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Feb1ua1-y 19, 1969 Mr. Edward Moody Model Ne i3hborhood Manufacturing Company 55 Ge orgia Avenue, s.E. Atl ent a , Georgia Dear Hr. Moody: Rec ently our Inspector r eque s t ed tha t you file a 1969 Applicat ion fo r a Busine sD License . You s tated to our Inspect or that you we re not r equired to s ~curc a Ci t y Bus ines s License fo r the Hode l Neighb orhood Hanufo ctur1.ng Company. Unde r the current Bus i nes s License Ordinance all persons engaged in bus inccs within the corporate limi tn of t he Ci ty of At l a nt a fo r t he purpose of pr of it , ga i n , or econo~ic i mprovem<>nt are r equ i r ed to fil e an App lic a tion for a Business License and pay t he f ee . If you do not be l ieve that you f a ll wi~hin the int ent of the present Bus i ness Lice ns e Ordinance , t hen please write us e,,a ctly why you think t he Hode l Fe ighborhood Mc.nu fac t uring Company shoL~ld be c;;cmpt . Enc lose d are the r equired Appl ications f or a Business License and an i nstruct i on book . If we tasl)' be of any ass i staace i n t he prep<1rat ion of your r et.u.rn , pl eaoc c.ill us a.t 522 - 4463, E:gt . 205. Marlon D. L evy Busincsa License Administrator MDL/cd Enclosures CC: Mr . Sidne y Andrews Mr . Bill Man3ui·;1 Ur . George Berry �