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CITY OF ATLANTA SU~l}iER 1968 A..\lD EXPA.\l DED EMl)LOYMENT OF DISADVA?\TAGED PERSO~~/EL . I. Federa ll_y_Fun ded Progam The appro ximate ly 75 federally fund ed "job slots" bein g made available to the City of Atlanta for the Summer by Economic Opportunity Atlanta and continuing employment of "hard-core" unemp loye d youth c an be utili zed by the various departments as outlined rough l y on th e attached listing . Mo re th an 100 persons have been reques t ed by reportin g dep a rt men ts and, if additional federal funds are allocated, other job slots c an be developed by a follow-up of previo us oral and written communi cations with the various depar t men ts. For maximum success in this endeavor, based on unfortunate experience in a somewhat large r and rnore ambitious pro gram three years ago,, th e following sugges tions are made : II. 1. That screening and selective placement be effected by the City Personne l Depart men t after initi a l screening by the va rious Neighborhood Youth Center referrin g a gencies . 2. That no more th an five enrollee s be ass i gned to a qualified, informe d, and concerned supervisor for counselling purposes. (New jobs with N.Y.C .. , at level above enrollee) 3. That a re gular weekly group session for all these summer enrollees-plus all of th e pre sent ly e nrolled N.Y.C. workers -- be instituted as an important, int egral, required prog ram ph ase . Groups could visit various City faciliti es by prope r advance planning ; and civic, civil, and social a menities could be the indirect· objective. 4. That Rule 59, Labor Laws of Georgia, 196 3 edition, relating to the liftin g of 30# or more for minors and women be modi fied to allow less r es tricte d e mployr:1ent o f you ths a ge 16 and 17. (Mr . Murray Silve r, State Labor De partment Attorne y, Februar~ 5, 1968 , advised tha t s uch modification was to b e effected.) I have r eques ted ass i stance of the State Commissioner of Labor in securing a libera li za tion of th i s restrictive rule. Exis~~l!.8 Job Vacancies Conside r a tion is be in g give n to ,~1 e the r it is fea s ible or l egal to pos tpone for the duration of the s umme r months the e s tablishment of civil servic e re gisters i n cl ass e s sucl1 as Auditorium Utility Worker I, Au to motive Serviceman I, Clerk, Community Re creation Leade r, Enginee rin g Aide I, In cine r ator Ope rator I, Semi-Skille d Worke r, Trea t ment Plant Ope r a tor , Zoo Attend ant , Labore r, and Was t e Colle ctor so th a t a s many as poss ible of such pos ition s may b e fill e d by unemploye d youth. �III. Other Recommendations It is suggested that certain programs, such as the City's federally funded ABC program be expanded into a variety of community service areas or into existing City service programs ; e . g., nursery service programs or Zoo · staffing subqrdinate assignments. These expanded programs would enable employme nt of female older workers who are family breadwinners. Their employment on a regular basis would begin to establish the necessary stability in the family unit. .,. �