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/ft uc!e/ A/eig-/2 601-/2 0cd Uhr2k/!I' ~;H!7~0! i143.215.248.55 Vol .. I ibi~ ;~ iHbiH(4H~ i! ~70i! i! ;! i! iH! i! i! Number 1~ SAVANNAH REPORT' ~~! /11Cfc/2lne iNH!7! iH!~~iHHB~-i! iM~7~;r;H! ;~ iBbif--iH! iH! iHH!~~7~4HH! iHH! iH~7Hbi0i! iH*-iH~~HHHH!~H!~Hf- Frae Edition Decembe r 21, 1968 e-;, RMENT PLt-1.N'? IS OPEN BY ALYCE NIXIN Friday Dec~mber 6, 196.8 Mrs. Be rtha Model Neighborhood Mf g • i~ open and Barton, Cri.rm De.s ign & Preservation, Mrs the employees are soine; through a two Rith Peters, Chrm Housing and Choice, M!'~ we:ek training period. They are being paid Pearlie Brm'ln Cril'\le Prevention and Alyce the minimum ·wage . The re a re s:ix women Nixon, Vice Chrm of Me chanicsville Model now working . Monday there will be thiriA Citfos represented the Mechanicsville comm-teen. unity ir. .:avannah, Geor g ia. Each a s The Board of Trustees of Model Neighborgiver. $:..5.00 expense money total ~60.on. hood Inc., the parent of Model Nei ghborWe dep_a:'."tod at 5:45 p . m. and a rrived in · hood Mf g . cord i ally invites you and yours Gavanna r, a t 12:00 a . m. -to the off icial opening of the garme nt TLe ~msiness meeting was held at t he plant. The first of a planned Community Industrial Development in a low income C .s. Ber..k building. 1.'"e was greeted by Mr, .De:.ell President of Savannah State a:rea , the . first in· the Model Citie s Ar ea. Collsga . Rev. r,ampbell A. Al exande r pa stor c: one of t ne l a r ge st Negr o Baptist ,'HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~¼-*'1HHHHHHHHH~ Chur:fr: in Sava nr.ah ~ A good friend of (c on ,t from col . 1) Direr,~or Johnny Jonnson. Sgt . Luscuis _· Leve-':i-:,-Negro policeman s gt . who head the was s o sc.cessful and· citizens partic1PComnw1ity Relation Department. Mr. mhomas ation was so good, why couldtt just one N erers- Presi dent of one of the f at ernity r epresent ive fr om the ghetto come out of :avannah St ate College . Mr. Robert on a S·; 2i:' rrday morning a nd t ell their side Bez::,- Business man . of the s ,..:. r:ir y . ~··e ould have enj oyed this ~he r e was not one non- p::.·ofessi onal o:::-much mor e t,han the sweet stories that we ci~izen fr om the ghett o on pr ogr am. I hear d . dr1wed my own conclud ing nt the bec inning our expense not includi ng hotel and wtieI"! Mr. Detoll and :Mr. 1 andrumham open transportatiu.c. wa s ~15.23, v,e will be w:.:.r. tho statement , 11A GROUP OF P:1.0FESSION-happy to g ive you the itemi ze statement A:. ~T " . I ask question, ,r~7HY WASN 1T ANY in next week pa;ier, so the citizens can NGS- F·I10FE~~IOWAT, OF CI'l'TrEHS FROM TI-IB see how the ir mor.ey is being spented. · . GETTO INCLUDED ON THE POLICY :MA.KING BOAIID ? T:1c ans v10r , 11THEY ?.?'AS IN THE l\JlIDDLE OF IT ~, it ~;(-}r-!Hf-;H~-,R~-H~HH~~MH*-~~-)!-!{-!H~·"?f-!!-!:~HH!-!:~~;~-!H{-3HHHf-~Hf-~HHHf- ( T: me he was right they was so far in the II ME&. r:iddle until t'r.ey counld it be s e en or 1.Y CHRIST:Ml1.S" rerad form the ir speeche s and films. From ~he films and speeche s t he college students

Model Nei ghborhood Inc., Model Neighborend the profe ssional g r o·,1p made the plans , hood Mf g ., and Me chanicsville Community

~ -d conta cts . The film snowcsJ. no vmitos Center faml i es , extends to eve rybody l : ving in the ghetto . Tc me this was t o in the Model Cities Area 111\. MERRY MERT-l.Y ITUch sugar on the nut. :f t r.is campaign ·CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY 1',"'E'f: YEAR., (c on it co: o 2·, 1 �~- ,~ . • ·.. _;,_j, , t,. · · - · ..;..... ... page .2; Y,'EEKLY MA.CHDIB MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD ~f-:f--!f-)f-;f-.){-)H~)~~(""~F~~f--!-;~-!~H~~HHHHHi'"-)H~)~~HHH~)HH!-~H:~;--:HHHH!-~H!-)~-{H~-)HHHr")~)!-~~Hf.~f-*-;HHBH<~*-";~~HHHH!~~-;HH~~HH~;Hi- nPLE.A.SE HELP THE TIGGLES" MODEL CITIES Dast week the Tigel e rs family had their c·hris·, ma s ,:'.ream bec cnrie a nig htmare, wh en t ha .:'.:'i:.,ther was brutally beaten by a police !!'.an in front of their house. As a result, Christmas maybe a bsent in the home. Lets keep Chris"\rr.aS: with this family this year. The Address is 386 Ormond Ave. S .E. .. I ~1 ~c-~--= r:/> LI'l1TLE BIRD LIGh7rS ON MACHT.NE . AND SAID A. Election ar e held onc e a t ear t o serve f or one :,3ar only. Terms expirt?.' in December., q. Some c ommunities a re still '.1nl ,li :1.P, el e ctions. Is this a pa ~·t-. . ,r M, 1.clel Cities .Steering C o mrni. Lt- rcJ ? Yes. The e l e ction prococdure is; Ele ct Ar ea Bl ock Representative s to serve on the Neighborhood Ldvis ory c ouncil; Aper s0n is el e cted i n the N. A. c. to s erve on the steering Committe This is whe r e a ll t he residents in the 11oclel c ities rr0g r mll is r epr esented . I flew a -vray from thq Hong Kong flu arirl I d i d not ask E . C. A. ab out the Dir- e e-Lcr of Suru- Mec Center -:; -hen vrill the present members of · th e· Steering commitee terms expire? A. I.. _,, 11 e2 . .,11 - ·hen dll t hG residents see the pl ans f or Model Cities? Machine a skes Li"itle Bird ., A. When will Me ch2-.nicsville get a Center S11pe rvisor? " 11 Lit\le B'ird . 0 ,S & A ,S Q. After everybody e l s e h.:ive , Mnybe ther u sir:i=mt .s vfi11 see the pla ns . q. " Nerl wee k. ol d pal ." ··hy d i dn 1t the ~e sidents r eview t he' pl ans f i rst bef or e everyb.~dy el se?_ 1 A. Answer is n ot av a ileble . \ / \ f \ 1 , 1~1 i \1\1\",, , ,- Lonnie King Ele (?ted Pre side nt At.lan+,a Brcinch N., f • • A. C. P. The members of the Atla nta Br anch N .f. ,: . • r;. P an•l the bl.., ckand white pe opl es of t bi .s g r eat City aro aske d to s upport t.he new Pre sident and th E:x:c cutiucc omrnitteo for the year 1969e This is one ' •l'[.'/ · 1d2.at.ion t ba.t, is needed i r1 t.hie City I51lt- :i 1-. i:1' 1,s ~- r ,,m~,:i 1 1 r,rn1- p ol~ !'.ica I., 1 MECHANICSVILLE NE;""S Lett ers of cons i-c.1-t-.117..:-rr,i ons a r e be ing mEtil od t o per s ons that 111as electe ~ as 11.epre s ent,a~-ivei, in Arca Bl ock 10. It v:as, int-erest.ing t o know s a ict one res ident , I was asked t o vote f or someb ody I hadn rt , ever heard of.. How do I know vhat the y will do? As a matt.or of fact ju;:;\-. -wl1:d·. j s it all ab out? ~ -'t u 'fl: 8 l\.f!c,cl d 11(.; i;_;,_ l-,r.Hr : n CV (; X-y rd, ;t;-1:,r, , l_ ntr1rnh e r C, · >1 •>-". r c- ~,u l :-, i- ·.i.1 •Y, Ts t.ld.s news •. • l .., " .. ~ ' ( " ""I\" .'< \(.. I\>-: �