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NON - PROFIT DEVELOPERS TRUSTEES 940 McDANIEL STREET, S. W. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30310 Joe Stallin~s TELEPHONE: 523-5166-7 VICE-CHAIRMAN Joel W. Marshall SECRETARY CLARK MARTIN MEMBERS AVERY SHIELDS NATHANIEL PROTHRO SAMUEL COCHRAN REV. AUSTIN FORD PRINCE MARTIN, SR. HAROLD OWENS CLAUDE BARNES REV, JOEL W. MARSHALL TECHNICAL ADVISORS C. BRON CLEVELAND PAUL MULDAWER ELIZA PASCHAL TREASURER C . G. EZZARD August 5,1969 Mayor Ivan Allen, Chairman Model Cities Executive Board City Hall Atlanta, Georgia . Dear Sir: In a Model Cities Steering Committee meeting on July 31, 1969, a motion was carried to approve the Model Neighborhood, Inc. economic development program, pending written communications of information conveyed by a consultant at the meeting on the following two concerns; (1) expansion of MNI Board and (2) MNI Directorship. The following action was taken at a special Board meeting on July 30, 1969 of Model Neighborhood Inc. (1) MNI Board agreed to expand its Board to include more members with the stipulation that they be residents of the Model Cities area. Although the Board agrees in principle that the addition of professional businessmen on their Board would benefit the corporation, it disagreed with adding, specifically (5) "Black" businessmen because of the racial overtones of such an action . The Board also felt that sophisticated "out-side" business interest ( on the Board) would not enhance the basic concept of self-help . The Board however, did agree that the Advisory Board would meet monthly in order to review the program progress and financial expenditures. This action was agreed �Mayor Ivan Allen August 5, 1969 to by the Advisory Board. At an earlier Board meeting, there was re-election of officers. Mr. Joe Stallings was elected chairman and Rev. Joel Marshall vice-chairman. The Board also ruled that no member of the staff could hold a position on the Board. All staff members have resigned from the Board. (2) The Board hired Mr. Samuel Cochran as Executive Director. Mr. Moody,to benefit the corporation, agreed to work in a line position. He is to receive a contract with specific duties as outlined in a scope of services. The Model Cities Steering Committee voted to approve MNI's program upon receiving the above information in writing. The committee instructed MNI to forward this information on to the Executive Board via letter for your consideration. Sincerely ~ tallings, Ch Board of Trustees cc Executive Board Steering Committee J. Johnson J . Culp J. Hicks R. Ly.le D. Sweat n �