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.------ - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - --- .July 18, 1969 (',.__ A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held in Committee Room

2, Second Floor, City Hall, at 2 :00 P. M., Friday, July 18, 1969.

@ ...... Committee members present: ~ Rodney Cook, Chairman Q. V. Williamson Jack Summers John Flanigen ~ ~ ......~~ w (/) < w Committee members absent: c· Gregory Griggs Char.li e Leftwich George Cotsakis Hugh Pierce ....!.. c~:



cc 0 0 co Edwin Sterne, ) Frank Etheridge ) Housing Authority The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business was considered: 1 I • A r-'\ • PUBLIC HEARI NG - ANN EXA. TIOI'-! PETITION BY JULIUS SCHNEIDER MEDICAL FOUNDATION, INC., COLUMBUS UNION CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST AND EUGENE A. ANDERSON. Charl es Watkins, First National Bank Building, was present representing the three property owners involved. Two other persons were prese nt in support of the annexation. There wa s no opp:isition. @ .,.. "" ~ ·O "-111 ...... w ,£,,, (/) ( '-..._., tat'( LiJ The staff presented a deta il ed report to each comm ittee member present re lati ve to this petition , certifying that it meets a ll requirements set forth by the State Enabling Legi slation and applicab le c ity ordinances , and recommended its approve!. The property in question lies in Land Lot 29 of the 14th District of Fulton, former ly Fayette County, and involves 69. l acres; of the total acrea ge, 46.6 acres is zoned A- 1 apartments; 17 acres is zoned R-3 and a sma ll er C-1 tract li es in Fulton County. Mr. G ladin e·xplained the c ity wou ld be annexing this property under the zoning most c lose ly related to the ex isting county z oning, which in this instance is practi ca ll y ide ntical to the county' s. All city services to the area are available, or can be provided upon req uest (letters to this effe ct from the appropriate city departments are included in the report) . In answer to que stioning by Mr. Summer~, Mr. Watkins stated the owners wish to come into the c ity for the services that are ava il ab le and to make their land more marketable for housing and sa le of apmtments. !l. c::i-< , . ., "'-::: 1:!. ...


Q:'. 0 0 u - -' �Minutes · Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page Two '·...__ ... I The committee expressed its concern about a tract immediately to the north lying in unincorporated . Fulton County which, upon approval of this annexation petition, would become landlocked and asked if it could be included along with this petition. Mr. Gladin explained this is one type of problem you incur in the petition route and it could not be legally included, but could be brought up at the next filing period in May, 1970. The committee felt this would be highly desirable and should be encouraged at that time. Mr. Eugene Anderson, part-owner of the tract which would become appeared speaking for himself and Mrs. Schneider, also part-owner, be willing to have their property annexed; that, however, he could for Mr. Steinmetz, another owner, but Mr. Steinmetz had told him to be annexed. landlocked, stating they would not officially speak he would be willing In answer to questioning by Mr. Cook, Mr. Anderson stated the C-1 zoning approved by the · county was done so as part of an overall Medical Complex proposal which subsequently fel I_ through much to their regret and loss, and there is no commercial development in the area presently. There being no further discussion, the_ matter was referred to Executive Session. In Executive Session, upon unanimous vote, this petition was approved by the committee.

1 . B. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION PETITION BY JOHN E. LIVADITIS GARMON ROAD. There was no opposition present. A detailed report relative to this petition certifying its compliance with State Enabling Le gislation and app licabl e city ordinances was presented to ea ch committee member pre sent and the staff recommended approva l . The property li es in Land Lot 177 of the 17th District and is approximately 2 acres in si z e. Mr. G ladi n stated the property is presently zoned R- 1 (Reside ntial) a nd would be annexed as R-1; that all services are available, or can be provided upon request (lettersto this e ffect are a part of the report). (- ,, Mr. Li vaditis was present a long with his representative, Robert Smith . Mr . Smith acknowledged the y were aware of the fact there a re no existing sewers to the property and . the present plans are to use two septic tanks, but the y are hopeful of working out an easement agreement with the adjoi ning property owner to connect with an outfall �Minutes Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page Three sewer 150 feet from Mr. Livaditis 1 property line. Mr. Cook called to Mr. Smith's attention a letter in the report from the Public Works Department stating that sanitary sewer is not available for the property to be annexed on Garmon Road and would not be available until approved by the property owners along this section. Mr. Smith stated they realized securing the easement would be difficult but were still hopeful it could be worked out, and in the meantime, the septic tanks are an alternative. Mr. Smith stated Mr. Livaditis is ready to begin bricking the house and doesn't have any water; since there is a charge to tap onto the water fo r property outside the city, he wanted to know if final approval of this petition by the Board of Aldermen would be expedited to relieve him from having to pay this charge. A check with the Water De partment indicated that if this committee approves the annexation peti t ion today, they would not charge Mr. Livaditis to tap onto the water prior to final approval of the petition. Messrs. Smith and Livaditis expressed their appreciation to the committee. The matter was then refe rred to Executive Session, and upon unanimous vote, this petition was approved by the committee.

2. STATUS OF RECERTIFICATION OF WORKABLE PROGRAM Pie rce Mahon y explaine d tha t the Planning staff is progressing rapidly toward completion of work fo r recerti fi ca t ion of the Wo rka ble Prog ram for a two- ye a r period, ra t he r than one ye a r which has been approve d in the past . He stated the re have bee n considerable revisi ons in the req uire me nts of the p rog ram fo r recert ification, mak ing it much more diffic ul t to pu t toge ther a nd committi ng us to a much more sol id app roach . He comme nted brie fl y on some o f the new aspe c ts of the progra m, such a s the housing and re loca ti on element and the departme nt's antici pa ted part icipa tio n in the HUD 701 p la nning p rog ra m. He explained a federa l requireme nt fo r particip ati o n in the 701 progra m is that one portion of the p lanning studies be a housing study; further, the person ne l situation throughout the city , especia lly in the te ch nica l and p rofe ssiona l leve l', is getting' serious and the Planning Department ho pe s to so lve some o f its prob lem s by hiring tempo rary personnel on 701 planning programs w ho coul d move into permanent planning vacancies as they occu r. He went on to say these new requirements, particularly housing planning fo r low and moderate income families, points up the critical need for the Urban Information System �c. Minutes Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page Four for the city, because of the various and sundry data which can be obtained from it on immediate notice, and he urged the committee's support in implementation of this system. He presented a draft of "Workable Program Five-Year Goals II and stated the city wi II be committed to these goals and emphasized the need to begin considering an advance two-year budget. Considerable discussion then ensued about the status of the Mayor's Housing Program. Colonel Jones of the Housing Resources Committee stated that the city is about halfway through the initial five-year program. He cited figures for the two and one-half year period, stating we have under construction and completed approximately 8,000 units, and we have in the pipeline more units than the original goal of 17,000. He sta ted, however, a lot of !re units in planning are being lost because we do not have properly zoned locations to put them on. Mr. Cook asked on what basis units are classified as being in the "planning stage". C·. .• Mr. Jones explained they are put in this category when a rezoning application is filed and a proposal is submitted; if the zoning is denied, they are taken out; that more zonings for this purpose have been denied than approved. He cited the loss of 21,000 units through recent rezoning denials . Mr. Cook state d this doesn't concur with figures he obtained from the Planning Department. Mr. Gladin explained the staff analysis referre d to was done about a ye ar ago and at that time the zoning approvals were running about 80-90%; that the staff is in the process of p reparing an up-to- date analysis o{ the housing program . Mr. Cook ds ked for and was furnished with a copy of Mr. Jones' late st housing report. Afte r a cu rsory examination, Mr . Cook expressed conce rn ab out the disc repancy in fi g ures contai ned in the repo rt and those sta ted ora lly by Colone l J ones. Being a me mbe r of the Zoning Committee, he state d he was tired of charges being made that the ci ty's housing goa ls we re not be ing me t because of rez oning de nial s as he did not be li e ve this to be the case, a nd he finds it very confusing and frustating to be unable to justify his positi on whe n he is unabl e to secure re li ab le statis tics; that he would Iike statisti cs differen ti a ting wha t pe rce ntage of the 8,000 uni ts quoted by Colone l J ones is ac tually low and moderate income housi ng . Mr. Kennedy stated he ha d ve ry strong rese rvations that this perce ntage was q uite low , that as stated by Mr. G ladi n , the Plann ing staff is in the process of ana lyz ing the Housing Program for the la st two and one- ha lf years a nd he fe lt this report would produce the type statistics Mr. Cook is looking for. C. �( _ Minutes Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page Five -: Mr. Gladin stated he realized the problems in working with the housing figures, and again this points up the need for good management procedures, which need to be standardized, and the Urban Information System for quick delivery of these statistics over a period of time. He also commented on the need for more emphasis on the city's total housing needs. Mr. Cook directed the staff to prepare a letter for his signature to Colonel Jones requesting clarification on the following: l. Is the actual number of units under construction and completed for the last two and one-half years the 8,000 oral figure given by Colonel Jones, or the 12,000 figure in his report of May 15, 1969; 2. What percentage of this figure is for low and moderate income housing; 3. The method used for determining what is low and moderate income housing, the name of the projects and the number of units in each project. He stated that in looking at the May 15 report and oral figures by Colonel Jones, it would appear we a re moving backwards and this prompted Mr. Flanigen to remark he had no doubt but what the program is "slipping". _p.?) ~ it: it 1to.~1 '

w if) ~ w n. With additi anal reference to the housing question, Mr. Mahony stated that at the last meeting of the Housing Resources Committee, the Legal Panel discussed the need for establishing a Housing Planning Agency within the city government to relieve the Housing Resources Commi t te e membe rs who are present ly spending an inord inate amount of time doing su rveys and research in the field of housing . He stated the logical place for such a housing function would be in the Planning Depa rtment, particularly in light of the 701 planning p rogram; that the staff would like the committe e's support; and he prese nted a le tter for Mr. Cook 's signa tu re as Chai rman of the Planning and De ve lopmen t Commi ttee supporting the department's position . Colone l Jo ne s sta ted tha t the Legal Panel has been studying this matter, but the y have no t subm itted a posi tion report to Mr . Ale xander a nd he does not kn ow what type of report w il I be subm it te d if and whe n it is, and he felt any action by t his committee on this matter would be pre mature a t t his ti me . ~ ~ ~ Q:: 0 0 c·-~ C!) M r. Gladin stated the letter does not request an y fina l a ction; tha t it mere ly makes a recommendation for the Ho using Re sou rces Committee t o consider in making their recommendation. Colonel Jones stated he sti II felt the letter was in anticipation of something and prematu re. �Minutes Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page · Six Mr. Mahony commented that the Planning Deportment fee Is very strong Iy about this and consequently wanted to take a positive approach, rather than waiting for a proposal from the Housing Resources Committee and reacting. The committee unanimously approved the letter and Mr. Cook appended his signature thereto. Referring back to the status report on the Workable Program, Mr. Gladin stated the staff hopes to present the final draft to this committee July 28, 1969 for review, and will request committee approval at a meeting on August I, 1969; it will then be forwarded to the ne x t meeting of the Board of Aldermen where, hopefully, it will be finally approved and hand delivered that same afternoon to HUD. This will give HUD ample review time prior to the October expiration date for last year's recertification.

*** *** **

Mr. Mahony explained the City of Mountain View, Clayton County and the City of Atlanta have common problems in the Plunkettown area which require joint study and action to solve. The following Resolution to initiate such action was approved: - (~ A RESOLUTION BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMM! TTEE WHEREAS, the City Planning Department is presen t ly studying the Plunkettown neighbo rhood for inclusion in the Atlanta 1970 Neighbo rhood Development Program, and WHEREAS, the Plunkettown neighborhood extends south of the Atlanta City Limits i nto t he City of Mountain View and Clayton County, and WH EREAS, Clayton County, Mountain View, and the City of Atlanta face common problem s in this area . NOW, THE REF O RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor a nd Boa rd of Alde rmen o f the City of Atlanta that Mayor Iva n Allen , J r . reque sts the Boa rd of Comm issione rs of Clayton County and the Mayor and Coun ci l of the City of Mountain View to porti cipate in a joint stud y designed to slove the probl e ms of the Plunkettown neighborhood. (~ The committee heard from Charles Stinson, President of t he Federation of South\A.Elst Clubs, a report on the first phase of the Southwest Community Study, being done for the Federation by graduate planning students from Georgia Tech. A copy of the first study phase was presented to each committee member present for information and no action was requested .

�Minutes Planning and Development Committee July 18, 1969 - Page Seven ( ,; @) Mr. Gladin informed the committee members that the Sign O rdinance had been approved by the Zoning Committee and he anticipated submitting it to the full Board of Aldermen for approval Monday, July 21, 1969, and would like this committee's support at the Monday meeting. He further informed them we wi 11 be working toward recruiting personnel to implement the ordinance, that he has requested by letter that Mr. William H. Wofford, Building Official, and the Personnel Board prepare a joint study on such personnel needs. .... <>• i "'... w CJ)

** *****

Mr. Gladin stated he had received a communication from the BOND (Bass Organization for Neightorhood Development) Community req~esting to appear before the committee to discuss being included in the 1970 NDP program; that he felt they should have this opportunity and he would like authorization to notify them to appear at the next meeting of the committee. <( w 0.. aj ~ ,,. --- '- 0 0 ( In answer to Mr. Flanigen, Mr. Gladin stated the freeway ramp question in the BOND area had not been resolved, but there are continuing discussions with Ray Nixon and the State Highway Department on the matter and he felt it could be worked out. .....I ~ The committee concurred for the BOND group to appear at the next meeting. m

.***** ****

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Approved : Rodney1500k, Chairma n Respectfully submitted: Joanne Parks, Secreta ry @) ~ / ( '- i ... "' u.J CJ) <( (J.J a.. ,."'( - -

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