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•s tll~ ..~ ~w,.,_,.., .., •tat.• MODE.~.. c1'1~1Es 673 CAPITOL AVENUE ATLAi-,;TA GEORG!A 303i5 J .C. JOH~JSON D!REc1·0 (404 ) 577-5200 Au g u st 2l, 19S9 RESIDENTS TO RECEIVE PREFERENCES The Mo d el Cities Steering Committee l a.st we ek apprO'i 8 d. a resolution wbich s aid r -t,i'g_ents would have f irst choic e ;,•.1hen several j ob int erviei."1S a .. e he l d in a fe•., days . Pers ons sel e cte d fo3'.' the jobs will work for t h e Mode l ,it~es Mass Co nv_ntion, Incorporated. The posit ions i nclude: Dire c t or , rrir?. ining Off i ~er, 2 SE:-! reta rie s, and one clerk typj_st. If y on are inter ested in applyinJ for these j ots , p lease c ont ct your employme nt repre~en t a~iva l o c a t e d i n the 3 EOA ne'gh l orh ooct servj c e c e nt ers (Sum-Mee, Pi tts b ur~;h, a n d ?:!:' i ce ) . " MODEL CIT I ES "iIOrl'L I NE " 'I'O S 'l'A RT Beg inn ing next Tu8s day : Aug u!i ·:: 26, Mo del Cities will begin i t s new "HOTLH-:P. " p hone s er r.i.C'.G . By simply dia lin-0' 57 7- 52 08 o r 577- 52 0 9 , y nu c an r-e- ceiv e information on a ny ques t i on y::iu mig·h t. h av,2: about t he Model Ci t ies Pro gra m. 'rhe "HOTLF-TE " wor ks v ery mu..:~1 like t he "ACT l O.1? LINE wh i ch appears iE J 'h.e Atla nta Cons t i t ut i O.f!.· 'I'he s ervice will be ava ~lab le f rom 9: 00 A.M . t o 4 :00 P . M. Monday th:r.0 1.1.gh Frid~y. BUS S YS 'rI~M IS SUCCES Si:'UL .A tot 3.l of G3, 991 r eside nts rode V1e Mo de l Ci ties b uses dur in g t1H-d:r- f : -r-st two months of operation, J une- Tu J.y . The Atlanta 'J.' ran sit System which operates the 1 ine fo r Mod e l Citi es, said t he numbe r o f r i 1e r s du r i ng those twc months wa s h i ghe :lr. tha n o:r:.i..gi na 1ly predic t ed . A r ide on the i n tran eighborhood system cos t s ten cen ts but i.n o rde r to trans f e r to t h e Tr a ns i t Sys '-em 1 s regular line an add ' t iona l f i ftee n cents is r e q u i red . RE SIDENTS RECE I VE CLEANI NG CONrI'lli'\C'I Strength Cle anLg Co;npanyp Inc. , a new r es ident c o rpo r a tion , h as obtain ed contract to do the mainter:ance i n the mul ti ~~p u r pos e serv ice c e n ter a t the .i1.odel Ci ties Head.qua rte rs . Victo r Wa re , organiz er o:E the n e::.w c orpor at ion , is proud to further :invol ve some o f t h e resi cle nt s i n t.Le progr a m a nd h a.ve them f;hare in the economic b~rH-::d::its . 'T'h'-:: m11l.ti-s1ur p0se ta c i lity i s n e arer completion ::>,nd will s oon bG occupie d by t h e a genc i es whc wi ll a dmi nister services to the Mode l CJ. ties res.ic1o n-\:.:.-- . ~19 IN_f,. COMMITTEE TODAY 1 l �