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CITY OF ATLANTA November 6, 1967 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR MEMORANDUM To: R, EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant MRS, ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR,, Director of Governmental Liaison Urban Coalition Steering Committee From: Dan Sweat The Private Employment Task Force of the National Urban Coalition has scheduled a regional conference on expanding private employment in Atlanta on December 13. The conference will last for the better part of the day and will involve nationally known business officials and others who will discuss ways their companies have helped to reduce unemployment or provide additional job opportunities and advancement for the low-income people. As part of our local contribution to the program, it has be en suggested that the s lide program on employment developed by the Human R esources group b e pr esented to the Coalition meeting. This Human Resources group is made up of representatives of the City of Atlanta, Community Council, Atlanta Chamber of C omme rce, and Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. The slide program has been developed over the last e ighteen months period and is de signed to pr esent to the private businessman of Atlanta the picture on unemployment and programs designed to combat the problem. A preview of the slide program has b een scheduled for 3:00 p. m., Wednesday, November 8, in Committee Room 1 of City Hall. The Mayor and othe r members of the Local Coalition Steering Committee ar e b eing invited to attend to critique the presentation along with B ob Wood of the Mer i-t Employe rs A s sociation and one or t wo other concerned individuals. I hope tha t your schedule will p ermit your attendin g this preview. s hould l as t a bout an hour . DS :fy It �