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MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Menlo,Ga.30731 · 404 B62·2302 January 24, 1969 The Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Office of the Mayor Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Knowing of your extreme interest in things good for Atlanta, I am submitting an Idea for your consideration. If the proposition seems to you that i t has possible merit, I would be happy f or you to suggest a time for me to come to your office and discuss the matter In detail. Please understand fully that I do not approach you pos ing as a philanthropi st. Profes sional and financial advantages to me personally are also involved . My idea i s, over-s imp lifi ed, that if money for training purposes is avai l ab l e from the "Model Cities" or 11 Economic Opportunity" programs in Atlanta , I can provide 200 to 500 permanent jobs, mostly for women, sewing cotton work g loves . Further, the operation could be located wherever desirable from your over-all planning standpoint and, over a period of time, would be completely selfli qu ida ting fi nancially . Your investigation would verify that I s tarted this business from scratch in 1951 and we are at present a factor in our industry, nationally , giving steady job s to over 500 people. If you want ed to get more information on the telephone, I can be reached at t hi s office or at home during t he evening, Rome 234-5064. I would appreciate an Indication of your possible interest at your convenience.

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Roy W. Mann br , "{ �