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March 13, l 968 DRAFT Attached is a c opy of the summary re c ommendations of the President' s Commission on Civil Disorders. lt is imperative th t th · City of Atlanta. not take this historic report lightly. We must carefully review every recomm _ndation and t ke whateveir action is :necessary to improve and protect the lives of all our citizens . I am. asking ach of you to make a thorough analyeis of the sections of the report which fall within your are · of opei- ti.on. You are requ ated to prep re a detailed course of action outlintpg those steps you intend to take on all recommend t1ons which pply in the City of Atl nta. Mos t of you w re lnvolv d last year in the development and xecutt-on of a special progr m of coo,.-dinatlon of city ervices during the ummel" months. The r sulte of that progi,-am were highly f vor ble. It is imp rativ that we continue and expand the City Service Program and discus what p ci!ic action we hould take on the Commi ion• s r poi-t. l ma ·king th t you m t with m Tuesd y, M rch 19, t 2:30 p. m. in Committe Room 2, City Hall. At that tlm we will review wh t cttons r bein t · k n to pi- vent civil di otd ir in Atl t . Sine r ly yours , Iv Allen, Jr. M yot AU ch d ls a U t ot th ~ - elv _ thi 1 tt r. dep rtm nt d nuyh d ho 1how.d �3 :oD- \~~ 1v 12 ss ev-n-9 ,. 0 _ I It'~ (U2 :- ~ ' I M r . K arl Bevins, T &affic Engineer 0 M r. Henry Bowden, City Attorney } Miss Virginia Carmichael, Recreation Director v M r. John Cox, Director , Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council / Mr . Charles Davis, Compti-oller j Mr . J a ck Delius, P arks D irector u )("' M r . Collier Gladin, Pla n n ing Director / c hief C. H . Hildebrand , F ire Chief yMr. W illiam S . Howland , D ire cto1.", Citfaens Adviso:ry Committee on U r b an v\ Renewal }Mr. Ral ph Hulsey, Sanitary E ngin e e r }chief Herbert J enkins, Police Chief ) Mr . Carl Johnson, F ulton County Man ger / Mr . Johnny John on, Di r ector of M odel Cities Progr am v:>col. Malcolm J one s , Hou s ing Coor d in tor . /Mr . Earl Lande r s , A r,ministr tiv ./ A si tant Dr. John W . Let on, Supe rintendent, Atlant } Mr. PublicSchoola Ray Nixon , Dir c t ol" of P ublic Wo rk y' Mr . T . H . (Jim) P tha.m, Administra tor, Economic Opport uni ty Atlant , Inc . v' Mr. Johnny Robinson, Community Development Coordinat or / Mr. Cl'lton C . /4r. Rochell, Dir ctor, Atlant Public Libr ry M. B. Sattedi ld. Executiv Director., Atlant Houaln uthorlty �~ iso~y ~~ttee J Mr. Dan Sweat, Dii-ectoi' of Governmental Liaison / 4r . Paul Weir, Gene.- I Manager of Water Dep rtment Reverend Samuel Willi ms , Acting Ch irman, C ommunity Relations Commission . /Mr w William R . Wofford, Building Inspector X General Willi m R. Woodwal'd, Director, Atlanta Metropolitan Area Civil Defense �