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2-11-69 Dear Virginia : Miss Bessie L. Whitehead was rated by Alberta, Marvin, and me on January 29. Noee of us gave her a passing score. She did not impress me as someone who had the temp,.erament, personality, or back~round to make a successful Recreat io n Leader. She came to my office yesterday in a very angry mood, threw the letter on my desk, and said she was not going to take that king of 11 - - - - 11 • She talked on for quite some time, saying, among other things, that s he was not going to told no if she had to get a gun and come up here and shoot somebody. I did not say a great deal to her - I was listening most of the time - but I was polite and tried to be helpful. She see med to have calmed down some when she left. IY~ft:- /IJ1 1ss ~~ ~ f?,'//,j~ r t ,, �