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.,j I • SUGGESTED ACTION ON THE REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CIVIL DISORDERS AND RECOMMENDED 1968 CITY SERVICES PROGRAM Immediate Concentrated Action: 1. Areas of Concentr ation - The r e are six areas of concentration identified on the accompanying map (Exhibit A). This is · a minimu1n number, more should be added if needed. These areas generally conform to the EOA poverty areas and use the ir centers as a base of operations. The areas are: ·1 i Base of Ope rations . West Central . Neighborhoods Watts Road Almond and Carey Park Center Hill Grove Park Dixie Hills Hunter Hills Western Avenue Adair Park Pittsburgh M ech anicsville Summe rhill Grant Park Peoples town Chosewood South Atlanta High Point and J oyl a nd Lakewood Heights Summec , I. ! Northwest-Perry Homes .,., Cha ttahooche e Riverside Bolton Lincoln Homes Scotts Crossing Hill Park Perry Homes - Rockdale �t J='.age Two I Base of Operation's East C entral Neighborhood.s Glen Iris Bass Com1nunity Cal5bagetown - Reynoldstown J Edgewood Edgewood Kirkwood Nash-Washington English Avenue Vine City University Center 2. Administrative Organi zation - The administrative organization for the 1968 City Servi~es Program is atta ched as Exhibit B. 3. R espqnsibilities a. b. Mayor - through the Director of Governmental Liaison and the Comm.unity Dev e lopment Coordinator will be responsible f?r the supe rvision of the entire program. Advisory Cominittee on Civil Disorde rs - The Mayor will create this committee compo se d of thre e Aldermen . The ,, responsibility of this committee is: (1) Initially, this committee shall r e view and approve all public agency and City departmental programs proposed to be -~dertake n during the 1968 City Services Progr am ; (2 ) Evalua te the recommenda tions of the N a tiona l Adv isory Cominittee on Civil Dis o rders , spe cifi cally Cha pte rs 10 throu gh 17, and pres ent in report form its r e cormnendations relative to City policy to the Mayor and Bo ar d of Ald e r men for adoption; (3 ) Evaluate thi s y ea r' s City S ervic es Pr-o gram, p a rticul arly those ac tiv ities ,vhic h p a rallel those r ec o mmendations c onta ined in the C ominission's r e port; and (4 ) Provide th e May or with i ts findings and r e commen dation s r e l a tive to (a ) th e succ ess of the local efforts ; {b) whet her the loc a l effort should b e made p ermanent and continuing, and, if s o, how ; a nd (c) how th e lo cal effort should b e expanded a·ssuming it i s successful. The committ ee s hould s ubmit its report early thi s fall. �Page Three c. Director .G>f Governme nta l Liaison and Cornmunity Development Coordin a tor - See above. d. City Services ·c o ordinators - T.he re will be six c·oordinators, . one for each of the si.,-x areas and centers designated. The y will be responsib le to th e Community Developme_nt ·coordinator. Each City Services Coordinator \Vill be responsible for the coordination of City and non-City services with the Neighborhood Task Force. Nei ghb~ r hood Task Force - A joint gove rnme nt-com.munity orga ni zation to be d e velope d at e a ch c e nte r. It will consist of the: e. (1) EOA Citizens Keighborhood Advisory Council (elected lay citi z ens) . (2) EOA c ent e r sta ff and h ealth, \ve lfa r e , social s e rvice, employrn.ent and legal aid programs (3) City S e rvic e s Coordina tor (4) City-\Vid e R e sourc es T a sk Force on a n "as n ee d e d" basis . , The obj e ctive of the Nei ghborhood Task Force is mor e effe ctiv e commun ic a tion b e h vee n r es id e nts· a nd local public official s a n d how to improve City s e r v ic e s in the area . f. City-Wid e R esou rces T as k F orc e - Repr e s ent a ti v es fro m public a g encies and City d e p a rtme nts \vho w ill e ither ind ividua lly or colle ctively make th em s e l ves a v a ilabl e t o each of th e s ix N eighborho od T as k For ces on a n "as n eede d" b as i s . Each public age n c y and City d e p a rtment will be r e ques t ed to d e signate the ir r e pr esenta tive on thi s Ta sk Forc e . E ach r epresent a tive w ill b e se r v i ng f ull-time and w ill b e expecte d to b e continu ed on t he co:ot ributing agency ' s pay roll. The �Page Four -I


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public age n~i e s and City Departments affected are: Atlanta Housing Authority Atlanta Public Schools Fulton Cotmty Health D e partme nt Econo1nic Opportunity Atlanta (EOA) Atlanta Yout-h Council Parks and Recreation D e partment _ Fire Departme nt Police Department Public Works· Department Building Insp e ctors Department Sanitation D e partme nt Traffic Engin.ee ring Depa rtment Planning D e p a rtment Atlanta Public Library . More detailed responsibilities are attached for each agency as Exhibit C. 4. Complaints - Complaints will be readily handled by the Neighborhood Task Force, the City-Wide Resources Task Force, and the City Servic e Coordina tor. Howeve r, a pres sure valve is need e d through which major complaints and the n ee d for broad policy d ete rrninations affecting the entire city can be formally conveyed to the City administration. The Community R e lations Commission will hold gri evance-respons e hearings in thes e areas on a p e riodic · basis during the summe r months. The Community Relations Commission would in turn 'r e port their findings directly to the Mayor and the Advisory Committee on Civil Disord e rs. 5~ Depar tme nt H eads Meetings - Will be convene d and h e_ld on a weekly b as is to facilitate developm e nt of the pro g r a m and to assist in r es ol ving probl ems. The Mayor or the Administrativ e Assista nt to t he Mayor or the Dir ector of Go ve rnmental Li a ison will chair the m ee tin g . On a p er iodic but fr equent b as i s the Mayor and/or k ey d epa rtment heads will t ake fi e ld t r ips to th_e d es i gnate d areas and visit w ith each Neighborhood Task Forc e. It w ould also b e d esirab l e for th e City-\Vide Resources T ask Forc es to accompany th e Mayor and departme nt heads on some of t he field trips. �Page Five '; The presence of the Mayor and department heads in each designated area is extremely important. Preferably, all six areas should be _covered on each field tr.ip. However, time may force a c01npro1nise to spot checks within each area. 6. Personne l - a. . City Services Coordinators (6) A request will be m a de of the Chief Building Official to as sign the two coordinators from the Building Inspection Division of the Department of Buildings who worked on last summer's progra1n to once again assume this responsibility for this sumrr1er 1 s program. The two coordinators would be loaned to the Mayor's Office for the period May 1 October 1 but would remain on the Building Department 1 s payroll. ---Fo.ur additional coordinators will be employed and these funds will be request ed from the Board of Aldermen. , b. . Representatives on the City-Wide Resgurces Task Force The Mayor will make formal reques ts of the public age.ncies and City d e p ar tments for th e neces sar y people under the conditions set forth under "3-f 11 above. c. 7. EOA will provide aide assistance on th e same .b asis as last year as well as clerical assistance through Neighborhood Youth Corps positions. Office space and equipment will b e furnished by EOA at neighborhood centers. ,., �i .. Page Six The above arrangements closely parallel last year's efforts. They also closely parallel the recommendations made by the President's Com1nission on Civil Disorders. We have added the qualitative aspect of having the Advisory Committee 011 Civil. Disorders monitor this sum1ner 's efforts with an eye toward placing this effort perrnanent and continuing basis. on ':, In short, th1s summer's efforts will be in direct respons e to Chapter 10 of the Commission's Report, "The Cormnunity Response." Immediate Ciiy-Wide Action While the above 1968 City S ervices Progra1n constitutes immediate -concentrat ed action, it is desirable that a broadbased, examination be made of the Report of the National Advisory Cormnittee on Civil Disorders . , . It is recommended that all City departments read the whole report, and more specifically, Chapter 10. This Chapter is entitled "The ···Community Response" and contains recommendations which would affect every operating department of the City of Atlanta if they were implemented. Ther efore , the Mayor requests each department and public agency to res pond to the following proposition: Assumt'ng the recommendations contained 111 Chapter 10 were being considered for implementation: J' I. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each recommendation? -z. - -111 your judgment, how would it affect your department? 3. Outline the steps involved in imple1nenting each recommendation as it would affect your department or agency. 4. Estimate the probable costs involved in No. 3. This information should b e filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Com1nittee on Civil Disord e r s by April 1, 1968. ·. ,., �~Page Seven The Mayor is referring Chapte r 11, "Police and the Community~' and Chapter 12, · "Control of Disorde r, 11 to the Police Department and the Police Committee of the Board of Aldermen for detailed study and reco1nme nd a tion s for action. This informa tion should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Committee on Civil Dis orders by April 1, 1968. The 1'.1ayor is referring Chapter 13, 11 Ad1ninistration of Justice Under Emergency Cond itions," to the City Attorney's Office and inviting the Atlant a B a r Associa tion to p a rticipa t e in its r e vi e w. Acting individua lly or in concert they should study it and provide the City with thei_r comments and reco1nme ndations for action. This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory Committee ·., on Civil Diso r der s by Ap r il 1, 1968. The Mayor is referring Chapte r 14, "Damage s: Repa ir and Compensation, to Mr. J a m es B e ntl e y, C o mptroller G e n e ral of the State of Georgia, with th e r e que st tha t h e and his good o ffice study this and provid e the City with the i r t ecomme n d ~ti ons fo r a ction. 11 This i nformati on s h o uld b e fil e d w i t h t he M a y o r I s Offic e a nd the Advi s ory Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968. .. The Mayor i s r e ferring Chapte r 15, "The M e dia of M a ss Communica tions," to the M a yor a nd t h e n e \VS m e di a . Th e M a yor in con junction with the n e ws m e dia will s tudy and m a ke r ec-olllme nd a tion s for a c t i on on this p a rticula r Cha pte r . ..Thi s i n fo rma t i ~n should b e fil e d w ith t he M a yor's Offi c e and the Ad v i s ory Com.m itte e on Civil Di s o rde r s by Apr il 1, 1968. ~he M a yor i s refe rrin g C h a p t e r 16, " The F u tur e of th e C iti es ," t o the M a )ror a n d Boa rd of A l d e r me n , t h e Ch a mb e r of Comn1e rc e , a nd t h e Atl a nta Urb a n Coa lition, T h is i nforrna t i on s ho ul d b e fil e d w ith th e M a y or I s Office and t h e Advisory Com1ni ttee on C ivil Di s order s by April 1, 196 8 . ,., �Page Eight The Mayor is referring the entire Chapter 17, "Recommendations £or National Action, 11 to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the Cha1nber of Commerce, and the Atlanta !-Jrban Coalition. It is also_ being referred to specific, ind1.vidua l agencies i..n accordance with the components of the Chapter: 1. Employment: Economic Opp~rtunity Atlanta Personnel Board Atlanta National Alliance of Business'men ' 2. 3. Education: Atlanta Board·of Education . Welfare System: . Fulton County Department of Family and Children Services 4. Housing: Atlanta Housing Authority Housing Resourc e 's Conunittee Planning Dep a rtment . This . information should be filed with the Mayor's Offfce and the Advisory Com1nittee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968. ,., �i EXHIBIT B "'"· ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANI ZATION 1968 CITY SERVICES-PROGRAM r----------i I 1. ! . '. l .. .. Director of Governmental Liaison I. '

~- Mayor and . Board of Aldermen .___D_e_p_a_r_t_m_e_n_t_H_e_a_d_s_ _ I ! I omm1.ttee I 'I ·, .• I I I I . I

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City-W ide Resources Task Force . Nash - I I Washington .. Community Development Coo rdina. tor No-rthwest Per·ry Homes I I I l West Cent~~l L,. ' I S umme c I ' I I East Central I Edgewood City Services Coordinator City Services Coordinator C ity Se rvice s Coordinator City Services Coordinator City Se1.·vices Coordinator City Services Coordinat or Neighborhood Task Force Ne ighborhood Task Force Neighborhood Task For ce Neighborhood Task Force N eighborhood Task F orce Neigh borh ood Ta§_k Force -- . '-, - - ..._ ', t I I

/ / . _ _ _ ,~~'~----~·~{_________~~!_______~!_, ·. . . '."" --t 1 ·---···- ·-·- ---·--··- -······· ··- -···· ··· ··~-········--·· . ···-···· .·-·, · 1 · Community Re ations .. , . .. ..,.... . . ·······--·-·----··- .·--····· . ·· c~ · · ~~ / I _,, ,-' i-i.-_,,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' omm1.ss 1.on ,. I �r• .S


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'; Sanitation Department I. ii .-'!, ,": '! l' . Trash picl-: up twice a week . . Garb age pick up t\vice a we·ek or three times if nee es s':ry. · Clean streets once a week . ...-' Rem.ave abandoned auto1nobiles. Coordinate with EOA to clean up vacaI?,t property and the elimination of h a zards to children at play. .I.. 1 r· ·i i ! ) ·l


2. Public Works Department Clean out storm drainage. Clean right of way of debris. Grade and gravel unpaved streets; _ Pate~~ paved str ee ts. Pave stree ts on p e tition basis. i


.•·. J ·! -i 3. Building Insp e ctor


-I 'i A. ' . The Building Inspec tor, according to the policy established in the Housing Cod e Complianc e Program, wil.l in propos e d Urban R enewal a r eas : ,, I l i a. b. l } I l c. . -j " d. e. 1 i t • .I l } Placard where warranted 2-nd seek demolition. Corre ct h aza rds and coordinate wit.h ... ti1e Health Depa rtment any un sanita ry c9nditions (E xampl e :· water sta nding i n b asements ). Reduce .overcrowding - Liaison with Housing Autho rity for relocation h e lp. Vacate unfit units. Cle a n up pr emis e s. j ij B. In the r e maining areas as d es ign a t e d on the P l anning m a p, step u p hous ing cod e enforcement to th e gre a test extent possible w ithout d eviating from the es tablish e d policy. I l l' j . i . C. Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance. j I 'L l I II \

,., �Page Two . 4• Parks Department I .; ' I A. ,I iI


. !! Equip and staff a massive recreation program using all park and school p1·operties and othe r land secured w1der short-term lease. . .) ..~ B. Maxiinum developm ent of properly supervis~d day and evening social activities and· recreational programs (Example: evening movies and possibly str.eet activities). C. Coordinate with Traffic Engineer the blocking off of streets for recreationa l activities. ·i 5. Police Department ·, 'Improve police protection to residents and homes. An expanded crime prevention program. Increase traffic sp ee d control efforts. ! · j · 1 i 6. Fire Departme nt / 7. A. An expanded fir e pr evention program. B. Assist in th e program of street show ers for c:hi.ldren using fire hydrants. / Traffic Engineering D e p a :tmen t Install sp ee d control signs. Survey ar ea and provid e ste pped up street light maint enance activities. ,; 8. Planning D epartment Provide nec essa ry planning assistance to all departments. 9. Library _. ; A. · The bookmobil e sch e dul e b e increased and expanded in th e affecte d area. �I:: ' . 'I'. ' !. Page Three · i· ·' . B. C.

' 10. Libr a ry coordina tion with such activities as Heaclstart to pro1note and encourage 1naximurn. use of library · facilitie s . if. . Atlanta Youth Council A. 11. Branch libraries loc ated within this area be giv e n maxiinum suppo r t and a ttention . . Coordin a t e the Summe r Youth Opportunity Camp a ign to provid e the m aximum numb e r of jobs ~or young . people in priv ate indu stry and the public agencies .and to insure ade_~uate stim1ner recreation and education programs for childr en in targ e t areas. l\:fa,Yor's Office Coordination of tota l sum1ne r effort. ' I !! , I .,. ,/ ' . ' . �