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. -- .:.'" ._ LAND USE SUMMER HI LL-PEOPLESTOWN 1970 Activity Areas (a) Activity areas appear acceptable except for the following item: It has not been firmly resolved that the area slated for clearance west of Martin Street shou Id be the site for the primary school. A decision on this school site and on the location of the adjacent park will be forthcoming shortly. (b) 1970 clearance for school west of Martin Street sti II not firmly decided. Future Uses l. Boyton Street in Peoplestown is currently an unimproved, very narrow street. If th is street is paved and widened to two lanes, it wi II be impossible to obtain a buffer south of Boyton Street as shown on the map. Such a buffer could only be obtained if the city condemned part of the land south of Boyton Street, which is now used as a lumber yard. 2. West of Capitol Avenue and south of Haygood Avenue are several commercial establishments. This area is shown as high density residential. a more appropriate use wou Id be neighborhood commercial. j l It appears that 3. The buffer north of Pope Street and south of the proposed road between Pope Street and Pulliam Street will be difficult to maintain and is too small to provide recreation facilities. Controls may be imposed when the land is redeveloped to require proper shielding from t~e industrial areas. Other proposed buffers and scenic malls or corridors are shown on the plan. 4 . Park adjacent to E. P. Johnson Elementary School does not meet neighborhood standards. l 5 . There is a large amount of neighborhood commercial shown just north and south of Georgia Avenue . This shou Id be changed to general commercial. 6. If Ormond Street is continued east and west , the pa rk shown west of Fraser Street wi ll be elim inated . Deletion of the park does not a ppear to be se ri ous be cause it is so c lose to the park on Crew Street and the proposed pa rk a t Li ttle a nd Marti n Stree ts . �. ---~-- ·-~ -"' ' ' ... 7. The proposed scenic corridor to the stadium and downtown starting at Love and Crew Streets and extending along the right-of-way of Crew Street to Georgia Avenue would eliminate all the trees along the street if a view of the stadium and sky Iine is the desired effect. • 8. The recently constructed Southside Comprehensive Health Center is located at 1039 Ridge Avenue. The center offers preventive health services to all age groups. This site is now shown on the map as industrial and should be public. Carefu I consideration shou Id be made as to the type of uses to be located near the center. It may be necessary to impose a buffer between the center and other uses to insure the proper climate for the health center. 9. Land use immediately east and south of the stadium needs further study. It is recommended that no plan changes be made in this area until a detailed study can be accomplished and approved. �