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C ITY HALL November 30 , 19 6 7 ATLAl"TA . GA . 30303 Tel. 522 -4463 Ar ca Code t,04 !VAN ALLEN, JR., Mt.YOR R. EARL LANDER S, Admin istrative Assi st ant MRS. ANN M. MOSES , Ex ecutive Sec reta ry DAN E. SWEAT, JR. , Directo r of Governm ental Liaison MEMORANDUM T o : Members o f Urban Co a lit ion S teer in g C ommittee ~ '- r' l From : D an S we·at, "'-' ..../ . Enclos ed is a l ette r of inv itation and pro g r a 1n conc erning the D e cemb e r 13 m eetin g of the T ask Force on Private E mployment of the National Urban C oalition. I h op e th a t all of you c an make yo ur plans to attend this impo rt ant conference . W e might need to ask m mbers of the Steering C ommittee to a ctive l y participate i n the work sho ps as part of panel d i scussions . If this should be the cas e , I will notify you at the earliest possible moment . I am also attaching a le tter from Mr . M . C. G ettinger, Exe cuti ve Dir e ctor of the Atl anta J ewish Welfa r e Fede ration, Inc., which is a newly formed central agen cy involving the Atlanta J ewish C ommunity C ouncil , th e Jewish Welfare Fund and the Jewish S ocial S e rvice Federation. As Mr . Ge ttinger 1 s lett r states, the Federation represents virtually all the adult J ewish organizations in Atlanta and would b e the most appr o p riat e representative of all the J ewish organizations on the Urban Co alition Steering Committ e . Several organizations and many individua ls hav e called my attention to the fact that the J ewish corru.nunity is not rep:i;esented on the Steering Committee and I feel that th e Steering Committe e should give some thought to inviting Mr. Abe Golds tein , Pr esident of th Atlanta J ewis h Welfare Federation, Inc ., to serve as a member of the Steering Com1nittee. DS.;_y �