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he urban C al ·on · .1. I Federal Bar Building Wes t j 1819 H Stree t, N. w. Washingio n. D. C. j 20006 · Steering Committe e Co-ch airmen: Andrew Heiskell / A. Philip Randolph Novembe r 24 , 1967 NATI ONAL COORDINATORS WEEK LY RE PORT LOCAL COAL ITIONS The third in a series o f regional co ference s t o assi st local communities in fo rming their ovm Urb an Co alit io ns will be hel d in San Fr a ncisco o n -o vember 30 i n the San Fran cisco Hilt oh. The prog r am format will be similar t o those used f or the previous two successful con ferences in Ch icago and Minneapolis, with emphasi s on "how- t o- d o - it " worksho ps. The three general s es sions will f e ature remark s by S an Fran c isco Mayor Shel l oy and Mayor-El e ct Alioto , The Most Reverend Joseph McGucken, Kenneth Wrigh t, Vice President and Chie f Econom ist o f t e Life Insu ran ce Ass o ci ation of America , Californi a State Assemb l yman John T. Kno x, Bishop Donald Harvey Tippett and Franc es Barnes, Vic e Pres ident of the Crown Zelle r bach Co rporati on an d Preside nt o f the Management Coun ci l for Bay Are a Empl o yment Oppo rtunity . A similar regional confe rence for eastern cities, orig inall y set f or December 11 in New York City , has been postponed because ·of scheduling problems to the second week of Jant,.ary . You will shortly be advised of the exact date . PUBLI C SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN LEGISLATI ON More than 40 Washingt on represent atives of organizations which suppo rt the program o f the Urban Co alition attended a lun c heon meet i ng in the Statler Hilto n Hotel on November 20. Featured speaker Mayor John Lindsay of New York City stressed the necessity of a united legislative effort to move bills supported by the Coalition through Congress . Andrew Biemiller, Legislative Director of AFL-CIO, c ited a c ase history to illustrate the p osi tive value of business and labor representatives going together to c all on Congressmen. Rabbi Richard G. Hirsch of the Union of Ameri c an Hebrew Congregati ons described N ational Coordinators: John Feild / Ron M. Lin ton Telephone 293-1530 �I • 2 the growing awareness of chur ch groups of the need to be active iri public affairs. PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT On November 21 the Task Force on Private Empl oyment met i n Detroit with the Empl o yment a nd Education Comi-r1 i t t ee of the New Det roit Comm ittee. Th e meet ing was chair e d by William M. Day , president o f Michigan Bell Teleph o ne Company . In h is rema r ks to the group, Task Force-Co - Chairman Ger ~ ld Phillip pe , Ch a irm a n o f t he Bo a rd o f th e Ge nera l Ele c tric Company, s a id "As a r epres e nt a tive o f th e Ta sk Force on Pri v a te Emp loyment I have b een encouraging bus i nessmen to enter into a r egul a r program of exchanging ideas on this subje c t and pitching in on us eful programs to get at some of these urgent needs . All sectors o f the society need to help ea ch oth er and we nee d t o join t o gether in useful p rogr ams to cr eate new opportunitie s f or self- realization in our City slums." "In some cities it would sound st range, but there is a growi ng feeling among businessmen of my a c quaintan ce and amo ng some of our own Gener al El e ctric plant managers that a substantial me asure o f ou r busines s succ ess i n the future is g oi ng to depe nd o n our ability to help a good number o f these h ard -core u nempl o y ables become productive workers and citizens." HOUSI NG, RE CONSTRUCTION AND I NVESTMENT Th e Task Force met in New York o n No vember 21. Twelve additi onal memb ers have been recruited tq work with this group . A major working pape r is being developed to guide this Task Force in devel oping a long-r ange program. �