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CI Y OF A.TLANTA CITY HALL November 20, 1967 ATLA1TA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM To: Messrs. Cecil Alexander, Brad Currey, Jr., Curtis Driskell, James Furniss, Don Gareis, Collier Gladin, Richard Hicks, Boisfeuillet Jones, James Parham, and John Wilson From: Subject: Dan Sweat Urban Coalition Task Force on Private Employment meeting in Atlanta, December 13 The Task Force on Private Employment of the National Urban Coalition will hold a one-day seminar on problems of unemployment and expanding employment opportunities for low-income groups in the private sector at the American Motor H otel, December 13. Workshop sessions will be keyed to reaction on our Human Resources Development group slide presentation on employment and unemployment. The Mayor and the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce are cooperating with the National Urban C o alition to produce this Atlanta meeting. We will need the help of all of the Human Resources Development group members, partic uii.anly in the narration of the film in workshop sessions and in the case of two or three people to act as workshop leaders. I hop e that you will all mark your calendars on this day from 9:00 a. m . until 3: 30 p. m. and hold it for participation in this meeting. Curtis Driske ll and I are as sis ting the National Urban Coalition and will be in touch with you very shortly as to specific participation we would like to get from particular individuals. DS :fy �