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MODEL CITIES 673 CAPITOL AV E1 JUE .ATL ANTA GEOFlGIA 30315 J C. JOHNSON D!REC-:TOR (c! O.i) 577-520 < - 1 ~ 1 . ... 4 t ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NO. _ _ _ , _ ___ -... - - -- - -- ·- ..,...._..., _ _. _ .., ...- - . · -' - - • ......, .. ·•• : - - ..... ,~.~ - <> ...... _ __ ~"'"""-~ __ _ _ _ . _ _. . . , . 4

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,.._M __ .... _ ... .. - .,-~-...ir . . ,_,,,...._._..,. . . . . . . . . ~ ft t-T" • .. , , '?", "'"'• ,..,,.~ 3 August 7, 1969 Is your home in the clearance area? If so, do not move until _y_ou receive information from the Housing Authority . You are e nt i tled to certain benefits s uch as relocatio~ housing,movi n g fees and possibly others. Find out what your rights ar e . Call the At l anta Hou s i n g Authority today, 5 23-0245. Wh e r e Do We Go From Here ·? NEW S CHOOL The Atlanta Board of Education is expected to build a school for 6th, 7 th and 8th grade Model Cities students . Construct i on is e x pected to b e gin sometime late this year or the first part of 1970. The school is e x pect e d to be compl eted sometime in 1971. The loca ti o n will be in the block bounded by Connally on the west , Hill o n the · e as t, Glenn on the south and Milledge o n the n orth. NOT AL L HOUSES I N T HIS AREA WILL BE '11AI<EN . YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE ATLANTA HOuSI NG AU'I'HORITY IF YOUR LI V I NG QUARTERS ARE SCHEDULED FOR CLEARANCE. At t h e Au gu st 11 me e tin g of th e Board of Educatio n, the Board is exp e c t ed to a p prov e t he apprai s al o f the property i n th e area wh e re t h e mi d d le s cho ol wi l l b e located. Shor tly ther e after , inde p ende n t apprais e rs selected by the Board wi ll contac t the reside nts liv in g in that area. I t now app ea r s that it wi ll be at l e ast 90 day~ after you ar e con t a cted b e fo re you will h a ve to move. Also , it is important to k now t hat y ou will not be moved u n t i l you ar e offe red a sui t able re pla c e me nt hou s e or apa rtme n t. I n any event(_ do not move u ntil a f t e r you d isc u ss the situa t ion with representa tiy~~__of the Boa r d of Ed u c a t ion and th e Housinq Au t_l}o_fity. The Housin q Au t hority will he l p yo u move .


The Atlanta Housing Authori~y will pay all moving expense? for pe~ple who must relocate. Also, 1.f you own and occupy a house 1.n the middle school area, you will receive the fair market value · and yq_~-~Q_uld receive an extra amount to enable you to buy a similar-type house on today's market. However, if you move from your rental unit or sell your house before you are conta~ted by the Board of Education and Housing Authority, you mi ght los e a chance to receive these benefits . For further information c a ll Larrv Enlow ( 522-3381) at the Board of Education, the Relocati on of fice of the Housing Authority (523-0245) or the Mode l Cities Physical Planning Section ( 577-5200) .

The U. S . Depa rtment of Housing and Urban Deve lopme nt h a s given $558,625 to the Housing Authority to purchase the stores on Georgia Avenue just south of At l anta Stadium. The area to be bought and t hen cle ared is bounded by Georgia Avenue, Washington Street, Cap itol Avenue and Bass Street. A RELOCATA BLE H'."1iJSE IS PLANNED FOR EVER¥_ RE~IDENT WHO IS REQUIRED TO MOV.E . __ ;J u i.-:JOT MOVi: WI THOU'l1 _INQUIRING_ ABOUT YOUR BENEFITS. �