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II - l. I July 16, 1968 j Mr., Edward Hoody Chairman, Board of Truste~ Model Neie;.hborhood, In.co 700 HcDaniel Street, S. Wo Atlanta, Georgia 30310 Re t Parcels B-lO"o and B-14 Ra,1,;son-',·fo.slrl!\:,.:i-ton Streut Urban Redevelcp~'1.t Area Project GeorGia R-10 Model Neighborhood, Inc. Dear lil'. Moody: ! I I I I I! I I I I I I Thank you for your letter of June 26, 1968, in which you advisetl us concern:ins your efforts to·.-rard getting fina.'1cing for t:1.e shoppin.:; center you plan to erect on the above described prope~ty. You also epea.1< of an option to ucquir0 tt.e prop8.rt7 and request an e.~tension of tio:-e because your 5% bid doposit e;q:-ires on July 13th. In clarification of tho t!l.2.tter it scew.S appro9riate to rcrvieu bria..-"l:{ the e.~1sting situ~tion in res_pBct to thls propertyo. On r!ay 17, 1968, Model Nei 6hborhcod, Inc., r.iade a proposal to The Housing Authority to bey Parcels B- lOb and B-14 in the P~wson-:--!ashl~cn Street Urb81 Redelopr~t Area for a price o.r $216,500.00 ruid attached to the proposal a Treasurer's check issu_ed by ths Trust Cor.i.pa.ny of Georgia in the sum of $10,800. oo. · · · May 22, 1968, the Board of Com.a jssio.ners. of the Ilouslng Authority accepted the proposal. conditioned upon your corporation reccivinJ a On commitment of funds. On Hay 29, 1968, the Housing Authority wrote and advised you or the action taken b,:r tl19 Boo.rd of Co!'.:." ~ssion!~s and furth.ei· actdsed that · be.fore th.a Housing Authority ca n actun.lly and forinally accept your • proposal, it must have kno.-iled2e that Hodel Ueivlborhood., Ince, has. received such a co,;'.}::tltcent o Ho date was set by which you are required to obtain su-::h a c0r.1::tl t ,:1ent.. It m1s our desire to eive ;rou a re.:isonable t ir:1s and to work w:i th y cu i n eve17 1-1a.y pos sibleo �_. r \ \ Mr. &r;1ard Hoody l Joly 16, 1963 Fags Two \ . . -, \ As the mtter now stc.ncls, t-lhen the Housin3 Authority is given knO'..rledge that Hod al Ifoighborhood., Inc.,, has received a co;:rrl tD":ent of funds for the purpo.::;a of building the shoppin3 ce:iter, the pre-po.sci. c.ade by Hodel Neighborhood, Inco 1 will be .:i.ccei:)tedo This situation will continue terr a. re~so:iablc tiC"..G and ';{e sincerely hope tJiat your ef!orts to fin:l.Ilce the project .-till soon be fruitful. Howard Open.shaw I ! Director , ( I l 1 I I


o.r Redevelopoent �