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July 14, 1969 Mr. Arnold Lebowitz, Director Office of Technical A s sistance Economic Development A dministration U. S , Department of Commerce Washington, D . C . Dear Mr. Lebowitz; On July 1, 1969, th M od l Citie Executive B oard discuss d CDA p1."ojects munb red EC·003C and EC-00SN. At that time, Mayor Allen raised certain questions as to the qualifications of the E xecutive Directol' of Mod l Neighborhood. Inc. and expre d oppo ition to the pprov 1 of $ 36,000 in Model Cities Supplemental Funds to match the EDA gtiant hi.ch h s alr dy b en pproved. The motion to pp,:ove was tabled until the August me -ting of the Model Citl s E x ecutive Boai-d. tn th me ntime, Mod 1 Nelghbot'hood. Inc. board memb rs., M con ultant , and oth :r r working in an attempt to find a r on bl solution to thi prob1 - m. l hop th t a solution can b found prior to August me ti g. Sincer ly yo D i1 Swe t s, �