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GOAL: To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for recrea tion; To recruit 50 .Jun.ior Volunteers for education; To recruit 50 Jun i or Volunteers for health; To recruit 100 Junior Voluntee rs for cultural enr ichmen.t; To recruit 100 Junior Volun t eers for tutoring; To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for big pals; To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for buddy program; To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for day camp counselor; To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for resident c &-nping; ' To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for bus supervis ors; To recruit 100 Junior Volunteers for crafts and hobbies �INDIVIDUAL AND CASEWORK SERVICES This par t of the Youth Opportunity Program will attempt to accelerate services to individua ls or groups requiring specia l attention. The individua l and casework services wi ll deal with such pr oblems as unwed mothers, truancies, absenteeism, emotional disturb ances, delinquent b ehavior and VD. Most of its work will be done th r ough group services and recreational and religi ous agencies. Objectives: A. To augment and i ncrease needed individual and casework services to members of casework and hea lth agencies fo r child ren and youths. B. To h e lp poor youths more effectively, utili ze the services refe rred to above. C. To more tho r oughly familiarize poor fam ilies with avail ab le ser vic es in the community to serve thei r child r en and youth. D. Tb suppor t other pr ograms and staffs in their work with troubled and/or troubling children and youths . E. To undertake small demonstr a tion projects in the hope that they will become the r egular par t of the agencies' programs . A. To conduct a sma ll pi lot project aimed at some follow- up work with pregnan t g1.r1.s and unwed mothers. This project will involve 200 girls. B. To condu ct a pilot back-to-s chool and follow-up effort. C. To conduct pilot out-rea ch or street pr ograms in sel ected areas of the c ity . D. To conduc t a specia l counse l ing and small - group t reatment with s ome selected youths refe rred by agencies. E. To pr ovide some assistance to the Fult on and Dekalb Juven ile Courts in dealing with youths tha t are wards of the Cour ts. Goals: Program Activiti~ s Planned: A. Multi - agency proj ects to follow up on gir l s trea ted in the Grady Hospita l's unwed teena ge mo t h er projects. B. A ma jor ba ck- to - school effo rt in the f a ll of 1968; C. A limi ted oµ t -rea ch. s t r ee t workers pr oj ec t; D. A re l easee program f or youth returning f rom Youth Developmen t Center. �Committees on individual and casework services and juvenile delinquency have been organized. The chairmen are Mrs. Mar ian Ford and Edith Hambrick for casework and individual services, and Mr. J ames McGovern for delinquency. �