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824 HURT BUILDING TELEPHONE JA. 3-6074 ATLANTA 3, GEORGlA Febru,iry 27, · 1969 Mr o. Ec!,1<Jrd M0ody,' Exeoutive Direct-Jr 1;odel ll 2-iE;hb~r:1'.:>od, lr.c. 700 1'!cD:miel Street, 3. W. Atl2nt ~, G~org:13 JOJlO Dear Hr. !'!.oocly: This is in 1·eply to your letter of Dec~ii'.ber 31; 1968 1-'1dic,,ting th~t con!:ltruction pl ns for the i)ropo acd shopping c enter .3t Gcorgb .Avenue a nd 11cD;niel St:ce st i.'"ill b e su'br.u.tted within siz:ty d 2y3 . 1.:e c1re plecse:d ,;.Tith the pxoiress you h~vc ~;,de in th~ prep;.:r£iticn of tce5a , pl:., n::i .. Your propvs ~l to bu7 und redevelop di~i~~ition p ~r~el3 B-10~ enr.l B-lh in the rvwson-U~; shington Urb.:m Eecev8lo pr..ent k1·e:;. .:.cc.::m:p:,nied by a propo sal d.2p.- ,sit in thD 2r::ount of $ 10,800 .. 00 ·.,:z s "'ccept-e•j by the Bo·:rd of Cori:russioncrs of the ;\thnt" Eou:: tri~ ;mthority on May 22nd, l?.68 u pon t.11e cond ition that the Authority r ecei p9 evidence th.;.t :: l,P.n c;:o.mtltt::2ent in ~n ,: n1~unt sufficient to c.or:iplst.e th<~ pro posed de .."el::i p- · '!:lent ~s b..::e.i obt.::.in;;;d b-7 your cor~or :.tion. li'ollowlng r e c2ipt o.f t ttls l".'.>3n c :;:;-!;:rl.t k:2nt :; nd u p~n receipt of .:-.ccept .::bl'=l wo1·king dr n ,; irl:J S of the proposed de,elo p:ient., tha Authority will b9 in .:, position to conve:, title t.o the prop.:;rty. I The City h ;:, s reques ted the Authority to t :ike wn;itever step!! necess;:iry to co::i;:ilcte this project «t the e.:rlies~ possible cL,w. iie are n-.ost mu.--tous to c::>;;1pl e te ~11 acti vities by t.he end of 1969. In order to clo 3a out this project, n:,w in its ninth ye ·2 r of e::cecuti,m, it ia i~;::-erc:iti vc th,,t the l s n,1 for tha f roposzd sho pping center be c onveyed Br:d com,·tructi-:,n sLrteu no 1.:-!ter th;:;n Dec~mbtr, 1959a Current nc:.:tlnlstn,t:tva nnc interest cost~ for keeping the project o v-,n cmount. to ~16, 9J.5oC~J per montho In the event 1;oc1el ?foit:hb-Jr~~0od, Ii:c. is un:,ble to meet the conditions cited &bove , pl~nse noti.fy tl1o /.uth0rity r.t oncG so th t 70ur propos::11 dcpo~it n1-::y bs r e t.•.,rned ;md the L:nd re-cf.fen::d for s:~le . te(Q)JPY �.. Mr~ Edw nrd 1.1.oc d7 ·nie Housing Authority- is Mst symp3thetic with the c-:rn.cept of resident in--nlv~ent in the redeveloor:e:m t of their neiz;h0,:n·h;,ods and ,nll coo~,en,t.e in :.ny u -.,y p:,s~ible to ~chieve this "\s:-Orthy objective. Ho:-rever., in vie;; ot th~ City's exp:.·essed cedre to clo::;e out this project Bt the earliest possible d3te, we Dre U-n.ible to le ~ve this ~jtter open inde£initely. We w-lU .::ppi-eciate he:aring fror.i. you c!lnd being ~dvised of tha pre.sent pro spec t,3 of your obt.ciinin~ tha n~cess:ry lo ::.n com:n.ittment. Very truly yours,


How<ird Opensh:,w . Director of Redeveloo;1~ent HO/He cci lfr. f~clne7 H. C~k J>h.•., Ch:1rles Lo D2.via f.r. Collier Gl · din · Mr. Edwin L. Stern~ Mr. Phillip Vroou1 an /. . "' �