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July l, 1969 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan A llen , Jr. From: Dan Sweat Subject: Edward Moody Following i s a list of events concerning Edward Moody and the d evelopment of M odel Nei ghborhood, Inc . 1. Moody was perm nently empl oyed by the Parks Department s Community Recreation Le de r on September 26, 1966. His sal ry was $340. 00 a month. H wa dismi eed on May 24, 1967 . He w dismissed bee use of conflict with th staff w ith which hew s working. He was re ssigned to another conununity center but w lked off the job. He w s subeequently dismiss d . Z. He w s mployed gain by th City on M rch 5, 1968, e Community Work r on the Model Citi staff. Hi s 1 ry w s $240. 00 a month. He w d lsrnl d on May 14, 1968. for l llur to follow directions. 3. On January 18, 1968, the group known a Model N ighborhood, Inc. (which was ln lta third year of xlstenc ) becam a eh rt r d non• profit org nb tion, a.ft r being advie d to do o in ord r to be Ugibl for federal grants , found tion fund• nd s e d money from diUerent gencles to fiAance its programs d p1'oject • Edward Moody ls preaid nt and Bron Clevel nd and are consultant • obert W. Waynier �Mayor Allen Page Two July l, 1969 4. On October 22, 1968, M r . Moody received a letter from Johnny Johnson informing him that his corporation, Model Neighborhood , Inc ., would receive $6. 000 from the C ity of Atlanta ' s Model C ities Progra m . It was an EDA grant for economic development in the Model Neighborhood Area. This money was approved by the Model Cities Executive Board , the Board of Alde rmen and the Mayor. · 5. In May 1968 MNI was granted a $10,800 loan from the Trust Company of Georgia to obtain an option on Atlanta Housing A uthority p roperty at Georgi a Avenue and McDaniel Street. See att ched memo from George Berry. 6. Economic Development A dministration grant .. totaling $121, 750 of which 86, 780 is federal cash contribution and 35, 000 comes from the City of Atlanta (Technical Assistance Grant Project No. 04-6-09154) as given upon s trong recommendation of the Atlanta City Demonstration Agency (check their lett r to EDA of January 27., 1969) . Responsibilities of th corporation: 1. Outreach program • providing technical minority entrepr neurs 2. Planning and dev lopment of in the M odel Citi s Ar a . ssist nc to primarily shopping cent r or simil r facili The EDA gr nt w pproved on May 13. 1969; by Robert A. Pod st £or a 12 month p riod. Atl nt CDA pproval inf'luenc d this decision heavily. 7. The Small Busin sa A dministr tlon approv d $50,000 lo n to MN1 in June 1969 (la t w ek) to be used in th developm i:it and op r tion of the MNI manu! cturlng pl nt. The manufacturing pl nt ls loc te-d on Georgia venue nd produc wom n's c sual · pp rel. 8. The St ring C ommittee of th Ma Convention met Tu sday, June 2-4. 1969, and voted 7 - 0 a inst the MNl gr t J' quest for $35 ,000 M od 1 Citi s suppl m t 1 f~d tom tch the EDA grant. Two m mb r ab tained, six w r• b nt. DS:fy �