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,- /1r2 c /2 on[ c3;LJ/e·J 111 :, /If tic /2 inc /)l(, 1 I Vol. 1 -iurnber 7 October 26, 1968 Free Edition --- Special---MODEL NEIGHBORBOOD I NC. RECIEVES $6,000.00 GRANT' MECHANICSVILLE NOT REPRESEP.TED AT MA.SS CONVENTION Model Neighborhood Inc., has reoieved ~6,000.00 in federal funds to help get its proposed Shopping Center in Mechanicsville under way. The Economic Development Administration grant will be used to find tenants for the Shopping Center planned for the corner of HcDaniel Street and Georgia Avenue. Model Neighborhood anticpate the construction to begin in the very near futur e . -lHHH!--'.l- MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD I NC. TO LAUNCH 11GET 11HTH IT" Only 21 delegates claming residents in the Mechnaicsville Community attended the Mass Convention that was held at Parks Jr. High School Sunday Oct -. 20th. Was it because of the change ? This Weekl y was previously notified that the meeting was planned f or Oct 27th at the same' place. The Vice-Chairman of Mechanicsville Model Cities Program reported at the Convention, that over 300 had vote d in 3 of 10 ar ea blocks . . .here wer e they Sunday during the Convent ion? Bus t r ansportation was provide d, but only l est than a dozen rode this expensive vehicle. (A. T .S.) ~rhy? Mechanicsville, and the other Model Cities Communitie s should be r epresented It is no s e cret~ its a fact, commbetter in this important project, e specuni ty organizing is a al most compl et e i ally since it will have an effectual i mpact to every res i dent l iving in the f ailure as f or as Me chanicsville and the entire s outh side Communities are involved.J~odel Citie s area. The small del egation An attempt that i nevitably will succ- attendance do not constitue a quorum. By eed is being pr oposed by Model Neighbor- the same t aken, othe r organizations with hood I nc. and will be make known ver y soon.the s ame amount of member s ar e t ol d they do not speak f or the peopl es, and this: -lHHHHHHHHHHH!- small group is allowed t oo. 4~,,oe or more r esidents sheuld not allow 315 doMECHANICSVILLE CENTER gooder s t o make policie s f or t hem . And HELPING GET JOBS. that 315 should shar e whar they l earn with t he t ot al community. The naxt meetAll unemployed men i n the Me chanicing i s expect ed t o be bet ter r epresent ed. sville Community are asked t o go t o the Center 389 Bass St . S •1nr. every Tuesday 9 a . m., t o 1 2 noon . A Georgi a State EmDEDICATION OF THE PRYOR STREET ployment Service agent will hel p t hem get SCHOOL STTTITDAY OC'I'OHER 27 4 -P. M a job. Efforts are presentl y being formalat Every ci t izen in At]anta, e specially ed to get the unemployed femal es jobs. t he parents of the school age children of Plans are in the final stage to open the Mechanicsville, that are enrolled at the (con1t on page 2) · (cont. on page 2) Col1:11'll1 1 celumn 1 �(~ e r) MECHANICSVIlL~ rS WEEKLY ntACHINE •c.. .)f "" ' ' 1\1\11/C,1 ".,' "!..J(. -,lir,r ,1 ,, ,3ID.1- :M".A C CENTER CITIZENS NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COUNCIL APPROVES PROPOSAL The C. N. A. C. (Citizens Ne ighborhood ,Adviscry Council 0f the Summerhill EDIT~RIAL RA PID TRI\NSIT & SCHOOL BOND Mechanicsville Nei ghbor hood Service Cen- t e r E . o. A), at its r egular monthl y meet Aga in the Machine s uggests that a-ing made a recommendation that the Me ch- clear e r account nf the Rapid Tran~it and th e Schr:,ol Br1nd proposals be brought t n ainicsville C"lmmunity. Cente r be funded a s prppos ed the peopl e s b nth Prn and Con. Be ca use of the dist ance and incrmv,:mi Only one side of t he is s ue s is reachence s tn r e sidents liv ing in Me chanicsvil- ing th e vnt e rs. Every t axpa ye r t hat was I e , hav ing t o go to and from the sum-Mee living in Atlanta, 1n t he l at e 30 1 s mro Ce nte r and not a ble t 0 get service s with the early l..i0 1 s have expe rienced urban and out going t o Sum-Mee c ente r, agroup of r e-- sur~urba n transit• Tr...,lle y s e rvices from sident s got t :-,get her and f ounded t he c ent- M~rietta , te Atlanta . East Point, Ha,pe-e r a nd plans f ,w it t o s e rve .1tll nf the v i lle , College Pa rlj:, and De catur t.• AtIMechanicsville c ')rmnunit y .. , anta effe r e d the s ame tran sport.'.1ti • n. T,s · The f unds will enable the Center t 0 · get - fast er the pl a nne rs s uffe r ed the Meemplr;y a st aff t ') a ssist the v olunteers, tr"polis with EAi,re s swaiys , due north 75 & and pay t he facility expense s. A com':re- 85, and s euth. Ea st & ne st I-20? ri iute s. hens ive pr ogra m is already in procer . • Lat e r a cir cumfe r ence r oute tha t ha s m :lt. This will include Empl oyment, Depari. · ·.nt been c ompl et ed( I-285 ) • These multi- rnilTGf:- Fami ly and Children Se rvice RecreatiOnion dol l a r means ~f t ravel hc1ve not been and S'lc i al Se rvice s , al s o H• me ' Managernent pa i d f nr, a nd poorl y pl a nned from its fir st c 0nce ption should ~e i mproved, instead of ~HHh~-l*" -JHHHH~ *lh~-lH~

-li-:HH*building anothe r conge stion t • hamper this;

' '" ' '-" " ' "' ,nc( DEDI CATION) f r~rn page 1 l arge City. Pryer Street El e ment a ry School sheuld ,r· The Ma chine r e ccmmends a City- wi de Pubwant t e attend the dedicat ion program lie hearing at t he Civic c ente r , or at ~ha tha t i s planned f0r Sunday oct•be r 27 , Cit y Auditorium before Novembe r 5th. 4 P . M. Mrs . Ca rrie M. Lace y is the 1:'rin- ¾-lHHH~ c ipl e . Dr. John T7 • Letson Atlant a Fublic HO\ TO GET RES I DENT PART IC I PATION' Schonl Supe rintendant , will be the speakMn. 3 e r . Pa r ents and Teache rs will al se be en The Organize rs will s a y, 11 I us e to the program, ail r:mg with some nf the stu- live 0ve r here " . Be ca reful not to s a y that. Als0 , Your s l um house s. The i gn~dent s attending the schnol . r ant pe oples . Those burns . And, "l""e will c',.o

HHH*-lHHHPA- fer you. "'hat ca n we de, fnr you. This kind

~f approach willsurely ca use r e s entment, fr("lrn t he ve ry beg i nning . Aft e r that you ' (J0bs from page 1) Cernmunity, be-ll be t alked about pretty bad . ,Always l et ga rment Mfg . f actory in t he the peoples define their cha r a cter su.rfore November l et rc,unding s . , and c onditinns. Appn,ach them The fac\ ory will e mploy 13 or more with thr feeling t hat they a r e humans a nd women. 28 have made a pplication fer the itel liga·nt. Assist them fn their plans-, position ef p•we r sewing machine ope r atd"nt plan f("lr +.hem. r. l so the r e a r e se,cia-J. ors . 18 a pplicants are living in t he drunks , and ir:re sp,ms ible d runks @JJJ.ong the M0del Neighborh~od Ar ea . pr0fessional c itizens , just as there aire -r---¾-~H*- ~HHH~ -l!- among the non-professi0nals c, GO TO THE POLL AND VOTE -:HHHH*- YOUR SCHOOL r . T. A. NEEDS YOU . AND YCU NEEDS YOUR P. Te A. BE A MEMBER NOP . �MECHANICSVULE rs r.'EEKLY :WJ._CHINE CHARLES FLUKER TAKES KIDS TO TECH-TULANE 25 (page 3) LITTLE BIRD LITES ON MACHINE Mpdel Neighborhood Inc. was donated 3fl ciimplimentary tickets t,., see Ga. Tech play Tulane at Grant Field. Saturday October 27, 1968 2:00 P.M. Charles Fluker a young man wh0 re~ides at 731 Ira Street s.rr. volunteered tn take the youngsters t0 the game . /--; _;_:_..-

~ . -- . \ . /_-/,! ~ ~ / . __/ \' . . .. - - - -~ AND SAID I heard somebody say 'We have taken Rembert out of Mechanicsvillen Lets see what you are going to do now. Several young men held a meeting "'I wonder was it Rembert thnt they at the Mechanicsvil+e Community Center should have gotten rid nf." thursday evening October 24, and elected officers 0f their club.

That Model Ne ighborhood Inc. dning

"'lll say its doing fineu Micheal Vincent President, Vernom 11See you ne:irt week" Brandent Vice-President, Henry Bailey ,Bei'ore·- I go Tell Me --rnaJts 2-V ice and Richard "'alker 1J-a.o.. ·All :the "Model Cities Mass Coff·entien? 0fficers and members lives in Me chan-:""'ho is the steering committee? icsville. Tell me so I can t ell othersu. The club will be named at the next meeting •Ted. October 30th. - Flies AwayBOYS GROUP MET AND ELECTED OFFICERS 1 Bring Your car To ,. J89 Ba ss Street S ........ 1 GIRLS ELECT OFFICERS FOR CLUB Eleven young l adies met "~ed. evening at the Me chanj esville Community Cent er 389 Bass s treet. and el ect ed off icers for 68-69 t erms. Mar estme Brunson President, Sarah Milon sec., and Toamu Bell Sec. The group will meet aga in ~ed Oct 30th at the center and name the club. Any girls inter ested please attend. /VOVEf\B[(\) MECHANICSVILLE BOYS CLUB EVERY SPONSORS Y'EEK-END CAR~:A.SH ,.'EEK-END 6:3'0 A .. M. ~~- - - -5:30 P . M. 1:'1ASH & DRY r ASH-D'RY & 1 .,25 Y:Ax J.,.O(') proceed~ goes t o the Club f or the purpose of buying Sport equi pments 5-th £~ it-L_T-1o /\/ 15 D fi / �I < /o, ' .. • -- .., -~ �