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FEB 7 196§' 2/L/69

RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Mr. J. C. Johnson, Director Atlanta Moo.el Cities Program, has requested the Atlanta Ho1.1.s:lri..g Authority to enter into a lease agreement for certain properties within Project G.t\.. R-10, Rawson-Washington Project (identi- . fied on attached map); and WHEREAS, the property is to be used for the location of the Model Cities Offices, which is a civic and social endeavor serving the needs ·of people in the Urban Renewal Areas immediately adjacent; NCJ.'1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY .THE BOARD OF CO~·n-lISSIONE.t{S OF THE HOUSD!G AUTHORITY OF -THE CITY OF ATLAJ-iTA, GEORGIA, that t he Executiv~ Director, after concurrence by the Remwal Assistance Administration and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta, is authorized to execute a Lease Agreement under th~ prevailing provisions of the UR Handbook. �