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THE ATLANTA DAILY WORLD Friday, Decemb e r 15, 1967 . ;--r:; • I .._ ~- ~• • I,:_ ' ., . . . The Urbe.!! C~~ Et!cn h e1d B.!!. ~11 ln n c hc:.o n d.9..y· ::E~stern R egion~.! Action Con - key nate feren ce - ExpandL11g Employmen t. Opportc!nities·· at t.he Atlanta Americen _ rotor Hotel Wednesday, Dec: ! 3. The p!anning conference Jointly Bponsored by the Vrban Coalition·s T f.!.Sk · Force on · Private Employment, T h e At!ante1. Cham ber , of Commerce .and M,i'yor Allerr's Offic<c, ~.t, tracted more th3 n 275 lo-::;,,! s nrl riati,-,na.1 p;i.rt.ir ipa.rit.s. ~ hic:h he:~d th5 ?..nd Co!!:~1.1.~ity P..e!~t!c~ s, Gc~~dd!·ess by Gerald L. ~ra! El5:ctric So.; D!'. I:~wre!lce D:. S'S5S!C!! Phi!!ppe, oh air m9.n of the Board G-=1,eral Electric c on1p>?.!!Y. This is the third conferen ce a t tended by l\/T..r. Phil!iooe i n the oa.st two weeks '9.S the UrbE!n Coalition co!1tinues.t o fo cus attentiorr arr the ·natiorr's u_r1employment problems. He noted that the traditiorra.l attit ude of the business ,;,;or!d wit.h regard:; to job qualifications can no longer orevail if th .American Mayor I rnn Allen . ,Jr. greeted th e bu:;iness and indus try Ls to concielegat~s to Atlan ta. d ur ing t he ein ue to pr 0 sp<;r ?nd ,;xpanr!. opening gen eral ;;e·33ion !n the grand ba llroom . David Sulli,·an, He further sta ted tha t the Urpresident Building S0rvicc Em - ban Coalitiou h as scheduled other .ployee:c; , Interna.tiona l Union AFL·· r egiona l action pla nning conference CIO. presided over t,he opening; to take the m e:;s;i,ge direct to t he session which also h earer remar k.Ii business m en everywhere. Co-cha irman o[ the conference from, Aui; ustus H. Sterne. presi-· ·ctent Atlanta C.!1amber of Com- were Mr. PhiUippe, Mr. Sullivan merce, Dr. Law rence D . Redd ick and Mr. John Wheeler, presiden t : exP.cnti ve director; Opport11 nil;ies Mechanics and F'armers Bank, Dur[ndus trializ:i. tion Cen ter Instit11te ham , N. C. There were five work(Philacfelphia ), and William Flynn, shops. Wor kshop A. included: Director STEP Program of the Na tional Association of ManufacturChairman : John L. Denman. Manager, Dept. of Urban Affairs, ers. Vernon J ordon. project director Pnrd Co. Resource P ersons: Wilof. voter registra tion: southern Re- liam Downs, Associate Services, gioua! Council, presided ove!'. the Inc.; Dayton . Harwick, · ·Employee -,--- .. ' _,' R~dd!ck, E:::ecutive D!!'ector, Opportu!lities Industrialization Ccn- . t~! !r1stitute . . Work.shop B !..'lcluded: C hw irrn ~ n - fi',::arolri Sh c:.p -::1rrl • VI . E. Upjo!L'l I!lstitute for Emp!oymerrt Res each Resource Fersorrs: Pe.ul R. Tho!!lsoD. ::r-.1!ane.ger, Employee & Con1mu_11ity R ela tions. Gerrer>?._ 11 Ele{; tric Co.; GP~muel D~nleLs, _.\sso- cia te D!!'ector, Counc!! for Eaua.l Bt.LSi.nES3 Opportu..11iLy ; Don G a rr is, · Vice Fresident. S ears · Roebuck Foundation. Workshop C. included : Cha!rm:!.n : D r . Eeruy Brermer, Per3onnel Manager . Xerox Corpo~ation Resource Persons: Cecil Aiexander, Pinch, Alexand0;r, Barnes, Rothschild a n Pascha l, Archi- . tee ts: Berkeley G . Burrell. President. National Business League; 'Ken Howard, Industrial iRela tians, Eastman Kodak Co. Workshop D included: Chairman: Rodney t1Ustl.n, P erstmn el Manager, Reynolds Tobacco 1:;o. Resonrce . Persons : Dr. Louis K\&'1kunas. Assistant Superin.tender.t, I OVT Education. Pittsburgh : Adolph · HoLrnets. Assistant Director, Economic Development and Employment Nationa l Urban Le>?.gue.

rno.; J ame5 J . F or th . Manager

Employee and Community Re!:?.ticns, Genera l Electric Co.; Berij_arnin Goldstein . Director. The Co\L'lcil . for Equal .Busines's o p~ pbrtunit}'.. · ~--~, . ) Yforlrsho·p E includ ed:


-~Cl:iairma n : Willia m ·Flynn . Di~

r ector, STEP. Program Net!onal Association of Ma nufacturers. . · ..

. - ·

· ·: Resource Persons: Ea rl Red i'.'int CQnsultant. ESR ; R!chard Lv!e .Assistant Director, Ur ba n League South Reg!onal Office; J ohn Wll. ~O_!), . President, Horne - Wi!soii ,CQ.~ : E, L. Klein , Manager, '.RC.A:.

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