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I. CITY OF ATLANTA DEPARnIENT OF LAW 2614 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUI LDI NG ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Janu ayy 27 , 1969 . -· --- -· Mr. Pa.ul B. Ivay Land Ar.,ent C:tty Hall ··

---Atlnnt<1, -G~o:::-gla 30303

Dear Paul: 1 Re: et al Cou:-c t ·- ----'11112: Spoc5.al H.:1stcr, P.·(!; -:- C. C['_rn.e:,· l:~2~cl tb2 c1bove.-· style.:1 c ase on , ::i-r>.-, ~-·...,..-, ..·· "-~::i,. .. ·r_ u, '-"' ": -n l .r..r•• 1 -:-i""Y ?7 19'0e:9 o-r= J ...,...,.t.1·1""··y 23 1 1rir..9 ';,/ -,;.,z."'"" •-· ··. ··,;-,crnd _w ~- .. '-.. ...,. $35.500.00 to H~cs. Cl2.z-:. ·u,:i oi $3,COO.OQ to F-.nyr::onil C. Ballard P the ___.., th - t- ::-:-i.~ 1.. ' ". c:.y, r::n:dng a tot..:i.1 nmount of j. c-.L..:. \. ~ "J , L . .,__ _,. i,.._,,J,-•..... _ ) , .l.. $38,500.00. apnrni g;-,·,. J testified th-3.t in h:1.s ODin" 11::! leased fee was $36,800.00 nna th9 value --~- ~,. , 200. 00, in th,~ total ~~ount of $33,000.00. L - - -- - tenant Tt,:ill"'·"'d .,.."' ,~-:..,...Le·"u b·i~·,-= 0- 1-r... , "-~.,., cM u.J.~ , J..~!_}... J.'-"u-!..il.o __ u ""-.,j _ the vc,.lue of the le as ehold was $1l~,oco.oo. Pi"1---~ .1.11_ .1 1 1 .. • 0 ~ and in his O?inion Mr. Cl;:i.J'.':~ r;;;p~e::;cntscl Hrs. Clzi::c1c, and in his op:1.11:lc,:1 tha valm of th-~ lc.nd anJ buildii.1.g w~s $60,000.00 n et to Nrs. Cl~~·k nftGr thB payr::~nt of income tmcrn. �Mx:. Paul , n. Iv~Y Je.:rn1t11:y {27, 1969 Pcige 2 , I . it -~ . . At the hear.::_n3, 11r. Clark attemptecJ to :i.1:.trocluco ~ le:1.sa e n tered into on S0.ptember 18, 1968, b et-:,;,:i~n Hrs. Cln:1:k anc1 E,:. Ba 11n r<l · ,.~ ·i-,..,-:, i·r • B!'.111[!~-'cl

fm.· ft .,..CiJt:81 of• ,.·r·dc'b

-._ . 11"!\f'<Je:::1 __ ...,. ,,. ._, ._ t·ly• - on,· \;;,,;;,----- bu·11d1,1:·r - - ---o to 1.-•_.. ...__ .. _ 11 ~ !•. unf'lv0 00


·vc,~,.,. ";,-i..., J -~a ,:•:' ) CO" v~::. ~ .. ," rl i·,11r.:i il-,~i · , · ,1 o-r i·:,)~·" ·""l~-,~,~ 1 J •( , , • ..:1, .._,.->..,.. L ... - .. 1969, to Oct ob~r. 3J.i) 1972. On obj 0 c t:i on , t h'.3 le ass u2s e:~cluclccl -fro:;:J co::.!r;;icfo·.,_·.::J.tio:-! b2.::rti.1sc rr..s.t1~ aft.9:-c both p m:ti98 h3d notice of ~ a .f 0 f .- ,.;J ,.....,. _.._. - - ·- ·- V ·- , .. _ _ _.._ _::.. "' .l. , · - - V...._•'----' ~.l.. -• - I ii


-..1 · th,3 ··co-r-1.d,:;r:na.tion suit. '1.'he a rr:ount a u2.r.cfa<l by th0 Sp~cL2l 1-1::ioto~ to !·!rs • . Cln::-1( fo:: hm: leased fee inte~·20 t of $35,500.00 is l ess tha-.:.1. tl:.e appi:zdsal of. Mr. Dn.b:1:;y of $37,750.00 und tha.t o:2 }!::·. Xb·:\:J.£m:J in tl:,rl ~r.:ount - .---- -- -of- .$36 ,eoo. 00. l!CCo'i:-d:i.n:_:;1.y, . I -;rnv.J.ci not recm;-:~::~nd · cm app~al frqn .•·. Tha nnount of $3 _,00 0. CO mrn:rcacr to th~ lc:,os·se ir, o-v·:::~· lGZ ~:)ova 117:. Dnb11ey's a?p;:aisnl o f $1,850.00 2nd ?5.-r . Ki~klar.il's a r,p:; . ;_isa . l of $1,200.00. ucuJ.cl point out tho. t Hr . E~116:r<l h rcts ar,p2.:rently • 1 ~ld"'.,." 7 O,_,,-,, c,o-;-•-:> f·•;--r,n • i•3.• rn ~r, j C-j .=,..3 t~,;:, ,'- 1t',r->_ 0'•...'"'1"• ~u _,..,b - •- .:.,


wJ .I:"' - Or.l. Q ~ir.--,••. r--.,_u..,. c. •• ri u ..... 1., ,_,.;, L--.1.--U .... .,1,.. J natt2<l $2~000.00 fro~ hi s bu3inass l~st year because of th~ £~ct that h~ u.J.s in th~ hospi tal so nuc11. In adc1iti-:rn.i h:! has to w.J.lk vith ::13sist2.nce. I f-2el sura that h:tn phy.sical c o11dit:J.o:i ,;-~ould · influe nce n jur1 in. th 2. ev2nt hls . ll.i;;..s.rd is &p-;:,;::al,~d t o a j u .r :y . r _,1. "!> ..., ... . ) -I-- , tli_,';Lt'Co...., ,~1 ~ -..,.-r·il"i <'l" b :-iz".,1 t:hP len <i~~Q .._J..e?. ciTIO t-~, -:-. , '-' ", '-'.~,1;0 j d ; ,,t-~3:e~ Jr,,__ __ io, th~ totn.1 a::Dun.ts irNolv.2 d , ?-Ir. Dab..1·2!y' s app!'.ais2.l wi~ $39,600.00 .!:r..cl F t· . Kirl·: lnnd's a.pp1·a:t.sal was $38,000.00 . ?ro -- total · su:;i. o.i7ardod by t h3 Hasti::T of $38;500.00 is w.211 w:1.t'hin tp2 ~-r2nze of the City's 2~prcdsal. ~ .:.--'"".._.. _. _ .. .::J - - - - - - --- '-"'- - -

.. - • __ lhith.~r K-c. BallarcJ nor Hrs. Cla:rk ·we:ce rep:ees~nt,?.d by c.01.rnccl at Jr- r.:.:1y 1-:.~11 b3 th-: 1t T:-Ira. c1_nri.,;: will cP)D23. l to a. t h ·-=- h,.,.n·..-·t~:1° jury in:1souch as t~~3 c :i:~'.1-nt c :1ardo d to thsJl by th2 S;i.:ci:;t1 ?-::1 ste~ _.._ -- - -.. ~• L,,, "-,;; - a.L j .i �"· . -· ... Hl'.', Paul I B, Iv0y J anum.-y 2 7 ti l9G9 Pa,0'.'.·e 3 was .some $2;000.00 less than that As · to the a-.- n· · ti~)oJ:>a1 4'.;. f:tlir!g en n·s to ·the J,, - _ .. 0 -:= -r-,~ ·(" -~ d - - ' - ' - - c,:. to th2m by tb.i3 s;;,::a:;:d · to E1.·. BallarcJ, I · uou 1c1 z-ccorr:::.:·:;i.'i.d no appt~t.1.. l ,::uless f:tlcd by· H:rs. C1.e.rk. In th-2 . c v 2r1t of 11r.s. Cl~:d-:. , :-'D D app0al, then I '\·70n1d recou:-;-:,.e~l d that c1:a E.p;_x ~al be fllecl a\1~-rJ of Ht. Ballo.:.:d. , _. ', Please let ma kno:1 yon:r w:1.chcs in th:1.s rr.3. t t a r.. . Fe:n:in Y. Assist.::.nt City Attorney Y-il.1/ljl cc: Nr • .Sta.n I·far tin. . \