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February 11, 1969 Mr. Sam Steen Metropolitan Area Director Georgi Stat Employment S ervice Georgia Department of Labor State Labor Building Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Steen: The City of Atlanta was recently approved for a. Model Cities implementation grant for 1969. This grant was made possibl as a result of intensive planning £forts c rri d on ov r th p st sev ral month by the Model Cities staff and several cooperat!ng agencie . On of th strong points of out Mod 1 Citi e Progr m is the manpowet component for dev loping nd upgrading Mod 1 Citl a re idents fot c rrying out m a.ningful job in the futur · . I would like to per on lly thank you nd S m Caldw 11 and all th GSES people who work d o h rd in s leting u in the d ·velop:ment of thi progr m . Th City is esp cially ind ·bt d to Col. O . D . Fulp. Without Col. Fulp's indlvid\1Al eflort I am sure th Model Cltie Program would not h v r ached the planning go 1 ol lt m npow '1! component in such n xcell nt m n · r. Thank you e ln for 11th s i t nee and your exeellent cooper ti.on~ Sincer ly you'.r' , Iv n All n1 Jr. M ,or IAJr:!y �