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October 15, 1968 Mr. Sam Steen Metropolitan Area Dil' cto'1 Georgia Stat Ernployment Service Geo11gia D partmen.t of Labor St te Labor Building Atlanta, G o:rgi-a. De r Mr. Steen.: Th City of Atlanta mad gr at de l of progt'e s in the ar a of ma.npow r dev lopment and trainin in identifying and creatin ne employm nt opportuniti lor the citizens of our city. Much of the credit for the manpower progN s in Atlant mu.st go to Don Bryant, Oeor S Employm nt S rvke'• M power Repre n tlv for the Atl nt Ar a. Mr •. Bry nt' coordln lc:m. of GSES manpower pro• ma ith Economic Opportunity Atlanta from the inc ptlon of th community action ency was a y f ctot in th ord rly rowth of thee programs ov r p st several years. L tely. Cone ntr d Employment Pro ramc well s v do oth l' o r ch pro r-ame hlch Mr. Bryant h e coordintl-t d h v m d signlfh: t conttlbution to .At ta• rowth. H h s oo been valuable as t in 1 tln th City ln d ~lopm.ent of eucc a ful 1 Citie implement tlon document. Thi Just to 0££ r roy con r tw. tlona to r. Bry nt d for hl• eontributlone and to the Georgia St t · Employm. t 5 nice for ln. hi• i,vlc v il bl ln m anin ful y to all the City of A t1 Slnc rely yours, D•n s DS:fy .at �