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July 17. 1968 Miss Natalie Stl'0mbeck 4781 Old Dominion Drive Arlington. Virgini 22207 Dear Miss Strombeck: l am in agreem nt with your l tter of July 13 tressing the need for economic indep ndence of the poor. In Atl nta we ar a.ttempting to provide maximum j ob opportunities along with decent housing. ad quate public ervlces nd social equality to all 0£ our citizens. At the pr ent tim , there i no local d v lopm nt corpor tlon operating in the City of AU nta . The City is working with neighborhood group in oui' Model Cities Program to organize d v lopm nt corporation of neighborhood r ldent . This is called Model N ighborhood lncorpor ted. Although plana hav not been fully dev lop d, I m ttaching copy of. · propos by MNI which outlm the org niz tion and it purpo • I bop this will provld th infotm.atlon you eek. Sine r · 1y yours• I-van All n. Jr,. M yor1AJ11:fy Encloaur �