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. ABSTRACT OF YOUTH OPPORTUNJ:'I'.Y PROGH..I\H - 1968 The ove1·all obj cotives of th e Youth Oppo:ctunity Program are to p r ovide ne eded servic es to t11e poor )tmemp loye <l, .s o:::ia J.ly rcta:c<l c d, cultura lly deprived and academic a lly delinquent youth. Th e major efforts of the Youth Opp ortun ity Progn1m arc a j_med at eli.minat:lng these conditions. The 19 68 Youth Oppor tuni ty P1·ogram is coordina ted · by the Atlanta Child ren and Youth Services Counc il. The Council is ser.ving as st af f to th e He t ropo l:i.t a n Youth Oppor tun i"ty Council. Every co:nmun ity organization, social age ncy, Neighborhood Service Center , youth club .2nd oth er pr iva·te non--p r o[i.t groups were invited t o submi t pro~r~ms and a l tcrnc!U.ves 11hich could be op en1 tecl with or without fed era l furil fog , Emp;loyment : se)cra l agencies and organ :i. za tions _H:i.11 be r.;5.ving ass j_stance to the youth err.ploymecnt a s pept of the Youth Oppor tunity Progr2m . will fu rnis h job s: Nationa l Alli2nce of Businessmen Sum.me r Recre a tion Proposals Federa l Agencj_es S tate Agencies Subsidiz ed Jobs (Ne ighborhood Youth Corps , Vocational Educa tion , Title _I , etc. ) Misce l l ane ou s PJ. a c c~ent - Youth _Opportun ity Campai8n The fol _lowing agencies \ ., ' 3, 300 1, 000 70 0 (· --~-~ \'".>·~> . I . ' 600 5 00 •' Total Conmittcd - - ----·--- - --- - -------- - -·-------~·100 The Youth Employment Center, Geo1·gia St a te E,nployi112nt Scrvj'_ce , will be respons:i.b le f or screen ing, c ounse ling ~n<l ple c emcut in th e you th emp loym~n t phase of this progra1,1. Education: In t he e ducat i ona l aspect of th e Youth Opportunj_ty Program , efforts will be made as foll oHs : 1. To provide ne o.ded rcr:1e dL,t l rn1d tutod.a l progr['.ms fo): poo r y outh ; 2. To provide v oca tiona l info nna U.cin and e ducationa l activities n eeded by youth to ente r into th e l abor fo rce ; 3. To a ll oi·7 e1:.::a t ive c1.nd i nnov.:i.t:i.ve educa t iona l progr c1.ms not poss ibl e d~ i ing winter mon ci1 s ; - J. - . ' I �4. To a llou coup ling of edu ca ti ona l , emp loymen t, cu l t ura l enri chment, and recreat iona l programs ; 5. To of fer pr ogr ams a nd cou~ses no t genera l ly avai l a bl e to poor you t h dur ing r egul ar s choo l yea r. The ma j or operating programs will be s ummer s ch oo l o operated by th e Atlan t a , Deca tur , Ft1 lton and Deka lb Count i es Schoo l Systems . A f ee i s charged f or t h ese schoolo ; houev e r , the At l an t a Publi c Schoo l Sys t em has h 1<.1 icated tha t no needy chi l d wi l l be denied admiss i on t o s umme r s chool bc:cause o[ money . PTA I s and o t h er communi ty groups a r e 1womo t i ng a t t cnda~1cc of summer school fo r chi l dren needing re1:1edia l work. I n adcl:i.tion t o the r egul a r summe r program, severa l s p c:c ia l pr ogn:imo w:i.11 b e provi<l ed unde r Title I and H I Ki\SP, by the Atlant a e.nc1 Delrn. J.b Coun t y Boards of E<ltica t :i.on . Recreat i on : The goa l i s t o provide avai l ab l e recreationa l and / or l e i s ure time ac tivi ti es in amoun t of f re,qu en cy and distance . It uould be int eres t i ng to br i e fly s ur..mari ze the r ccrca ti.ona l aspe cts of th e You th Oppor t unity Progrnm . A to ta l of 35 proposa l s uiJ.1 b e proposed . The f e dera l budge t request on these propos~ l s to t a l s $600 , 000. An in teg r a l pe rt of t he r ecrea t i ona l- cul tura l aspect of t h e pr ogr am wil l be r es i dent and clay camping progn1rns . Effort uas made to i ncre3se the number of da y and r esiden t c mp slots · avc1 iL~~bl c to poor chilch·cn nnd youth. Pres ::mtly , slots are ava il o1b le f or 2 , 538 youths in r e sident and day -.:.c:.mp activi.tfes in this program. Many e genci es are making many of the ir rc ~ul ar sunmer camp slo ts ava ilab l e t o poor youth . Th ose i nc lude th e Boy Scou t s , Gir l .Scout s , Camp Fire Girl s , YHCA and YWCA , Be thl ehem Cen t ers , e t c . Th ese organi za tions ui.J.l provid e day and resident camps for non-m2re1bers . In addit i on , t he City of At l anta Recreation Depc:r tme.n t wi ll ope rate a camp i ng program . The J euish Corr~rnuni t y Cen t er wi ll make its cl ay camp f a cil i ties ava ilab l e to gr oups of poor yo uth throughout t he smnrt1e r . Many you th will spend weekend camping trips at the St a t e and Na tiona l P&rks . Equa lly i mportRnt i s the f ac t th nt ci1ese pr oj ec ts u i l l emp l oy a pprox i ma t e ly 1,000 p6or t eenagers and young adu lts . Opera tiona l Orgnni~a tions : The City of At l anta Parks , Rec r ea t ion 2nd Schoo l Depar t merits wi ll carry the ma jor r esponsibil i ty f or t he r ecrea tiona l pro 0 r.c::m. In adcli U on , the cit ies of Ea st Point and Roswe l l will provide spec i a l recrea tiona l prog r ~rns . The Uni tcd Appea l Az encics, th e EOA Ncis hbor hoocl Sci:vice Ce nters , . a nd sevon1l communi.ty-L .:isec.l youth and young adul t groups wi ll prov id e spec i a l prof;rams . - 2- " �The members and as sociate members of th e J\rts Counci l will provide meaningf1.d_ art and · cultu ral programs . In ord er to supp l emen t tl1 ese p1·o grrnns , severc1l businessme n and women as we ll as severa l club groups will p rovide special pro grams of recreation foi.· needed childr en and youth.

Cultura l a nd J\rts Programs : ./ \ er \ _J/~" / There are a t ota l number of fo ur t e en cuJ.tu r.a l 1~ rt and cultura l programs serving 30,800 child ren an<l youth and emp l oying 6f950 youth, In aclcEt:i_ o;Y, m:- ts nncl c ra ft s programs wil l s erve another 11,370 child ren a nd you t h, Agencies providing th ese serv ic es in c lude : l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. u~. Central City l~eighborh ood Service Cente1: ; Acad emy Thc0. trc ; Ruth Mitch e ll Dan ce Company; Dekdb YHCA; Atlanta YHCA ; Centra l YHCi\ Program ; Gra dy ll om2s Co: mnuni ty Girls Club, Inc.; Me trop olit a n Boys' Club, Inc,; Butler Street TI~A ; Wo r kshop, Inco rporated ; Surr,r,1erh5.ll- -J.1ech a11icsvH le Neiehb orhood Service CentcJ: ; City of Atla nt a Perks and Recrea tion Depa rtm2nt; H. R. Butler Schoo l; Gwinne tt Co un ty EOA Adult Volunteer Prog r am : I. lntrod~c tion - A k ey to succ ess of the entire youth opportunity progr am will The manpower J.1:.edcd to ca r ry out the many activiti es in this progrnm is too nume rous to be obt ~ine d fro m the limited funds available. Effo r t will b e ma de to recruit, tr a in, and pl ac e a tot a l of 500 full and par t - time voluntee rs . be the numbe r of volunteers recnd.t e d. 1 These volu11teers wil l serve in a variety of way, such as ca wp counse lor s , e mp loyme nt int er..d.e~1crs , gc1.rne ro om sup~;:vison;, gyi:1 i ns true tm:s, co a ch0s , tuto rs , bus s upe:rvisors , homem.:i kin.g t ea che1·s , c: rts c1.nd cra fts ins true tor s , and hu ndreds of oth er t ypes o f l enders . II. . III. Re cruitmen t - Rccn1 5- t1,1~ nt of voltm tc. C!rs uiJ.1. b e r,d.1,1c1.i:ily th rmigh pu blic med i a , sp ea king cn2ngc2en t s , brochur es and fly ers . A full page a d will be p l 2ced i n th e th re:c mcJ. j or ncHsp e pers . The Federa l Gov enune nt, Lobo r Un ions, scverct l t r2. cle 2ssociat i ons , pr ofessio~1a l orgo.nizations , chu:c ch cs , and reli gious ljroups uiJ.J. b e s ol i_£i _t C;_~l -fo 1· ·-voltmtecr servj_ces. The Fc<let·.:ll agencies an: aski.n8 a ll of it s 2, ,000 volun~ ec0 to uork in this prog1·c.m.

Train ing - Trainin8 of' th e volun tec1·~-ffiTJ~bc done by VI STA, th e /i.m2 rican Red Cross , and th o u s ec agoncJ.es , \ ,.. . {\ , · \ }. .r ·.l-~ ·· 3 - '\_ O · rJ_, -/:) . l . ,,.- ·,. .t~ i 1_ ,.- J . J ? �I· IV. Pl acements - A special volunteer placemen t c ommi ttee is presently at Hork and will place the volun teers. Sp ecial Events: Im i mpor t ant par t of th e Youth Oppo1·tunity Progi:am Hill be s pecial events. Several sp e cial events will be pl a nned and impl emen ted by th e individual agencie s and organizations . The Scl1 oo l and Recrea t ion Depa rtmen t a r c now pl anni ng specia l events su ch as Jr. Olympics , Fie ld Days, Ch a tt anooga-Atlanta Games , and oth er simil ar events. In addition, arrangen~ent s ar e be i ng r,,:! de to obta in t:i.ci<.ets c1ncl aclm:l.ss ion to movies , th ea t ers , ath l e tic ev en ts, and cultura l ac t i vitie s . Bus, plane , tra in, and boa t trip s are being arrengc d. Picnics, outin gs and special si~1t - seeing tours m:e being an:ange<l , ThcSpe cic1 l- Event s-Sub- -Go,,Jilltte 1:: is r)-ng ch_<e:Li:e·cy-. •b ,i---}k- ; ~ , ,....__~a- - Trans port a tion: One of th e mos t cruci a l and critica l pr oblems to be solv ed in the Youth Opportun ity Program is trc1n s port a U.on. Nine ty-fi.ve percent of all the propos a ls submit~ed requires t rensp ort a tion. The present pl an is· to centra li ze all tra nsp ortation and di s pa tch by requ es t and regular routing. The buses will be obtnin ecl from th e follos;-;ing sources: The Atla nt a Tran s it Company; The Third Army and Oth er HiJ.:i.t a ry; The Fulton County Schools; The Dekalb County School s ; Priva te Oi·: ners of buses used by th e Cc- -mU.es; Church-o~mc<l buses; Tl1e Greyhoun d Bus; ·.,. The Tra ilways Bus; The Continent a l TraiJ.ways Eus; The ma jor rail companies; State Nat i ona l Guard An estimate of th e t nrnspoi:t<1 tion ne eds J_s i.llu s tr c>. tecl by th:: reques t s mc1de in submitted pr oj e cts. An estima t ed $158,000 is needed to prov ide the neede d trans po r t at ion fo r r es id ent camps , day c a:·,1 ps, tri ps anc1 tours . ,, -l;-· . �