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MODEL CITI ES EXECUT IVE BOARD MEETI NG Tuesday, Nove mbe r 18, 1969 10:00 a. m. The Model Citie s Executive Board held its Novembe r me et i ng on Tuesday, November 18, 1969 in City Ha l l, Committe e Room #2. The following member s wer e prese nt : Mayor Ivan Allen, J r . , Chairman Mrs. Mattie Ansley Mr . J ohn Hood Al derma n Gr e gory Grigg s Alderman Ever ett Milli can, Vi c e Cha i rman Mr. J . D. Newberry Mr s . Ma rth a Weems Mr. J oe Wh i te l y Other Ci t y Of f icials , rep r ese n t at i ves f r om ne i9hbor hood or gani z a tion s , the ge neral publ ic a nd t h e pr e ss we r e pr esen t. The Vice-Cha irman , Alderman Evere t t Mi l l ica n, c a ll ed the mee t i ng t o orde r. The recommended adge nda was f ol l owed. The Vice-chairman e ntertained a motion for the adoption of the October Minute s . It was so moved and u nanimo u sly approved witho ut correction. REPORT OF THE MASS CONVENTION STEERING COMMITTEE Mr . John Hood made t he report of the Mass Convention Steering Com- mitt ee. He r eporte d that the Steering Committee had had several meeting since the la s t Executive Board meeting and that they had discussed s everal problem, mostly concerning housing . He submitted two resolutions for information from the Hou sing and Relocat i on committee dealing with hous i ng activity by the At lanta Housing Authority. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Johnson read to the Board the letter that was sent to Mr. Persell of the Housing Authority which authorized the Author ity to resume some NDP activities in the Model Cities Area. No action was required or requested on this. �2 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Southern Railway .Mr. Johnson brought to the Board's attention that Southern Railway is in the process of acquiring acreage in th e Model Cities Area for the e xpressed purpose of expa nsion of their tracks and railroad yards. Southern Railway is acquiring the proper ty under the rights of eminent doma in . The concern of the Model Citi e s staff is what is going to happe n to the people who a re displaced. After a lengthy discussion on the position the Board should take, it was suggested that the City Attorney prepare a resolution outlining the Model Cities posit i on as it relates to the Southern Railway ac tivities and that Mr. Johnson take immedi a te step s to c all toge ther the necessary Departments to come up with a solution for this problem. NDP Ac tivities Mr. Johnson di s tributed a Me morandum that was se nt to Mr. Persells of the Housing Author ity outlining the 1 9 70 NDP priorities. 'I1his information was g i ven to the Board for infor mation only. Mr. Johnson stated that no ac tion would be aske d for by the Board unt il all of t hefac ts are presented by the At lanta Housi ng Author i ty. Work Program Mr. Johnson presented the Wo rk Sch e dule f or maj or activities and action t hat would be pre sented t o the Boa rd fo r approval of n ext year 's program. This re p ort was accepted as ipformaticn. Res i dent Ser vi ce Information System Mr. Dave Houser of Arthur Anderse n Company gave a report on the Resident Service Information System, He showed a slide which listed the thre e purposes of the RSIS: (1) to provide ana l ytical reports; ( 2) coordinate age ncy activities and (3) provide data t o res idents. Mr. Heuser's report was accept ed by the Board as information . . Communica.tion System Pr esentat Lon Mr. Walter Denero gave a presentation on the study h e is doing as a graduate intern on a Commun i cation System for the Model Cities Program. He stated that the purpose of the system would be to get information to the area res idents, to greater Atlanta and to the agencies that are providi ng servi ces. At the conc l usion of Mr. Denero 's presentation, .M r. J ohnson stated t h at most of the ideas suggested in the report are already being put into operation. Adley contract Mr. Johnson asked t h e Board's appro val to enter into contract with Adley Associates in the amount of $4,850 for the preparation of a �3 film slide prese ntation o{ Model Cities, its concepts and program. It was moved and seconded that the program be allowed to enter into contract with Adley Associates. IV!r. Hood seconded the motion and it was appr oved by the Board with Mr. Newberry voting against approval. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Hood recommended that the Model Citie s staff develop an alternative approach to providing Health services in view of the fact that the existing Health programs are being held up . Mr. Johnson stated tha.t the staff would make some recommendations at the next me e ting. The meet ing was adjourned at 12:00 Noon . .APPROVED: Everett Mi llican, Vice-Chairman Model Cities Execut ive Bo ard �