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-~·.-.:. Volume 1 I! u@ber

20 February

1, 1969


MASS CONVENT ION CHL\ilGED · WITH UNFAIRNESS By Edward Mo ody Two months ago severa l r es idents and I All the officers of the ~esidents Participa tion Croup identified as the t·lns s decided that Hodel Cities Program inforConvention, was elected to serve a s ain for raation was not re a ching the Mass of the one year pe ople. A mea sure to bring the informa tion to the Community was studied , a nd an ag r e The officers are LeHis Peters Chain,mn ement was !1l(:;. V a ft erwar d a plan was t a ke n . C .L. l"lcClain Vice-chni rr:wn, Carrie \Jr i Gh t Secre tary, and ~osa Burney Assi. Sec. One week be for e the Conve ntion our plan call e d for me to write notice s to the EXECU'.l?IVE l30AD.D r egul a r a tte ndan ts, a nd othe r r e sid ents a s Me ch:micsvil le Lewis Peters f a r as oy funds would Go• The n ot ice s was Ada ir Pa rk Jir.-1 Newberry as kin g the peop l e to s up port me for cha irSurn.1erhi 11 t1a ttie Ansley raan of the Mass Conve ntion. It was anticPeoples town ifa rtha Weems ipa t ed that I wo ul d s ee thnt informa tion Pittsbuq;h John llooc]!would sure ly r each the r e sidents. Grant Po1:rk Joe Whitley Ove r 1,000 stamps and e nve lopes , plus NEIGl-IBOJll-ICX::. D VIC. fi: - ClT AIRMAN mcneo pn pe r wa s bought, a nd two secretaTi Mechanicsville Alyce Nixon e s we r e pnid to he lp ge t out th e notices . Sur.1merhill Ida Wri ght My cha mpa i gn expe n ses cane out of oy pockPeopl es town e t. nut a s f or as sooc one e ls e champa i gnGrant Park W.F , Cox ing, h e was a ssiste d and s u pported by two Adair Park Calv in Craig Agencies, and City Ha ll . Persona l l e tters Pittsburgh Bea trice Garl r,mdwere coopos ed , sten cil ed , run-off, sec1led There will be six Coornun-ities with 11 and me t e r staoped for this pe rsonc The Operatin g Committees. Each committee will explan a tion first, was tha t this is fundhave a cha irman. It would be wonderfut if ed to the Coor.mnity for Citizens Particia ll these committees were active, and not pa tion a ndit was le ga l . That is not true . just the Ste ering Comoittee. The Steering Federal funds ca n no t be us e d for ind ividCoor::tittee are the Ex.ec. !3oard r;ieobers, and ual purposes. For residents participation the Vice-ChAirma ns froo each cor;imunity. in the neighborho od on l y . tiASS CONV1'.l',lTION S.E-ELECT OF~' ICE,_:S


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A Wee k l y Publishe d By Mode l Ne i ghborhood Inc Editor - Edward Moody Ci rcu lat i on 600 Copie s Pr ice Fre e MODEL NEIG1mo:rnooD MACHINE ~ npair;n spee che s we r e a llowed to be oade fron the star;e . Even the Model Citie s Director wa s partisan in o a king his r e por t a ~nd, the nost ioportant part of a ll is tha t there wa s not a qorum of r e si de nts at t e n d(S e e Fa i rne ss page t wo)








(Fairnes;s) to speak for the total community. I want my expenses paid back tone. And based on the privileges given to the one person and not to the others, and wath the assistance from the two Agencies, and &taff,HUD·will ... be~ontacted and requested to disqualify the Mass Convention as the resident representative that speak for the property owners, residents, and businessmen. All total they amount to only 1/10 of 1 percent of the effected redevelopment planned area.


page two MACHINE

MECHANICSVILLE NEIGHB01HOOD ADVISOP.Y COUNCIL TO MEET The NAG of Mechanicsville will meet a t the Community Center Wednesday night 7:30 P.M. Mrs. Alyce Nixon is the ChaiI'!ilan. The purpose of the meeting is to e]ect the 11 Operating Committee Chairmen and get a· report from the NAG about the money that has been spent, and what it was spent for. C~nters address is 389 Bass St. s.w


SUM-MEC SC~lE OF COl'lGRESSMEN This is taxation with out repres entation, and tha t is uncons.ti tutiona l.

LITTLE BEill LIGHTS Oi."l MACHINE AND SAYS "I went to ~£ -"":-:.,\ the Mass • ' '---...._ Convention \ ./ '---and wha t happened' - ~ man I neve r forg e t : i ' -../,.v .-·=~-- '-- ' f MACHINE. "What hap pen Bird" "Moody did not have a chance . And he did not know it. But I give hin credit he trie d. Anothe r thine he is pretty near right then ·wrone;. Oh ye s Model Neighborhood Inc. lost the ir good friend the Community Cente r. Afte r six oonths of he lping sane r e sidents, the y <lecidcd they did not nee d ther:1. Wha·t happened' E .O.A .----MI-IN-----E .D .A. See you next Week ½********* Flies off -

""*******"' ·_.

WANTED? Pryor Street old School for a COMMUNITY CENTEJ. For Connunity Pro~rans Youth (COl'.:l.nunity Pror;rams Five Congressmen from Washington wa:s in Atlanta Sa turday, listening to several Organizations ask for support in making funds available when the re are bills pre sented in the house th~s tern. Representatives from the E.O.A. many councils spoke of the programs that they are associated with. There w~re volenteers employees, administrators, and staff. Itr was interesting to see workers of one group down another group, and a ll a re parties of the sane group. The groups are E.O. A Model Cities, and Comprehensive Hea lth. The same people are apart of each group. One person s a id that E.O.A was the parents of Model Cities . ? ? ? (Editors note ; No wonder the programs are confuse d.) Other groups to speak were T.U.F.F. Vine City Foundation, and Mod~l Ne i ghborhood s Mfg . Model Neighborhoods told how the Con gre ssmen and the Unions had killed some of the be st a ssistqnce programs that ever landed in Washingt on. The Labor Dept. even tried to get O.J.T. funds for the garnent training , bu~ the loLpyinG and sonethin~ e ls e that has not been told is preventing a lot of unemp loyed women out of work, and training possibilitie s. Pres~dent Nixon is advoc ating Se lf Hel p, and Black Capi talism. When plan s are nade that will he l p M.N.M, with loans get to beco0e independent, the Pre5ident will be the o ost popular President that has been in Washington for a lung time. poop~_p_ a.-11.1j.., ~o-bt-a-b,c,d Employed

PLEASE ASK yourr SELF F::llENDS LEA:lli TO TAKE AS WELL /,S GIVZ. ·k******"'-A"-1,r Wl'len will I stop being j e -eil ous **'lr*-k* * * 'k'4'

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�. i. Mr. • n·an· Sweat City Hall Atl a nta ' Ga. 30303 . ·-·

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