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r Birection Sports An educational/motivational program designed for underprivileged children �- . . ---- - - - ... _., ,..., _ ____ . .. ---· I A Piece of Glass ... a Stolen Car Direction Sports was never formally planned- it happened. "How it happened" is covered below in an excerpt from A Sports Story for Christmas, written by John Hall for the Los Angeles Times on December 15, 1967. "A foot slashed by broken glass and a stolen car have combined to produce what may be the Christmas sports story of the season. "If this sounds unlikely, you just don't know Tulley Brown. "Brown is a 34-year-old law school grad, a Santa Monica resident who has an overwhelming ompassion for sports and youngsters. While living in J-2 different countries during recent years, Brown found the two mixed wonderfully. "But his story really began one morning when he was doing his daily four miles of running on the beach at Santa Monica. Tulley Brown plans a football jamboree with YMCA Director Geor{?e Pohlman. c Copyrir,ht 1969, Dlrc,:t,on Sports Inc He stepped on a piece of glass and cut his foot. "Looking for emergency treatment, he came across a doctor connected with [ a center for] retarded and disturbed children. '·One thing led to another and Brown soon quit his old job [as a sales executive] to take over as athletic director ... "Bringing in several Lakers to help him at times, he began to get the kids to take out their frustrations and erase their doubts on the basketball floor. Psychiatrists used the word 'amazing; to describe the progress he was able to make. Parents were overjoyed. "About this time, Brown's car was stolen ... Typically. Tulley's reaction after an 18year-old boy was arrested for the theft was regret. He urged police not to press charges. "He and his wife asked to adopt the boy, an orphan who had been shuffled around various foster homes'.' Instead. the boy was sent to a juvenile camp, serving a sentence of fifteen months. Tulley learned from the probation officer on the case that often in such situations a minority or poor youngster would be sentenced while, for the same offense, a white middle-class youngster would be released to his parents on probation. Married and the father of three children, Brown returned to business and spent the next six months putting together a program that could help provide clisadvantaged youths with reasons to stay straight. If the magnetism of sports could break through to the retarded and emotionally disturbed, then why not use this magnet(continued, inside back cover) - �Direction Sports: the fundamental concept "Among the educational approaches which we believe should be considered and evaluated are the current efjorts to develop new patterns of education which do not fit into the traditional patterns'.' Recommendation of the PRESIDENT'S COMM ISSION ON CIVIL DISORDERS ( 1968 ) DIRECTION SPORTS is a Los A ngeles-based project des igned to answer that recommendation with an innovative programinvolving educationally disadvan taged youngsters, through the magnetism of sports, with local yo uth leadership, professionals in the fields of education and psychology, and other concerned adults from all parts of Los A ngeles Co unty. Direction Sports objectives: For the first time, to expand the content and go als of the average sports program for youth. Specifically, to use the universal appeal of "Little League" type sports activities for the development of basic learning skills ( through ca refu lly prepared "chalk talks") and to build positive self concepts and social attitudes ( through post-practice group discussions) . To provide an opportunjty for meaningful exchanges of communication and va lues among both youngsters and adults from a variety of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds ( through regul arly scheduled fi eld trips and group activities). To help resolve the tremendous disparity between the number of privately funded sports program s for youngsters in middle class or suburban areas and the programs available to youngsters from disadvantaged communities . The kinds of social problems which prompted the idea of DIR ECTION SPORTS are common knowledge, but have never been considered as responsive to simple, direct solutions. A brief review fo llows of those problems, their consequences, and the solutions the DIR ECTION SPORTS program offe rs . O ur primary co ncern is to show th at there is an alternative to the current expenditure of billions of doll ars to treat social symptoms. T here is a way to affect their causes. The problems we face Welfare. More than 7 mill ion Ameri cans are now receiving welfare assistance, and another 14 million citizens are identified as eligible fo r aid ; a total of 2 1 milli on persons in thls country whose family income is below what the government �"Recidivism" - an ugly word we have to face up to defines as basic subsistence. For example, six out of every ten Black children subsist on welfare payments at least a part of their lives. Did you know th at if you are born in a poverty area, odds are about ten to one you'll remain there for life? A Culture of Hopelessness. The old myth that citizens "on welfare" are so by choice is no longer tenable. Rather, the children of the poor grow up conditioned to failure, to the uselessness of ambition and the futility of dreams. To quote anthropologist Elliot Liebow, " In the end, a man's wife and children become a symbol of h.i s own failure as a man and the easy camaraderie of 'the corner' becomes an irresistible lure. At the moment he submits, he comes into his full inheritance bequeathed him by his p arent s, teachers, employers, and society at large. This is the step into failure from which few if any return and it is at this point that the rest of society can wring its hands or rejoice in the certain knowledge that he has ended up preci sely as they had predicted he would'.' Educational Dilemna. Educational surveys of the learning skills of youngsters from the depressed areas of Los Angeles County indicate the relatively poor learning skill improvement of minority youth. From the Los Angeles Times, January 10, 1969: "Many Anglo students in the Los Angeles City School System showed marked improvement in reading last year, but Negro and Mex.ican-American youngsters made only slight advances, test scores indicated .. . The reading scores climbed as high as 16 percentage points . .. In predominantly Negro and Mexican-American schools, however, the scores rose only an average of two points and rem ained at generally low levels. The lowest percentage increases, one percent, were recorded by first graders in the north and mostly Negro south-central areas and the predominately Mexican-American east side'.' The consequences Failure-Punishment Syndrome. Here's what th e GOVERNOR'S COMM ISSION ON THE LOS ANGELES RIOTS (August, 1967) had to say : "The actions taken thus far in Los Anoeles b ' and , for that matter, elsewhere throughout the United States, fail to meet the urgent ex isting need; and unless and until we in our City and State, a nd throughout the United States , solve the fundamental problem of raising the level of scholastic achi evement of disadvantaged children, we can not hope to solve all other problems of our disadvantaged minorities . . '.' It is clear that a grossly disproportionate number of underp1ivileged children experience fai lure in their first contact with the greater society-when they enter schoo l. Civil Disorders and Delinquency . T he NATIONAL A DVISORY COMM ISSION ON C IVIL DISORDERS has reported, "The expression of in adeq uate educational practices lies in the high incidence of riot participation by ghetto youth who had not completed high school. Our survey of r iot cities found that the typical riot participant was a lzigh school drop out . . '.' Recidivism. Almost half the juveniles released on parole in Los Angeles County are back in detention camps within six months. With a total minority population of about 20 percent in the county as a whole, nearly 50 percent of its detention camp members are ei ther Negro or MexicanAmerican . Neither a city nor a nation can begin to realize its potential whil e continuing to fai l to reac h so high a percentage of its youth. Without a significant impact on the source of these concerns, the nation can only continue to expend increasing billions in the treatment of crime, poverty and unemployment. �There can be no real solution in attempting to treat these consequences as though they were solvable on a symptom level. The great majority of programs for the disadvantaged reach people after they are already in trouble. DIRECTION SPORTS is preventive treatment- working logically at the source-and is using the most successful formula which has proven successful in regularly motivating and involving more than one million youths throughout the United States: privately funded sports programs. Special programs for underachievers can be successful. It was demonstrated recently in an experiment conducted by the San Francisco City School System, combining smaller classes with experienced teachers. One of these experimental classes achieved the highest reading scores for its age group of any public school class in the city- "and every one of these children was black'. ' Most school districts in the country are making conscientious efforts to improve the learning achievements of children from underprivileged areas. Whether the full burden of such an accomplishment should be placed on the schools alone is debatable. On the other hand, conditions never have been more ready for the development of "new patterns of education" to support and reinforce the schools' efforts. A crucial need Currently, privately funded sports programs for youngsters provide the most popular youth format in the nation. Yet little has been done to overcome the scarcity of these kinds of programs for underprivileged boys and girls. For example, in 1968 the tremendously popular Little League Baseball program involved approximately 55,620youngsters from the greater Los Angeles area. Yet of this total number not one team was in operation within the immense minority population corridor extending through Los Angeles from North Broadway south of the central city to adjoining Compton and including some 200,000 school age children. Economic breakdown of family income in th e Los Angeles area shows clearly the areas of the city which cannot support conventional privately financed sports programs of the Little League type. Family income, J960/ 1965 estimated U nder $5 .000 $5,000 - 6,999 $7,000 - 9,999 $ 10,000 and over Sources: Un ited States Census, and A nn ual R ep o rts, Fran chise T ax Board. State of California. �The magnetism and personal satisfaction of sports The Direction Sports program The premise of DIRECTION SPORTS is that the magnetism and personal satisfactions of athletic competition can provide a motivational breakthrough for normal but disadvantaged youngsters - that it can provide a basic format through which learning skills and positive attitudes toward education itself can be developed, using sports-related group discussions and curricula, and com~unity adult leadership. California State College at Los Angeles volunteered a room for an initial training seminar for DIRECTION SPORTS' staff, and two Cal State coaches, Walt Thurmond and Robert Miller, prepared special guidelines for instruction in football and basketball. Young college men who had grown up in disadvantaged communities were hired as DIRECTION SPORTS youth leader trainees. Their first formal training meeting was set at the University of Southern California and kicked off with speeches by football coaches John McKay, Dave Levy, and Willie Brown. During that first week trainees attended lectures on methods of instruction, coaching, and group discussion techniques, concluding their training with a two-hour session at the office of UCLA's John Wooden. On the final day the new DIRECTION SPORTS coaches put on a demonstration for their instructors at Cal State, working with youngsters from city poverty neighborhoods. DIRECTION SPORTS is answering a dual need- the need for privately funded sports programs in underprivileged areas, and the need to deal early with the threat of educational underachievement. Therefore, the program itself duplicates other youth sports programs but adds two unique new features - "chalk talks" designed to promote learning skills, and professionally supervised gro ui:; discussions. An afternoon schedule 3 : 30-3 : 35 p.m.-Orientation. 3: 35-4: 00 p.m.-"chalk taJk" learning sk ills. ( For an example of a typical DIRECTION SPORTS chalk talk, see the materials included at the back of this brochure.) 4: 00-5: 00 p.m.- Team practice. These practice sessions follow a daily plan carefully developed and formalized by professional college coaches. 5 : 00-5 : 30 p.m.- Group discussion. Group discussions are led by the comm unity coaches; a professional psychologist participates regularly to reinforce their talks. T he basic group discussion outline is as follows: 1. What makes a boy like himself? (Goal: Positive self con- cepts and social attitudes.) 2. Why are there schools? (Goal: Value of education. ) 3. What do I want to become? (Goal: Steps necessary for achievements.) 4. What jobs are available? (Goal: Opportunities for work experience.) 5. If I were . .. "role playing" a) a fireman? (Goal: Value of property.) b) a policeman? (Goal : Value of the law.) c ) an athletic hero? (Goal : Responsibility to others.) d ) blind? ( after visiting school for blind children) (Goal: Self-discipline.) 6. If I fail (sports, school, etc.)? (Goal: Work harder. ) Special Saturday activities Saturdays are game days. DIRECTION SPORTS' unique feature on Saturdays is that before each game teams meet in a "spelling bee" kind of competition involving math, spelling, and reading problems. Winning teams are rated " touchdowns;' "baskets;' etc. corresponding to the seasonal sport they are engaged in that day on the athletic field. These scores are added to each team's actual game score at the end of the playing day, and the winning team thus has the highest combined total. Every other Saturday all the youngsters go on a special trip after the game. Since DIRECTION SPORTS started in 1968, its young athletes have shared in experiences such as : 1) Yachting, as the guests of 24 boat owners at the Marina Del R ey. 2) Guests of the University of Southern California at the USC-Cal football game. 3) Guests of the National General Corporation, which provided a private showing of the film, "The Paper Lion;' for 150 youngsters. 4) Guests at a UCLA basketball practice. After practice, the youths met the players, and Lou Alcindor gave an inspirational talk which no one present will ever forget. 5) Guests of the Griffith Park Observatory for a showing of "The Sun, and Its Family of Planets'.' 6) Guests of the Los Angeles Music Center at a childrens' concert. DIRECTION SPORTS is operating now in park and recreation facilities within four poverty communities of metropolitan Los Angeles. These communities were chosen because of their high percentage of school drop-outs and rate of delinquency. The program currently employs the following adult personnel : one project director (full time) , one secretary ( full time) , �Top: The GauchO\· in pre-game "pep talk" w ith Cooch Pichardo. Center: A portrait of the Lions at Fred Rob erts Porli. ll'ith Coachn Brud1·!wH· and Mvles in ch ari;e. 50"/, of the ho1·1 h111·c, 110 _lather and 80 r/c of their fa111i /ie1 are on 11•c•lfare. Center rii;h1 · 1 he lions in their "chalk talk.·· T h e rnhject , 1 1pe//1111;. 80110111 · Coach Carroll H'atclws the Trojan pvra111id co1111 111111hli/l[: doll"//. I Pi(/\'C/" ri!?lit center re11wi11, 1111ide11tified J �The Direction Sports Va riety Show: Top left; top right: Youngsters are guests of universities at a1hletic events (SC-C al game, in this case) . Top. cPnter-left and cen ter-right: R egular competition-the No rmandie Park Rams. halftime with the South Park Trojans . and th e East L.A. Packers. C harge! Center and top-center: Excitin g "chalk talks" by l'isiting athletes and regu lar coaches-here Trojans respond to Oly111p ic Gold Medalist Bob Seagren. while at another site Coach V ic Pichardo teaches Gauchos. Barrom left: One day Brown h eard a group of litt le girls practicing yells. When he learned they had decided to be the Trojan cheerleaders. h e had sll'eaters 111ade and ask ed USC songleader Penny Ward to do some coach i11g. Bottom: Direction Sports A wards Banquet made possihle hv co111rilmtio11s from seven food 111arkets a11d the cateri11g of the K i11g Swede Re.1·ta1irant. M;1gicia11 Barry Lee of the Mag ic Cast le captil'(ffes the clti/dren. 01·er 200 persons atte11ded rite a/loir. i11d11di11:,1 97r;,. of rite parents i11vited. �A broad-based community response ... one educational psychologist ( part time), two psychometrists (part time ), one curricula specialist (part time), and ten field coaches ( part time) . Direction Sports results are measurable Fred Neidemeyer from Southwest Regional Laboratory (Curriculum Center) , an agency of the Federal Government, has contrac.ted to design special curricula using sports activities and concepts to teach sper;ific learning skills. Victor Coppin, M.A., USC psychologist, contracted to coordinate group discussions aimed at developing self pride and positive social attitudes among the youngsters participating in the project. Two psychometrists, Dr. Stephen Klein of UCLA and Dr. Ralph Hoepfner of USC, were enlisted to develop cross-validation methods for testing the actual effectiveness of DIRECTION SPORTS. The testing program compares the progress in specific learning areas of DIRECTION SPORTS experimental and control teams. See first post test results inside back cover. The basic design of the program is indicated in this table : Victor Coppin Pre-tests Treatment(s) Post-tests Teams 1-3 (Direction Sports) Math Spelling Attitudes Math and attitudes "instruction" Math Spelling Attitudes Teams 4-5 (Direction Sports) Math Spelling Attitudes Spelling instruction Math Spelling Attitudes teams (Comparison groups) Math Spelling Attitudes ·None Math Spelling Attitudes YMCA The DIRECTION SPORTS groups being compared are essentially equal in all other variables (socio-economic level, age, presence of father, etc.), so that the unique aspects of the program can be validly measured and evaluated. Los Angeles responds In its first four months of operation, the DIRECTION SPORTS concept attracted so much attention that it was featured on eight television programs-KTLA, KCOP, and CBS and NBC affiliates.With additional coverage through KGFJ and KFWB radio shows, it is estimated that the story of DIRECTION SPORTS has been told to more than three million people in the Los Angeles area. The first national attention given the project was a feature article in the Christian Science Monitor ( copy enclosed) , and The Johnny Carson Show. The national magazine, Sports Illustrated, is providing a weekly subscription for every boy in the program. The 7-Up Bottling Company has donated uniforms. In November of 1968 CBS-Los Angeles, with the approval of its national office, voted DIRECTION SPORTS one of the top six programs in Los Angeles and contributed a thousand dollars worth of jackets, track shoes, and pants for the future use of program youngsters. Numerous additional supporters a nd contributors are listed on the back cover of this brochure. Endorsements Fred N iedemeyer, Stephen K lein Here is what some well known public officials have said about the DIRECTION SPORTS program: . .. "I believe the program has merit. T he activities appear to be planned with great care, and the instructions are clear and explicit. DIRECTION SPORTS 'concern for the welfare of youngsters in our minority communities is commendable'. ' -Thomas Reddin, Chief of Police, City of Los Angeles "The concept of using sports as a touchstone to educational achievement for youngsters who have heretofore with- �Top: Direction Sports coac~es , (from left to right) Acuna, ,...,~,,.- Galindo, C astruita, Myles, Cano , Bethel, Spaulding, Bradshaw and Carroll. with Director Tulley Brown appear at USC's Bovard Field with coaches John McKay and Dave Levy and players 0. ] . Simpson and Steve Sogge . Center left: Ray Norton, 1960 world record holder, now with CBS. speaks at A wards Banquet. Center riRht: Los Angeles Chief of Police Thomas Reddin discusses the project with Brown . Bottom left: Mayor Sam Yorty proclaims "Direction Sports Week" for 1he Ci1v of Los Angeles, March 31 -April 6. 1969. Bot10111: Heisman Trophy winner Mike Garrell at a chalk talk'.' ..J �You are needed ... will you help? drawn from full participation in the educational process because of a belief that other incentives are nonexistent and that society is oblivious to their needs, is, in my opinon, extremely innovative ·and worth pursuing. I feel the program will make a significant contribution in developing a faith in the American system for these youngsters, and in the extreme, may salvage some youngsters who otherwise would be lost to society'. ' - T homas Lynch, Attorney G eneral, State of California "The program not only offers deprived youngsters an opportunity to participate in a nation ally recognized sports program but it also provides for educational enrichment for the participants as an integral part of the fo rmat'.' - Peter Pitchess, Sheriff, County of Los A ngeles "I can think of no alternative to fo rmal study better suited to inculcate the rudiments of reading, writing and arithmetic into the untutored mind than an organi zed sports program. I heartily encourage all personnel associated with the DIRECTrON SPORTS project to implement it with expediency and total effort'.' - Sam Yorty, Mayor of Los Angeles "Since three of the DIR ECTION SPO RTS teams operate in the 29th Senato rial District I can personally attest to the fact that the children and families involved are most enthusiastic about the use of a sports form at to teach learning sk ills and develop positive self concepts and social attitudes. DIR ECTION SPORTS is a uniquely beautiful program capable of making a significant di fference to thousands of minority people'.' -Mervyn M . Dymally, State Senator, 29th District Most of all, it's working! T he best way to confirm this is to see the program in action for yourself. Write DIRECTION SPORTS fo r a schedule of daily practice and teaching sessions or weekend team and intramural games. You are invited and welcome! Plans for the future Plans are underway to begin a similar program this year for girls, ages 9 through 11 , from the same communities. By September of ] 969 it is anticipated that DIRECTION SPORTS will have spread to every disadvantaged area of greater Los Angeles, and will include pilot programs for 12 to 14 year old boys. By September of 1970 it is intended that all youngsters ages 12 through 14 will be able to participate in the program. Subsequently, with private and public support, DIRECTION SPORTS is designed to expand to every disadvantaged community in America. P lans are underway for a seminar which will be held in Los Angeles fo r representatives from all interested cities in America. Half the cost of travel and accommodations will be defrayed and DIRECTION SPORTS' materials and methods of operation will be presented to the delegates. A nd, with this support and leadership, this unique program will be capable of regularly involving over one million under-privileged boys and girl s between the ages of 9 and 14 in an enriching and meaningful learning-through-playing experience which offers a new pattern for educational motivation and success. DIRECTION SPORTS is at this time, totally supported by volunteer fu nds and is a non-profit corporation . A U contributions, large or small, are tax deductible. If you're concerned about your tax doll ar-and who isn't? -the greatest saving you can make is your contribution to a program li ke this one - a contribution toward redirecting a youngster today to prevent hi m from becoming a public expense tomorrow. DIRECTION SPORTS would like to continue happening won't you please help? �UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGE LES DERKELEY • DAVIS • IR VI NE • I.OS ANGEL ES • RIVERSIDE • SAN DI EGO • SAN F RAN CISCO SANTA B ARBARA• SANTA CRUZ C E N TER FOR THE ST UDY O F EVALU ATIO N U CLA GR A DU ATE SCH OO L OF EDUCATION LOS ANG E LES, CALIFOR N IA TO: MR. TULLY BROWN FROM: DR. STEPHEN KLEI~ DATE,: APRIL 21, 1969 SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY EVALUATION RESULTS 900 24 Background In the fall of 1968, the five teams took a 44 item mathematics test dealing with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers; and a 20 item spelling test involving sports related words, such as "offense." Two teams received spelling instruction while the other three received mathematics instruction. The five teams were retested in February of 1969 with tests that were very similar to ones they took in the fall (i.e., the formats and instructions were the same but the questions were different so as to eliminate possible biases, such as memory). Results The results of the two testings appear in the table below. An inspection of this table indicates the following : (1) The teams had comparable (and relatively poor) performance before training in both mathematics and spelling. (2) The teams receiv i ng training in an area have shown substantial i mprovement in that a r e a, e.g . , the three teams receiving mathematics instruction impro ve d 28% in mathematics compared to only 9% for the teams recei v ing spelling instruction . Average Pe r c~nt Co r rect Te ams r e c ei v ing : Typ e of Te s t Fa ll Test i ng Win ter Te sting Difference Mathema t ics Instructi on Ma th e_ma t ic s Sp ellin g 54% 66 % 82% 51% +28% -15% Spel l in g Instruction Mathematics Spel l ing 54% 55% 63% 78% + 9% +23% �-UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY APTITUDES RESEARCH PROJECT J . P. GUILFORD, DIRECTOR R. HOEFFNER, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR May 7, 1969 Mr. Tully Brown Direction Sports 4415 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, California Dear Tully: Upon receiving Dr. Klein's preliminary evaluation of the DIRECTION SPORTS program, I am pleased to concur with him in the conclusion that your program has had a beneficial effect. While Dr. Klein's evaluation was primarily of a descriptive nature; describing the results after the fact, I thought it might be interesting to see what we might be able to generalize to future seasons or other cities from what we now know. Accordingly, I performed two t-tests, one for math achievement and one for spelling achievement. The two general hypotheses I evaluated were: 1 . .J;mprovement in math achievement in the mathematics-instruction groups (experimental) is greater than improvement in math achievement in the spelling-instruction groups (control). 2. Improvement in spelling achievement in the spelling-instruction g roups (expe rime ntal) is greater than the improve me nt in the mathi nstruction groups (control ). To compute the two statistics, I e mployed only the 24 math boys and the 16 spelling boys who had all pretest and posttest scores, My reason for excluding s o many o f the boys in your pro gram who did not have complete sets of scores for these t-tests wa s that we cannot be sure what the instructional effect was for them. The t values for the math-score comparison was 2.949, significant at the . 01 level , while the t value for the spelling-score comparison was 1.445, n ot significant. The conclusions we can draw are these: with gre at confiden c e we can e xpect y our program (or ones like it) to effect significant improvement in the mathematical facility of disadvantaged , minority boys ; we cannot be v ery confident of a similar eff e ct in spellin g ability , altho ught the data indicates a similar spelling improvement~ Of course, the mathematics tests and e x e rc ises were further d eveloped and refined than those for spelling at the init iation of this program. It is quite possible that with refin eme nt of the spelling program we will find significant impro v ement there too. The preliminary findings, therefore, may b e expected not to be sensiti v e to real improvements and we will h a v e to await the final data to find out if spelling can be re all y improved. SW [;{/{fttoe p fner RH:ak �Chalk Talk 17 I. Objectives : ¢:6-Basic Division

±7 - Advanced Addition

8 -Advanced Subtraction

III. Materials: blackboard and cha lk for instructor. paper a nd pencil for each boy. IV. Activity: I . Motivation: [t's very important for you to be aware of the score and the yardage at all times during the game . Then you will be a ble to choose the best type of play to m ake. Let's tak e a look a t a w ho le game here and how it is scored quarter by quarter. ( Pass out game-sheets to boys. ) Coach draws game sheet on boa rd to fi ll in . 2. D escription of Activity: a. What is the total time of a game? (After they answer, write it in the square marked " total time'.') b. How is a game divided up? (quarters). How m a ny minutes in each qua rter? (Say it and then write it under time for each quarter.) How m a ny minutes in a half? ( oral answer ). c . Okay-now le t's figure out the score for each qua rter. ( Coach writes o n blackboard.) 1) l n the first quarter, the Rams made a touchdown and then made the conversion; the 49ers just made the touchdown. Now fill in the score at the end of the first quarter. (7-6). 2) l n the second quarter, the Rams made a field goal ( 3) and the 49ers made a touchdown and the conversion ( 7) . Write down the score for the end of the second ( I 0-13). 3) In the third quarter, the Rams score two touchdowns, but make onl y one of the conversions. How many points is that? ( 13 ). The 49ers make a touchdown and the conversion (7). What is the score of the game now? (23-20.) 4) In the fin al quarter, the Rams do not score; the 49ers 111ake a field goal (3) .What's the final score of the game? (tie ga111e : 23-23) . d. Now you'll notice on the right-hand side of each square. the re is a section that says total yards gained. Fill in the following information: I) In the fi rst quarter, the Ra111s 111 adc a total yard gain of -13 : the 49ers 111ade 51 ( this is total, not net). 2) In the second quarter, the Rams 111ade 40: the 49ers 45. (Boys fill in this infor111ation as you read it-you write it on the board ga111e-chart.) 3) In the third quarter, Ra111s gain 50 yds. 49ers gain 47. 4) In the first quarter, the Ra111s 111ake 42 yds : 49ers 55 . e. What is the total yardage gain for the R ams? ( 17 5) ( Boys will add the numbers up in the m a rgin of their paper ; have them just raise the ir ha nd when they have the a nswer, but do not shout it out). What is the tota l yardage game now for the 49ers? (51 + 45 + 47 + 55 = 198) f. This is total yards gained ; to determine the ne t ya rds gained we must subtract the penalties. I ) The Rams were penalized three times for off-sides ( 15 yds.) and once for clipping ( 15 yds.) How 111any yards did they lose altogether? ( 30) 2) The 49ers were penalized twice for off-sides ( 10) and once for unsportsmanlike conduct ( 15) . H ow many yards were they penalized altogether? (25) (The process here will be first computing the off-sides penalty 5 x 2 I 0, and then adding IO plus 15.) g. Finally, how will we determine the net ya rds ga ined for each team? (Have one boy explain the process: to subtract the total pena lty yards from the total yards gained . ) l) What was the Rams net yard gain ? ( 145) 2) What was the 49ers net yard gain? ( 173 ) = Game Chart Quarter 1 Time: L Quarter 2 Time : L Rams: Total yards gained_ R ams: Total yards gainer! 49ers: Total yards gainerl 49ers: Total yards gained Score: Rams D 49ers D Quarter 3 Score: R ams Time : L D 49ers D Quarter 4 Time : R ams: Total yards gained Rams : Total yards gainerl 49ers : Total yards gainer! 49ers: Total yards gainer! Score : Rams D 49e rs Total yards gained in game by Rams: Rams penalties Net yards gained in game by Rams: Total yards gained in game by 49ers: 49ers penalties Net yards gained in game by 49ers: D Final Score : Rams § § D 49ers L_ D Total T ime : © Copyright 1969, Direct ion Sports I nc . �TRIBUTE TO DIRECTION SPORTS HON. ALPHONZO BELL OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, April 21, 1969 Mr. BELL of California. Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to call the attention of this House to a unique and successful program that has been operating in the Watts area of Los Angeles. Direction Sports begins where Little League leaves off-it serves those who have no fathers to participate, those who have no money for uniforms, insurance, and the other requisites of Little League participation. But Direction Sports gives the boys it serves more than an opportunity to participate in the kind of athletic competition enjoyed by their middle-class counterparts. Through techniques developed by the Southwest Regional Lab in Inglewood, Calif.-a project which has received more than $4 million from the Office of Education's Bureau of Research in the past 2 years-Direction Sports youngsters improve their learning skills and social attitudes by means of educative chalk talks. In my view, Direction Sports is precisely the kind of innovative program that those of us who have been struggling to find solutions to urban ills have encouraged in legislation passed in recent years. As important as the heartwarming results described in the following article by the Christian Science Monitor, however, is the fact that program evaluation have shown a statistically significant increase in participants' mathematics achievement scores. Mr. Speaker, I wish to commend the Monitor's article to the attention of my colleagues, especially those whose con= stituencies include disadvantaged metro= poli tan areas. �THE CHR.TSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR WEEKEND ISSUE Monday, January 20, 1969 Watts: 'Direction Sports' By Cliff Gewe cke Sports correspon dent .of The Christi an Science Monitor Los Angeles Ever since the Watts, and other, r iots of 1965, sports programs for the underpr ivileged Negro youngster have come to the fore. The idea seems to,.be : get more of these youngsters off t he streets , inspire a nd ·s kill them with sports (and sports her oes ), and potent ia l r uffians and "lost causes" may be motivated info becomin g useful , proctuctive citizens. One of the most r e cent, and per haps most fa r sighted, of these program s - which emanated in the Watts se ction of Los Angeles during 1968 - is " Dir ection Sports," an affiliate of the Urban Affairs Foundation , Inc. E ssentially, it is a " Little League for the unde rprivileged. " But it h as distinct over tones, and undt!rtones, of improving positive learning skills through orientation, "chalk ta lks, " and gr oup discussions. 'Tremendous disparity? " P rivately funded sports progr a ms involve more than one million youngsters. a nd are th e most popular youth form a t in the na tion," says for m er sales r epresentative Tulley Brown, who is program dir ector for Direction Sports. " Yet, the re is a trem endous dispa rity between the n um ber of pr ivately funded sports p rogram s fo r the youth in middle-class are as a s opposed to those in the underprivileged a reas." To drive home his point, Brown cite s this statistic: that , in a Jette r dated Aug. 2, 1968, A. E . Houghton, secretary of Little L ea gue Ba seba ll, headquartered in Willia msport , Pa ., stated the re were 55,620 youngste rs involved in the Greater L os Angeles area. "Of this number," e mphasizes Brown, "not one tea m opera tes in the immense minority corridor extending from North Broa dway south to Compton a nd including som e 200,000 school-age children. "The reasons for this are basic," he a dds. " Little L eagu e progra m s function with the assista nce of fathers, often with the youngsters paying for their own insu rance a nd m edical che ckup. A general requirem ent is tha t tlic: youngsters have ha d not m ore than one 'D ' in the precP.d ing sem ester's schoolwork- and no _police record. Little League for underprivileged Started offic ially Sept. 23 with the advent of the pa st fo otball sea son, Dire ction Sports encompa ssed some 75 youngster s in the preteenage category. Pla ns are to go through the m ajor spor ts in-season- basketball, tra ck, baseball. And to expand to other (older and younger ) age categories, and even to reach into the participation of girls in the p rogram. Letters of commenda tion have been received fro m su ch m en as California a ttorney general Tom Lynch, Los Angeles County sheriff P eter P itchess, Los Angeles police chief Tom Reddin, and Los Angeles mayor Sam Yorty. Unique chalk talk The program has been fea tured on some eight southern Ca lifornia television programs. Sports I!lustrated is p roviding a weekly m agazine subscription for every boy in the p roject, and the 7-Up Bottling Compa ny ha s donated uniforms. CBS-Los Angeles, after voting Direction Sports one of the top six pi;ograms in Los Angeles, contdbuted $1,000 worth of jackets, track shoes, and pants for future use by the youngsters. Don't qualify for Little League " Direction Sports" head man Tulley Brown disc usses team tactics with youngsters in the Watts section of Los Angeles. The program's educative chalk talks serve as a teach ing aid. " Too often, " Brown continued , " the youngsters in the ghet tos do not have fathers to participa te , money to pay for insurance and doctors, a dequa te grade s, and they do have police r ecords. Thus, cla ss ical Little L eague is untena ble in deprived a reas." The idea is to m otivate pote ntial ruffians and "lost causes" into becoming useful , productive citizens through the ins pira tion of sports. Yet, if the program is to continue to th rive ( and, even, go national perhaps someday) more funds, a nd help, will be needed. (A free brochure m ay be obtained by writing: P roject Director Tulley N. Brown, Direction Sports , Inc., Ur ban Affa irs Founda tion, 955 S. Western Ave., Suite 204, Los An geles, Ca lif. 90006). R ecently, the writer sat in (with Brown, a Negro group leader re cruited from a nearby college, and a dozen youngster s ) on one of the educative chalk talks tha t utilize sports as " transference" for learning. " Ricky," said the leader, pointing to a la d in the front row, " how m any points do you get for a touchdown?" "Six," answered Ricky. " How many points for a fielg goal?" " Two." "You sure?" " Three?" replied R icky, hesitantly. " Add six and three and what do you get," asked the le ader. Nine! "Good! Now," continued the leade r, " in basketball you get how m a ny points for a field goal ? . . . and two minus nine is . . . " And so the questions, and the transferenceof-learning skills answers, spread throughout the room- pe rhaps someday soon to spread throughout the United States with Tulley Brown' s dream of " Direction Sports becoming the Little Lea gue of minority a reas." �r t...+·"1"'~' C: I t ii t I O N ~ o n Mo nday, Ma rch 31, 1969 OIREC:tION SPORTS a nnoun ces this or ga n1 za rion will be ho ldin g a semina r this summer for repre se ntatives of eve r y major c it y th a r wo uld like t o sta rt a pilot program of Its own thi s comin g Sep t embe r; and ~OIREC:tION SPORTS is a unique p rogram us in g a Little League,type form a t , plu s ~ i ona l f ea rur es , th e spec iall y prepared "C: ha l k t a l k" by rhe Fede ra l Govern • me nr's So urh wes t Re gi ona l Labo r a tory and seco ndly p rot estation by cross discussions r einforced by a psycholo g ist , desi gned ro de ve l op posit i ve se lf , co nc epts and socia l a ttitud es; and a majo r foundation has a lr ea dy of fer ed, pendin g fin a l ap pro va l o f th e ir 12:53, 29 December 2017 (EST)-1'4. ro defra y ha lf the cost f or each c l r y des irou s of a ttendin g the semi na r; ~ the prog r am Invo l ves 9 ro 12, yea r , o ld boys and pr ese ntl y th e re a r e app roxl • ma t e y ~e hundred chi l dren Invo l ved: it is th e hope of a l I co nce rned that th e OIRF:C:t!ON Ma rc h 31 , 1969 C:ounci Iman , �~ OIRECTIO \J SQORTS , INC, . 15 OQERATI NG AN EOL!C,ATIO\J r\ L rl .'D SQORTS QROGR /1 ,11 flE\JEFITI NG 015 /\ 0V /\N TAGEOCHILDRE N IN THE CIT\' OF LOS /\NG HES ; AND ~ T H E Sl!C,C,E SS OF DIRI:: C,TION SQ ORTS , I\J(. IN DF.VUOQ ING 100 Mil.L ION QCDP.L.E AC ROSS THE Nrl TIO N, Sl!C,H RI;Sl!L.TS HAV ING 13EE\J 1\IEASLIRED lW THE RESE ARCH /\'JD OE\/UOl?,\IE NT Cf,\JTCR AT LI.C,.L. A.; AN O WHEREAS, DIRECTION SQORTS, INC. IS HOl, OlNG A SEMI \J/\R IN LOS ANG ELI::S TIIIS sm1.11rn so THl\T All TH C ,\l/1]011 CITIES or THI; NA TIO N CAN llC PROVIDED \\ ITH THE IR SP.EC, IALl, Y QRF.Q/\RED ~ll\ TERIALS I\J ORDER TO HE GI\J THE IR O\\N DIR [C: , TIO N SP ORTS QROJ ECTS: ~ !~ ~ ! , SAM YORT\' , MA\' OR OF Tllf. C, ITY OF 1, 05 ,q:-JG F,1, ES.00 HF;R[, , 11\' C, O~IME\JD TIII S OLITSTAND I ' G PROGRA ,\ I /1\/D QROCL il l~I TH E \\' EEK Of MARCH 31 , 1969 , TO AQRIL 6 , 1969 HS "D IRECTIO N SPORYS \VF.El<" IN THE CITY OF 1,0 5 rl \/ GHE5. �(continu'eti) ism to serve underprivileged but otherwise normal children? The basic needs of underprivileged youths seemed to be positive self concepts and social attitudes, and learning skills. It is on these concepts that Direction Sports is designed. Ga th Hintz, Director of Community Relations for CBS affili te K XT, writes, "In our day-to-day involvement with all aspects of the community and with the people who are concerned with improving community problems, Tulley Brown stands out as one of those rare, dedicated individuals who knows what must be done and how to go about doing it. We at KNXT know that if Tulley is connected with a project, it is going to be 99 9/ 10% right for us, and worthy of our involvement'.' Direction Sports began its regular operation on September 23rd, I 968, with Brown devoting full time to its operation. On January I 6th, I 969 Direction Sports, Inc. became a non-profit corporation. In CBS executives Garth Hintz and Joe Dyer present new team jackets to Tulley Brown. this brief time the program has become one of the most widely covered projects in the Los Angeles area. In large part the future of Direction Sports, Inc. depends on the readers of this brochure. As John Hall wrote in concluding the column quoted above, "It's a dream. But it's a dream to build a world on:' �SPONSORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ABC Markets Alpha Beta Acme Markets, Inc. Arden-Mayfair, Inc. The Boys Market, Inc. CBS-Los Angeles, KNXT Reeta Brooks Lilian Rosenthal James Yester Continental Graphics Market Basket Stores Ralphs Grocery Co. Royal Crown Beverage Co. Safeway Stores, Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co. 7-Up Bottling Co. Sports Illustrated Uniroyal Inc. Vons Grocery Co. W J. Voit Rubber Corp. LEGAL SERVICES Fulwider-Patten ( copyright, service mark) Henry Grivi Loeb & Loeb (incorporation) Western Law Study Center, use MAN AG EM ENT CONSULT ANTS Boaz, All en & Hamilton (growth and planning) TRAN £PORTA TION South Los Angeles Transportation Co. Watts Labor Community Action Comm. STAFF Project Director: Tulley R. Brown Psychometrists: Dr. Ralph Hoepfner, use Dr. Stephen Klein, UCLA Psychologist: Victor Coppin, M.A., use Curriculum Designers: Winston Doby, M.A., UCLA Dr. Neal Dorian, JET Fred Niedemeyer, M .A., Southwest Regional Laboratory ( Curriculum Center) Consultant Services: Carolee Gardner Clerical: Carol Brown, Jacqueline Brown, Billy Spencer Photography: Doug Lew, Win Muldrow, Doris Nieh, Kent Oppenheimer, Don Rypinski Coaches: Bill Caldwell Michael Cano Frank Cano Bill Carroll Eldred Eubanks Earl Myles Bruce Nelson Victor Pichardo Lance Rentzal Jess Saenz Michael Spaulding Special thanks to Frank Stanley, Los Angeles Urban League, Senator Mervyn Dymally, and the Urban Affairs Foundation for giving Direction Sports a home to grow up in. Birection Sports 4415 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, Caljfornia 90019 / (213) 937-3540 �