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., ., · _. .. .. _ ,:. JUL 1 O1968 MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD, INC. City of Atlanta Application for a Grant From City De mon stra tion Agency This application is for fund s needed to provide staff and technical assistance in the continuation of the program of Model Neighborhood, inc. The corporation was ori g inally conc e ived of as a vehicle for economic developme nt in 1965. Efforts were begu n in the spring of 196 7 to build a commun ity own ed andoperated sh opp i n~ center on two paracels of land cleared in the Rawson-Wa shington Urban Renewal Project; and throu n h the v e ry limited financial resources of the individu als on the Board of Trustees, we now hold an option on nearly one-~uarter of a mi llion worth of lando A major objective h as be~ n to demon~tr~te that the p eo~l e of our commu ni ty can suc ceed in b~siness on our own ini t i ~t ive . We do not wa nt someone to build a shopping center for us br to otherwise improve our lives for us. We b e lie ve that th ose who would sincerely help c a n b es t do so by e ncour aging us ir. our own efforts. It is in ,this s pirit that this application is sub~ itted. And in this spirit, it s eems appropr i ate to r e-aff irm our commi ttme nt t 0 th e City ' s Demonst r ation Aqency and its efforts. We want the citv.ts. progr3m tc succeed a nd wish to particip a te in achei ving its goals. ~e request this grant h onest ly, pl ed ing to support the city'~ program , re serv irq the right to be critic al of it, and endeavoring to establish a spirtt of coop erati on within o fr amework of cand or and fra nkness . We hope to accom p lish two objective with the sho p pin g center; to demonstrate our own ability to bring o ur business id ea s to frunition and to insp ir e a n d enc our a ge o t hers in our c ommunity t o do the same . Th e specifics of how we ~ntend.t o do this are contained in the att ached program statement . In th e l ast sixty d ays five r e q u ests for help with starting new bus in e sses h a v e come to th e cor p ora tion from area resid e nts . These h a ve b ee n f o r: 1) a ru g clea rners, 2) fre ~h poultry and s eafood store , 3? barb e r a nd b e e uty s h o p , 4) air condition ing busin es s: Some have asked u ~ to joint-venture th e ir prop o sals, while some have simply asked f or advice.

Through our"effort s to date, we h a v e b ecome familiar with th e p~ogr a m of the De mo n s tr a tion Agenc y and th e city's promotion of e c ornomic d e v e lopme nt wit~ ED~ . We h av e fam i li a r with oth e r p rogr a ms a nd agen c i e s as we ll: SBA , Nationa l Bu s iness Leagu e , Co rn e r s ton e , the Gh e tto Commun ity Deve t opment Prject of th e National Council of Churches, the Urban Crisis Fund a nd many oth ~r s . Furhter, we h ave me t many indiv idu a l s , Negro a md White , wh o h a ,,e e xte;1 s ive h11 s t r. ~s s e x p eri e n ce in th e loc a l area and who wi sh to p e r son ;:i ll y ass i s t ~ J le? i n our c o mm11nity in ge tting into bu si n e ss . Th e se h nv e inc lud ed top r a nking of f i c i a l s in one o f t h e n a tion ' s l e a rli ng !'i.-ljh:t in'] f ixtu re ma nufac turing fi r ms ~ c'! t ex til e indu s t r ·; con s ult a nt, a con s ultin g industri a l e n g in ee r, s~veral a ttorn e y s a nd oth e r s . V ( I �..1. -2- We bel ei sr.c th a t we can c :1 ntinue to spark idea s and initive in our commu n i ~v if we c a n continu e to succee~ in our ~ajor efforti th e shopping center. We beli e ve that we can continue to perform a needed ser v i c e in the city by assist~ng th o s e seeking help with •s. eating services their individu a l efforts to work w!th agencies and individuals who want to help. The s-e re qu ire initiative, time an rfi money. We have the initintive and are willin;r to inv est it and Ol· t tir1e, but •,;e have meager financial resources. We are re q uestin g the Demo nstration Agency to provide funds to us so we can more fully _participate in the city's program. We are requ -~stinq a total of 912,200.00 to be allocated on the followin g basis: Operating Expenese (for six Months): Salaries: Executive Officer Secretarv Subtotal $3,900.00 2,600.00 6,soo.oo Overhead: Rent {Jtilities Telephones Transportations• Office Supplies Subtotal 600.00 300.00 150.00 350.00 100.00 --- 1,soo.00 Technical Assistance Leg~l fees and expenes Auditing and Bookke e ping Planning and Develonment Advisor Total 60.0.00 600.00 3000 <,;! 00 4,200.00 12,200.00 Grand Total •gas, oil, repairs and insurance on automobtle. We are currently receiving free legal services on a volunteer basis. The attorn eys assistin g us are incurring out-of-p6cket expenses which we wan t ·to be able to pay in the futur ~. In addition, situa ti ons h ave arisen in the past wherin we have nel:!ded immediate legal help to pay for it. We would like to have the amount shown above for these rea s ons. Xuditing and bookk ee ping s e rvic es likewi se are now on a volun teer basis The CP A workin g for us is helping not only with the books but al ~ o wit h our by-l a ws a nd orqanizational structures. 0 t .- - - .... - ·- . . ' �!. ,· -3 - We ne ed m6n ey f or th s es s e ~v ic e s in a simil a r ma nne r in which we ne 0 d mon ey f o - l egn l s er vi ce s. We ha ve ~e~ i v i ng help fr o m a city planning con s ultant for al r:,.o st c=! ve ~r n r, the sa me volunte '? r ::,-,sj_s o

-Pr '.r ices rend ,:: red

hav e n e t ~ or l ·, bee~ i n ~h e a r ea of a dv i ce on Ped e r a l proqr aw s, liasion, and a pp li c a tio n t o t he Hou s ing Author it y and like hut have included hel p in g et t i ng l e J Al an ~ fin a nc i al as s ist a nc e, organizing, making v a r i ous c o n t a c t s with l o cal businessmen anrl public a0 e nc v officials and in ad v i s i ng rlay-to-d ~y business pro hlems. We wish to contint1e this relation s hip, and the money r e7 uested will enable us to do so. 0 We resp Pc t f ~lly re quest favorable con s ider a tion of our a ppl i ca tion. ~[[[Special:Contributions/|]]·¾ Bo a rd of Trustees Model ne i qhb o rho0d, Inc • .. ( ' .. .t �