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MECHJ\.NICSVILL"S TEEKLY r-rACHI NE , C-,. " , , i""" \l \ 10 ' ', "


I\ I \ (page 2) I' A nominating committee was appointed by Little Bird Lite s On Machine And her to nominat e a new slat e of officers to s ucceed the out going adm1nistration 11 I thought I was me ssed up enough in I wa s a sked if I would like t o accept the office of Pres ident to be in the t he traffic problem t hat we are having. nomination. I accepted F hen the P. T .A. met I wa s elected. Narrow Street s , Congested Expre ssways and In the 1963 Bond Issue funds wa s voted NCT' /. on t o acquire adja cent property to build Ri!pid Transit. Vihy can •t ,{ /_ ffi new Pryor st. School. In the acquisit:in proces s 24 f amilies had to give up the·ir t hes e planners ever // , , /;/ homes. Some of these homes were almost pa id f or. So the se f amilie s had t o go in f inish anything .,,,<~:'- , . debt all over aga in. This was a stra in m most of them bec ause of the ir age. t hey start E•" It was a skedof t hat P.T.A. of 1965 that '/ ' \ l t he school board be forc ed t o carry out \ '- l'Flying away this committment. rt was noted by s ever al 11 Oh, Oh see you next week. 11 ·>-· of the owners that Thomasville h€ld a nh"""" " " " " ool in the 1957, and 63 bond issue and (Pittsburgh continued from page 1) even t oday t hat s chool has not been builit Having the t wo s chool previously been community r emains r es ident al. They appla - listed in t wo bond proposals the f eeling uded very l oud aga in. was that the board would likely do the fl.mot ion was made to t ell Model Cit i es s ame thing, plan but not build. and t he City Of Atlanta t o r ehibilitate The f amilies that had to move, pledged Pittsburgh, and to br ing all t he servic es t o make the board build a new s chool on i nt o t he communi ty. The gr ant f or t he pe o- t he l and they had tr'l give up. ,·,ith a deple s , et c. The motion was se conded and l eg at i on of par ents I a s t he Pres iden~ unamiousl y car r i ed . Ass i sted by t he Principl e sta rted a v 1gMr J ohnson asked the group to el ect irous approach upon the board at each of s ome r epre s ent at ive s to f orm a committ ee i ts meetings . Our appear ence befor e the and he will meet wi t h t hem at any t i me , board caused t he boar d to adopt a policy They agr eed t o do t hi s . t hat i s i n eff ect now. Aft er cont inuing t hi s for some time Pr yor st. School got seni ori ty promise s and w~s among the f i rst school f our to be built, in the 19 11 HCJi1 PRYOR STREET SCHOOL GOT BUILT " 66 bond is sue appr oval . r t t ake s more then a new building to -Sunday Oct. 27. Pryor s t. School Dedi cat - e ducat e our chil d~ens. It t ake s the inion Progr amMr. Edward Moody t he past te r est of the t eachers, the principle s, P. T.A. Pr e sident at Pryor St. School wa s the ~dmini st ration , and the pr2.ents. I t , bn the progr am, and he preceded Dr. John is the kind of cirriculnm t hat t he school ,;-• Letson the guest speaker. Mr Moody sa id ha s that make s i t educational or dis - inhe chose t he s ubj ect, in order t hat t he teresting. Put all of the se ingredient s rec or d will be st r a i ght. He spoke , together and you will have [', c ompound I would like to t ake you back to the yea r combin8tion. This s chool should not be +965. The Parent s at t hat time was having dedicated to crn y individual, or t o any a f airl y good P.T.A. with t he t eachers group , but tothe educat i on of the chiland Princ i pl e at Pryor st. School . JM.r$ dren, t hats what it shoul d be dedi cated r~eed was t he patrol - l ady , and al so ~11 .1 to . 9erved as the President of the P.T .A~ Let t his combination dedicate themsSa id: / <' ·f ·>·~,\1\ I ii \ I\ 1 \ / \ I \/ \ . I\ 1•/ \ ' ~,HH143.215.248.55-. l~ I . . pt 4:li2 ,_ ~ ~~.. C-~i (see Pryor Street page 3) COLUMJ\J 2 �.,. ~ .................. _ __ _ ,1- '. · · • , • -P-t- , -H+ · , • • , MECHANICSVILLES WEEKLY MACHii\iE ( Fag", j: ++-1---+-;,++-H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 I H I I +H-H--H-1'"'--, '-',+ ·t -H ~ ,,·r

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+A , F-Ortress~_Ave - -.

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C, m __ _.·;~___,_.,_~ ,_ - " - 0 Resj_d_e11.t to-·M-eet _ ..r-:--_COMMUNJ.TY. GETS. ..E .. . . .O • .-1,..., __G.RAfJT ~FOR $7,000,00

-1 1c.: v " 111 ,, N . Thomas and -SB3le.ral .. resident -l \ 11' t ri g ?n For.tr.e s1,L..Alie.- are organizing

The-.Mechanics-u:ille--Community: --Ce:n~e.i> .l-:1 >~ r i~ ,) ___.,t oo -r-·-neighbor dri V?, to urge·has .-recj..e.ved a gr1:1-nt to ?pera t8 o:L. t o ~-·

3n,1. 1:nvi te every- person 11 v }l;l.g · at thesine year after whic~ 1 t J_s expt: c t ,

t.r, n~d. ,;-- ?ss es to attend a meeting Thursday ec?me self-s:1-pporting through-J 1-lt - t i1 ::= n :,.(;L·c No v8mber 7, 8.0Q_p-,m, at the Galilw.ire COI!lillt}nity. Bapt1s ~ Chur ~. :1 O!.l..Fo'.rtress Ave. The funds·wa.s _made ava"lab1e ·;-•:i ·,~h 1 _ ' [·-! :i:J, t _be ef_YcI(.you in the Model _Ci tieJiodsl Neighborhood Inc _.__ The :,:-es i .u e.n t s. t'?'~)s:r-2.r:' , -and '" T 1J'.!1at effects you in t:he-and Board. Mernbe.r_s__o .f M. N , I , h s.Y s l ;:~·=,1 PL:tns ~1 '.· · ,;JJ.J. I be ;.:, he seminal forum. , seeking for six months .to g et [< Cl t,fi L1 }. T e oi d P.n L., in Mechanicsville are money to cary out a p:ro g_:::-.'.:.l.ll1-o:' -<;;..J.;_,l ,:, ·,' . .L·,.11.:.tc~ to E.i t t c r,6_ too. ment, social, recreat:"Lon. h o :m.8 Ea.:-,:\.:J;·J .. , ment and other comrn.llllity acti v- i t.'...c:E. · ~: 'Y'./ _ t ·+-r-1·H--',---:--i--+·-t---++ i--l-+;- t·i-H I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I ~-e chanics:v~ lie...- --- -- . --· 0


A boys Club _, and _a Girls---Clu~c, -- .L; rapidly progressing along with tL~ ·.:i..i -- ~---fferent volunt-eered. . servic e s p l 2:r·,:., .1_-,, -: _ . ___? .i na.l )1a~s to open in the-city -- of The funds will be used for-e:::Lf·L:i2<u-;: ,.1. t. ;.:1.nt:J, ri. f 1., s t and in a ghetto sll'm a ~u~l_time . supervisor, and p e,y ·::"; ,? --,n-c.:-~ 2. Cc :·r.xnity owened., Community _ util_ities, plus purcbas.e_o-f fi Ge a_r;_ci.. n :1):1:::~g (.; G _ ~. nd. Comm.tm i ty priority in advertising .supplies. p ..,-,,r,i,y1;-n-,-»·' -'-· ,a·· t · - 1 d 1 .

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eve oping project I I I 1-1 I I b I I I I 1-H·--- ·,