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' •: A ode I A/rzqh6vt-/2 c:<Xi ~~cgui,lcP•ui!:irxQu/2,·D::Li,.= =" "u"u"u,c-,. • ' ""'-'""'-'WWUU• ,, ,. " ,. " ,. ,. ,. " ,r,. ,, ,.- ,, " ,. " ,. .. ",. ,. " " " .. ,. ,. .. .. Vol. l ·, . . y:h, ",. . "",. ,. ,. . ,.-,,. ,. . ,. . ,. ,. number 16 ~a nuary h, =•ouwc•UC">""-'"'"' ,r,, " ,. " ,. " " ,. " " ,. ,.-,, ,. ,. ,. .. ,. "" " "" "" 1968 ~ e ~d1~icm' "-'L" ~L'!...H-" "~LlWL'WU~~'....!UWWt-'U' "-'L" "-~W'~L'~Ll v ' ' - " "...J~'L...JUULH...H-'WW'-"~L.'lJ'-'-W . ·, '-Q ~ ~ " "-,, " " " " ,, " " ,H, ' ' " ,, ,. ,, " " ,r,, ,, ,n, " " ,, ,\I, " ,, ,. " n " " " , , " " " " ,r" " " ,, ,, " " " ,. ,~,,- ,. ,.-,, ,, " r. , , ,. " " 'l' , ~~H, " ,, , • ,, . I .Y-" ,t....,.,~U 1..)L'~ L '\~..V '- " 'LlWL..' L'~U 1 I\ " " ,, " " " " " NEWS RELEASE MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD INC~, (NON PROFIT DEVELnPERS) MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD INC. GOT STRAIGHT IN 68 WJLL NOT BE BEHIND IN , 69 r 11 • 11 Model Ne ighborhaod Developers Inc., presently located in south side ATLANTA is on J an. 1 8th 1968 , after t wo ½year sa c ommunity or ga:nize d c or parat i on wi t h a of or p.:a nizing, Model Ne i ghborhood I nc., planned pr ogr am.. obta ined a charte r, enabling it t o beEconomic is the order of the day . ~()me- a bona-fide delicate agency with a , Being R part of the econoNy and receiving purpcso Jnd goal. s ome of the ca sh fl ov1 is the opportunit y Model Nei ghborhood Inc., is l?res e ntly t-o be of fered by Model Neighborhood I nc. gCuVo:rned by a board of Trustees that are Her e at 55 Geor gia Avenue S ..E ~ is one l ong t ime res idents of t he c oilllllunit i es of of several pl anned INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS Mechnaic sville , Summe r hill , Pittsburgh, t o b e built in the area., This is a garment and Pe oplet own. All membe rs are bl a ck pl ant . Thirt.e en (13) women will be emex ce pt one. ployed he r e , the r e a r e nine ( 9) wor king One of s eve r al developing projects is now . On the shoulde rs of the se womens open and operating . Model Ne i 3hborhood r ests the suc cess of thi s pl a nt. Mfg . Cor p . i s empl oying 13 women , who Statistic s shows the r e are mor e women will earn as much a s ~80,~90, and ~100 heads of house holds in these c ommunities pe r week . The r e i s pl enty of work for t hese women in t his plant l ocated 55 (Model Cities ) then t he r e ar e in Atl a nta. The unemployment rate is t he highe st. Geor g i a Ave . S .E. Model Neighborhood Mf g . will not be abl e The ne~t pr oje ct i s the shopping to put all these women to 1,11ork, but i\ cente r . f i nal pl ans are be i ng c ompl eted, will try. The success ~f this plant lead with possible construction to beg in in to employing 200 or 300 in the near fut ure . F eb . 1969• This is a first for Atla nta, and i .,. ~HHHHHHHHP-HHHHHHHHHf-:HHHHHHHHHHHf--*lHf-:HHHHH~ i s located in the !,edel ~ it i es area one block from the C .D.A • (Ci t i es DemonstraMODEL NEIGEBORHOOD 'WEEKLY MA.CHINE is tions Agency) planning office , and next willing enough and eager enough to carrv door to the E •.o..A., neighb,-rhood s e rvice new of t he six c ommunit i e s (Sur.1rr1o rhill) ce nte r . Model ne i ghborhood Inc . is a . MechanieSVille, Peopletown , PittsburGh, good exampl e of s elf-help . M. N. I. enGrant park , Adair Park,) . courages Black peoples t e do it for them- • Deadline for receivi ng news i s Wea. sel ves . of each wee k • M.N . I. appreciates your prayers your s upport , and wi sh you all a Merry Chlris--t- -:..~HBHHHHHH} mas , and a Happy New Ye ar. To Summerhill, Mechanic sville , Pe oples MODEL NEIGBB01tHOOD i•'EBKLY MA/-:PINE Town, Pittsburgh, Grant Park, Adair Park , 700 MCDANIEL STP..EET S •11' and the City at large . This is a ChristATLANTA, GB0:00-IA 30310 mas present. Circulation------------------500 MERRY CHRISTMAS Price pre copy-------------Free Editor & 'Publisher HAPPY EVERYBODY YEAR F,nwa rd }Joody J I �-~-- - , ,:--· MODEL NEIGHBORHOOD page 2 MODEL CITI~S OW.ST I ON Rt. AN~?'EPu.S .-· tIT1\E BIRD LIGHTS ON rr:AcHINE AND SAY Q. i:~he n , 1ill the r e be anothe r Ma ss Convention ? 1 A The third, Sunday in Janua ry. J an . 1 9, 1 969 . q. 1--hero will it b e he l d? A. Ma c h ine , Can you keep some thing c onf i dent i a l ? u Macrdne says , 11 r JTT l e Bird that depends . Tell me fi rst then I 1 11 say ye s or no . 1ru:e1 1 If Lit tle . Bird Sc'. ;f !I The r e a r e some membe rs of the Model Cities St eerin~ Commi t t e that dont i:1ant to L .: t other r c sidents serve . I hea r they a r e b e ing pa id, and -vmnt to get all they can for themselvc s 11 • Ta king off . 11 Pe oples be1ot e r get rid of them, a t the i~a s s c onvc ntion!J At the Ii. H. StcJ.nton Elc . School, 970 Martin St . s . E i n peoplostovm . 0 •

-- ill the r e b e a ri El e ction of Ne,,· offic ers f or the r"a:ss c01rv n1rt-:i c 11 :1 r, 1-.\ds moc tir,:3: ?

1 l'. . • yes . ~ 1 .I 0. n 1 ats next in tho ~-rodol Cit i e s :Pl an? A. Tho 1969 one ;f8 Ar i m11l cmcnt ing . i ··1 TF,NAi'TTS EDITORIAL 1 'ANT:P.D FOTI. SHOlWING CF.NTEH c a ll ]l,T odcl Ne iE hborhood Inc . 700 Mcnanfol s t . s .,., . Tho Pa r ents of Pryor st . School have been for ye a rc att e ridin;~ Christma s pro~ra ms, e ithe r by the school or by tho -Parents (P . T .A.) The r e a r c questions being a ske d . ---as the r e a Ghristrnas this yea r . ? If it v1a s whe n did it pe rf orm? The Par0nts , all of them, enjoys the yulGtide ·p r og rmns . The Ha cbino pref e r s pa r e nt s b e ing inv0lved . Pa r e nts g ot b e hind t he P . T . A . -Pres i dr:mt of Pryor St . school and h8lp her help y0ur childrcns . APOLT.0 S FLIGHT succ~ss POVE11.TY P11.CG~7AM NOT STJCr:BSSFUL Y.-::T r -oNDF,n. HCT HA.NY I-fUNG RY FAM ILIES SEEN THE CAPULF. TAKF, C;FF AND LAND J.,A '['Ti;n_ , 523- 6301 Model Ne i g hborhood Inc . will undertake in the first t vro nonths in 1969 ,,n effort to e stablish a ~osur.i.e propa ring Course for ·inte rostin~ pe rs ons in the Model Gitie s Ar ca ThEJ course lfrill basically as sist tho applica nts in 11 How to f ill out employme nt ,,applicat ion forms, the n the job desc ript i ons nnd classifa ctions v ill b e fil e d for r e f e rra l s that appl ic a nts a r c qualifi e d to c1o There v1i1l be 300-500 j obs av a ilable in the }·Iodol Cities i rnplomcmtin~ pl an . The re v1ill ne c e s sar ily b e traininG f or the untrained, and j ob pl a ceme nt for the tra ined and ski lle d . furthe r inf ormat i on n0xt week


-TIIINK- THAT BIG OLD PILL? "'<-' '1r" J\ I \ , _ 1../ \ I\ I\J " I\ " /. I �(vi \)t.L NE\G'rl\lvRr\00D, \N.C, 700- McDAN\'tL Si., S. W. 't,.°!'.~ i'\1At c:,,oRG\I\ 30310. 'M:• Dan Swat City liall Atlanta ' Ga• 3U3U3 .


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