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. .... ~ -,. . Augu s t 1 3 , 1968 .. OFFICE OF MODEL CITIES PROGRAM 565 Hill St. SE At11nta, G• . 30 312 404-524 -8876 Ivan Allen Jr., Mayor J. C. Johnson, Director MEMO R A" N DU M TO Johnny C. Johnson, Director FROM John E . Ferren, Economic Development Coordinate~ SUBJECT : Pr ocess Requi red for Funding Model Neighbo rhood , Inc. · On August 12 Dave Caldwell asked me what procedure should be followed by Model Cities to financially as sist Mode l Neighborhood, Incorporated to the tune of $6,000. Specifically, he asked me the following two questions: ' . 1. What will be needed in the way" of amendment to the EDA contract specifically to allow disbursement of $6,000 to Model Neighbor hood , Inc.? 2. The City has received $ 25,000 of the EDA grant . It was received at the initial phase o f the contract . How is the add itional money requisitioned? To get the answer9 to these questions, I called Scott Ruthe r ford's office in Washington, D. c. and talked to Mr . Dan Herrington. In answer to question one , Mr . Herrington said that because the remaining $12,000 was not put in the original budget as a line item and was, therefore, uncommitted , the procedure to enable us to giv e Mr . Moody this money would be to have Model Neighborhood , Inc. submit a detailed statement on how they would expend these funds, if they had them. This would be submitted to our staf f who would in turn submit this docwnent along with either a recommendation or otherwise to Mr. Gordon Berry of EDA in Huntsville. Mr. Herrington suggested that we also send an •mofficial copy to Scott Rutherford. He further suggested that we make certain that we would not need this money for line expenditures between now and March 31, 1969. He was unable to answer question two, but said that he would like to look into it and give us an answer in the next couple of days. JEl .vlc �