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THE REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND BUSIN.ESS SERVICE CENTER ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BOX 236 ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30314 July 29, 1969 Mr. Dan Sweat Deputy Chief Administrative Officer City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, SW Atlanta, G e orgia 30303 Dear Mr. Sweat: For some time, The Regional Economic Development and Busine ss Service Cente r has been observing small firms ope rating in the Mode l Citie s Area. Much atte ntion was dire cted toward ways a nd means of how the Center could assist these small firms. I would appr e ciate it very much if you would review very carefully and critically t he e nclos e d state m e nt. If it is r e l e vant to Mode l Citie s , the n we will d e v e lop more in d e pth. We b e lie v e it may h ave some m e rit. Thanks for your attention. Since r e ly yours, /2 . ~ ,,v..-ri{~ ;l/, 1 /?~ ' C . E. Prothro, Jr. P . S, M ay I a d d m y c ongratula t i o ns o n you r recen promotio n. You ce rta inly meri t t h e hono r . Bes t w i s h es. A PROJ E CT OF THE GRADU ATE SCHOOL O F B U S I N ESS ADMINISTRATI O N , ATLANTA UN I V E RSITY , CO-SPONSORED BY ECON OM I C D E V E LOPMENT ADMINI S TRAT I ON, U. S. D EPARTM ENT O F COMMERCE �