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ITY OF ATLAN A DEPARTMENT of PARKS Office of General Manager Atlanta, Georgia 30303 March 18, 1969 MEMORANDUM JACK C. DELIUS GENERAL MANAGER a TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: Jack C. Delius, General Manager of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Concession Bids for North Fulton Golf Course and Piedmont Park. The Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen advertised four times the concession privil e ges at North Fulton Golf Course and Piedmont Park. Only one bid was rec eived for e ach of the s e locations. Mr. Paul Lavin, Golf Profe ssional a t North Fulton Golf Cours e, entered the only bid of $1,500. 00 a year for a three - y e ar p e riod. This amount is identic a l to what we were receiving from this concession stand up to 196 7. C o mmitt ee also received o ne bid on the Pie dmont P a rk Concession in the amount of $1,750.00 per year for a two -yea r p er iod. M r. J. W. Oldkn ow, the current C oncessionaire, was the only bidder. He had been paying $1,555.0 0 per year. Parks Committee op ened these bids on March 11 , 1969 and asked that I forward the information to you with their recommendation that we accept these bids. If you should find them acceptable, I shall proceed to have the proper r e solutions drawn, contract agreements prepared, etc. Thank you v e ry much. J C D :jw I/~ -lf?~c~G( A4 3/'f t �