha t we re j u st pre s ented. Th1; motion wa s seconded . I t wa s t h en poi n t0d out that the Chairman of t he Board shou. d a ppoint a.11 permanent commit tees . Mr. Whit.Ley the!1 . _offer ed an amendment t o the origina l motion t o state thac the temp orary .3 rievan ce comwittee i nvestigat e the petition c on C(':!rn ing !:he electii:,n in People.st wn since it wa.s present e d today and that !-'tr. Moo d y ' s p ec:,ti tion b e r eferred to the perman ent gr ieva.n.:=e ~rn .mittet• when it is a ppoin e:d by t h e Chairman . 'l'he vote on. the amended motion was t aken first with fi v e ( 5 ) Board members voting f.or appr.oval. Four ( 4 ) B<,ard mcrnhers voted for approval of the or ig1.naJ mctiun. Therefo re, the t emporar y grievance committee will investi.c;ate o n ly the complaints concerning the elections. 1 The meeting was adjou-i:-ned at ~

10 p.111.


M~-iy or Sa n

Mas :::-;e l l , Ch;:- irman Model C' t ie :-:; Execut i. ve Di rect o r �